Two students are sitting in a café next to a round bookshelf and talking. In front of them is a laptop.
© Simone Reukauf

OSKA+ Peer Learning for second semester students

Workshops by students for students

Our OSKA+ peer tutors (experienced students who will work with you as equals) develop workshops and support you in developing important skills for your studies. The peer learning offers can be used as needed in the summer semester to get to know or deepen your own study-relevant skills. These offers are designed to support you in your studies so that you can better cope with exams, assignments and presentations and offer extended opportunities to get in touch with other students during your studies.

You can find the workshops here and on Stud.IP shortly before the start of the summer semester.

Still questions about your studies?

After your first semester you have...

  • still have too much stress and don't know how to deal with it?
  • you lack balance and are not managing to organize yourself well in your new environment?
  • you feel like your workload is too heavy?
  • your time management isn't working so well yet?
  • feel that AI tools, submissions and exams are too complicated? How do the others do it?
Depiction of a drawn arrow and three figures. One holding a light bulb. A figure helping another to climb a ladder (she is holding the ladder). One sitting cross-legged in relaxed meditation.
© Nina Faust
Depiction of four drawn figures. One running away with her hands over her head. One who can barely walk under the weight of books. A ticking bomb and a wrestling alarm clock.
© Nina Faust

Experienced students will help you!

Visit our workshops by students for students.

Possible topics are

  • Self and time management
  • Study organization and planning
  • Learning techniques and exam preparation
  • Academic work and dealing with AI
  • Dealing with challenges and stress

Contact OSKA+

Nina Faust, M.A.

Foto Nina Faust, M.A.
Koordinationsstelle Professionalisierungsbereich

Kolpingstraße 7
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 01/304
Office hours: nach vorheriger Terminbuchung über Stud.IP, weitere nach Vereinbarung

 +49 541 969-4103