Entrance requirements for international students

Please be aware of the different application deadlines for the application portal of Osnabrück University and uni-assist e.V.:

Application deadlines at uni-assist :

  • June 15 for Winter Semester
  • December 15 for Summer Semester

For further information on the exact deadlines, see  International prospective students EU and EEA and  International prospective students non-European.

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To study at Osnabrück University, you must meet certain entrance requirements. You can find further information on this page.


At Osnabrück University, admission to a Bachelor's degree program or the First State Examination in Law (Staatsexamen) requires a previous education equivalent to the Abitur. Information on university admission with your certificates can be found at  anabin.kmk.org and at  uni-assist.

If you would like to apply for a Master's degree program, you must have a first university degree. At  anabin.kmk.org you can check whether your degree is recognized for a Master's degree in Germany. Please also note that the Master's degree programs at Osnabrück University are consecutive. This means that your first university degree has to be inthe same or a related field of study.

We would like to point out that the Admissions Office cannot provide any information about your suitability for the desired Master's degree program. The suitability in terms of content can only be determined by the responsible selection committee after your application.

Please refer to the  relevant admission regulations to find out which subject-specific admission requirements you must fulfill.

Language requirements

In order to study at Osnabrück University, you will need very good German language skills for many degree programs.
Unfortunately, Osnabrück University itself does not offer any preparatory German courses as part of the application procedure. An application can therefore only be successful if the necessary German language skills are already proven with the application for admission to the degree program.
Please note that the proof of German language skills must not be older than two years.
If you do not have a C1 German certificate or equivalent certificate at the time of application, you can apply with a recognized B2 certificate. If your application is successful, you will be provisionally admitted to the course. However, you must submit a C1 German certificate for enrollment.

  Language Level C1 Language Level B2 Language Level B1
Recognized Language Tests DSH2, Goethe Zertifikat C2,
Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 16 Points, ÖSD C1
DSH1, Goethe Zertifikat B2,
Telc B2, TestDaF 12 Points, ÖSD B2
Goethe Zertifikat B1,
Telc B1, ÖSD B1

There are also other  certificates that exempt you from taking a German test.

Here you will find an  overview of the recognized language tests for foreign languages.

Study program German English Other Foreign Languages
 Art/Art Education - Dual-Subject Bachelor C1 - -
 Art - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Art - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 - -
 Art - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -

 Biology - Dual-Subject Bachelor

C1; if two natural science subjects are combined B2



 Biology - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Biology - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -
 Biology - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -
 Biology - Bachelor of Science B2; condition: participation in a compulsory German language course during the first two semesters of study - -
 Business Administration and Economics - Dual-Subject Bachelor C1 B2 -
Business Administration and Economics - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen)      
 Business Administration and Economics (BWL/VWL) - Bachelor of Science C1 B2 -
 Business Law - Bachelor of Laws C1 - -
 Catholic Theology / Catholic Religion - Dual-Subject Bachelor C1 - -
 Catholic Religion - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Catholic Religion - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 - -
 Catholic Religion - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -
 Catholic Religion - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -

 Chemistry - Dual-Subject Bachelor

C1; if two natural science subjects are combined B2



 Chemistry / Nanosciences - Dual-Subject Bachelor C1; if two natural science subjects are combined B2 - -
 Chemistry - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Chemistry - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -

 Cognitive Science - Bachelor of Science




 Computer Science - Dual-Subject Bachelor C1; if two natural science subjects are combined B2 - -
 Computer Science - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Computer Science - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -
 Computer Science - Bachelor of Science B2; condition: participation in a compulsory German language course during the first two semesters of study - -
 Cosmetology - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -
 Economics - Dual-Subject Bachelor C1 B2 -

 Education Science - Dual-Dubject Bachelor




 Elementary Social Studies and Science - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 - -

 Embedded Software Systems - Bachelor of Science

B2; condition: participation in a compulsory German language course during the first two semesters of study



 English Studies/English - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 English - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)




 English - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 C1 -
 English - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 C1 -
 English - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 C1 -
 Environmental Systems Science - Dual-Subject Bachelor C1 - -
 Environmental Systems Science - Bachelor of Science B2; condition: participation in a compulsory German language course during the first two semesters of study    

 European Studies - Bachelor of Arts




 French (Romance Studies/One Language) - Dual-Subject Bachelor





 French - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 -



 French - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 -



 German/German Studies - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 German - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 German - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 - -
 German - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -
 German - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -

 Geography - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 Geography - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
Geography - Bachelor of Science      

 Geoinformatics - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 History - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 History - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 History - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -

 Health Sciences - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen)




 Information Systems - Bachelor of Science C1 - -

 Islamic Theology - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 Islamic Religion - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Islamic Religion - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 - -
 Islamic Religion - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -
 Islamic Religion - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -
 Islamic Theology - Bachelor of Arts C1 - -

 Italian (Romance Studies/One Language) - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 Latin - Dual-Subject Bachelor



Qualification in Latin

 Latin - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - Qualification in Latin
 Law - First State Examination in Law C1 - -

 Mathematics - Dual-Subject Bachelor

C1; if two natural science subjects are combined B2



 Mathematics - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Mathematics - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 - -
 Mathematics - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -
 Mathematics - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -
 Mathematics -  Bachelor of Science B2; condition: participation in a compulsory German language course during the first two semesters of study - -

