Social Equity

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Overview of Offers

Multiple arms are stretched out from all corners of the picture meeting in the middle, where the hands lay on top of each other
© melita |

Gender Equality

In order to in­crease gen­der equa­li­ty at all levels of Osna­brück Uni­versity, the Equal Oppor­tu­nity Office offers in­di­vi­dual ad­vice, em­power­ment pro­grams and in­for­ma­tion ma­te­ri­als for all sta­tus groups.

Multiple colorful fists are raised into the air
© Stranger Man |


Anti-discrimination coun­seling serves to support people who are ex­posed to dis­cri­mi­na­tory be­ha­vior and struc­tural dis­ad­van­tages in their study or work con­text.

In a lecture hall posters are hung up showing the slogan "Sexualized discrimination and violence - [Ir]relevant for universities?!" and further information
© Annkatrin Kalas

Sexualized Harassment

Sexua­lized harassment, dis­cri­mi­na­tion and vi­o­lence will not be tole­ra­ted at Osna­brück Uni­ver­sity under any cir­cum­stan­ces. Qua­li­fied coun­se­lors offer support for those affec­ted and pro­vide in­for­ma­tion about possible fur­ther steps.

A daily planner lies open showing both work appointments and appointments with the family

Family & Care

The Family Service supports and advi­ses parents, parents-to-be and people with caring re­spon­si­bi­li­ties on the sub­ject of re­con­ci­li­ation and pro­vides collec­tions of in­for­ma­tion on the to­pics of parent­hood and caring re­spon­si­bi­li­ties.

A rainbow springs from a megaphone
© Tetiana Komarytska |

Equality & Diversity

Osnabrück University embeds equa­li­ty and di­ver­si­ty issues at both cen­tral and de­cen­tra­lized le­vels and aims to take equal oppor­tu­ni­ties as­pects into account in all deve­lop­ment pro­cesses.

Zwei Reifen eines Rollstuhls werden von Händen gegriffen, im HIntergrund ist ein großes gelbes Gebäude
© Universität Osnabrück

Studying With a Disability and Chronic Illness

If you have any questions about studying with a disability, please contact the representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses.