
Specialization in general internal administration of the state of Lower Saxony

Job description

Administrative assistants are needed in almost all areas of Osnabrück University. Their work focuses on the processing of administrative procedures in accordance with legal regulations. The tasks are carried out with the help of modern work and communication tools and taking into account business and economic aspects

What do administrative assistants do?

  • Get to know the work organization of a modern university administration
  • Apply legal regulations on the basis of practical cases
  • Work in the personnel department. Processing recruitment applications and other personnel procedures
  • Work in the finance department. Budget, cash and accounting, procurement of materials, economic planning
  • Issuing notices, providing information, creating certificates and ID cards, preparing decisions

How is the vocational training structured?

The training lasts three years and is divided into practical training periods and theoretical lessons (in the form of vocational school lessons and courses at the Lower Saxony Study Institute).

Employment during practical vocational training:

  • in the Personnel Department
  • in the Finance Department
  • in the Student Affairs Administrative Service
  • in a departmental administration
  • at a local authority in the trainee's place of residence

1st year of training

  • Introductory course at the Studieninstitut des Landes Niedersachsen (in Bad Münder)
  • Practical vocational training in various Administrative Services of the university.
  • Vocational school lessons at the vocational schools at Schölerberg (block teaching)

2nd year of training

  • Vocational training lessons at the vocational schools at Schölerberg (block teaching)
  • Practical vocational training at a local authority or municipal administration
  • Intermediate course at the Study Institute of the State of Lower Saxony

3rd year of training

  • Practical training in various Administrative Services of the university
  • Final course at the Study Institute of the State of Lower Saxony
Two men in checked shirts are sitting at a desk in front of a screen. One is explaining something to the other and pointing at his notes.
© Simone Reukauf
View over the shoulder of a person dressed in a shirt, writing on a sheet of paper with a ballpoint pen.
© Simone Reukauf

What requirements do I need to fulfill?

A secondary school leaving certificate is required.
Good knowledge of German and mathematics, an interest in dealing with laws and the ability to think logically and concentrate are expected.

What other support measures are available?

During the practical vocational training, in-house lessons are held to consolidate the theoretical training content. There are also regular in-house classes for all trainees at Osnabrück University in which general training-related topics are discussed. There is also the opportunity to take part in further education and training events (language courses, IT courses, etc.).


If you perform well and prove yourself, and if you take part in further training courses, you can be promoted to senior civil service after successfully completing your training.

Where can I find more information?

 BERUFENET of the Employment Agency

 Bad Münder Study Institute

Training management

Frauke van der Meer

Foto Frauke van der Meer
Dezernat 2: Personal

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 12/E04
Office hours: Mo - Fr 9 - 12:30 Uhr

 +49 541 969-4439