 Music/Musicology - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 Music - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Music - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 - -
 Music - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -

 Nursing Science - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen)




 Philosophy - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 Physics - Dual-Subject Bachelor

C1; if two natural science subjects are combined B2



 Physics - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Physics - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1- - -
 Physics - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -
 Physics - Bachelor of Science B2; condition: participation in a compulsory German language course during the first two semesters of study - -

 Political Science - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 Protestant Theology / Protestant Religion - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 Protestant Theology / Protestant Religion - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Protestant Religion - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 - -
 Protestant Religion - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -
 Protestant Religion - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -

 Psychology - Bachelor of Science




 Social Education - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen)




 Social Sciences - Bachelor of Arts




 Sociology - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 Spanish (Romance Studies/One Language) - Dual-Subject-Bachelor




 Spanish - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Spanish - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -

 Sport/Sports Science - Dual-Subject Bachelor




 Sports - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) C1 - -
 Sports - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule) C1 - -
 Sports - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -
 Sports - Vocational Teacher Education (Berufsbildende Schulen) C1 - -

 Textile Design - Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule)




 Textile Design - Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) C1 - -

In order to study at Osnabrück University, you will need very good German language skills for many degree programs.
Unfortunately, Osnabrück University itself does not offer any preparatory German courses as part of the application procedure. An application can therefore only be successful if the necessary German language skills are already proven with the application for admission to the degree program.
Please note that the proof of German language skills must not be older than two years.
If you do not have a C1 German certificate or equivalent certificate at the time of application, you can apply with a recognized B2 certificate. If your application is successful, you will be provisionally admitted to the course. However, you must submit a C1 German certificate for enrollment.

  Language Level C1 Language Level B1
Recognized Language Tests DSH2, Goethe Zertifikat C2,
Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 16 Punkte, ÖSD C1
Goethe Zertifikat B1,
Telc B1, ÖSD B1

There are also other  certificates that exempt you from taking a German test.

Here you will find an  overview of the recognized language tests for foreign languages.

Study program German English Other Foreign Languages

 Art and Communication - Master of Arts




 Business Administration - Master of Science




 Biology - From Molecules to Organisms - Master of Science




 Cognitive Computing - Master of Science (extra occupational)




 Cognitive Science - Master of Science




 Computer Science - Master of Science




 Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding - Master of Arts




 German/German Studies - Master of Arts




 German Law - Master of Laws




 Economics - Master of Science




 English and American Studies - Master of Arts




 Environmental Systems and Resource Management - Master of Science




 Education Science with a Focus on Childhood and Social Diversity




 European Governance in Transformation - Master of Arts




 Geography: Society - Environment - Future - Master of Science




 Geoinformatics - Master of Science




 History - Master of Arts



Additional Language at Level B1

 Information Systems - Master of Science




 International Migration and Intercultural Relations - Master of Arts




 Islamic Theology - Master of Arts



Classical Arabic

 Language in Europe - Master of Arts



Adittional Foreign Language at Level B1

 Literature and Culture in Europe - Master of Arts



Second European Foreign Language at Level B1

 Mathematics - Master of Science




 Musicology - Master of Arts




 Nanosciences - Materials, Molecules and Cells - Master of Science




 Physics - Master of Science




 Psychology: Focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy - Master of Science




 Psychology: Focus on Intercultural Psychology - Master of Science




 Social Work in the Migration Society - Master of Arts




Sociological Time Diagnosis




 Theology and Culture - Master of Arts




Artistic degree programs

For the undergraduate subjects Art/Art Education and Music/Musicology, enrollment is only possible if you successfully pass the  aptitude test. Please note the relevant deadlines.

Applications from China India and Vietnam

Generally, the same regulations apply for applicants with educational certificates from China, India and Vietnam as for all other international prospective students.

However, certificates from China, India or Vietnam must also be checked by the Academic Evaluation Center (Akademische Prüfstelle / APS) before prospective students can apply in Germany (certificate check and interview). If this check is positive, you will receive a certificate. This process simplifies the application procedure at German universities and speeds up the issuing of a visa. Please also note that the APS certificate must be submitted at the time of application.

Please find out exactly how the APS procedure works, which documents you need to submit and which deadlines you need to meet!

 APS China

 APS India

 APS Vietnam

Country-specific requirements

Please check the  country information before applying. Some countries have specific regulations for certificates and other documents. This way you can ensure that you are not missing any important documents for your application.

Further information

Further information about studying in Germany can be found in the  Practical Guide for International Students (PDF, 1.55 MB).

Find helpful information about your stay in Germany and get useful insights from international students at  Studying in Germany.

Find useful information available in nine languages on topics such as residency, German courses, family, health, mobility, housing and participation in the labor market at  Handbook Germany.

In addition,  Internationals Welcome provides you with insights and useful information about your studies at Osnabrück University.

Maren Grosse-Wördemann

Admissions Office

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/26
Consultation hours: If you would like to schedule a consultation by phone or in person, please send an e-mail to arrange an appointment.

 +49 541 969-4009

Lara Fahrenbruch

Admissions Office

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/25
Consultation hours: If you would like to schedule a consultation by phone or in person, please send an e-mail to arrange an appointment.

 +49 541 969-4301