Equal Opportunity

Gender Equality Structure

The actual implementation of gender equality is a legally enshrined mandate for which the entire university community is responsible and which is promoted at different levels with different measures and actors.

The university is supported in this by the three institutional "pillars" of gender equality work at UOS: the Equal Opportunity Representatives, the Equal Opportunity Office and the Equal Opportunity Committees. Gender equality policy associations and initiatives at federal and state level also promote gender equality measures at both a financial and conceptual level.

Gender Equality Measures & Projects

In order to increase gender equality in appointment and hiring processes, the central Equal Oppor­tu­nity Re­pre­sen­tative has com­piled infor­mation, documents and further links on topics relating to gender equality measures in selec­tion procedures.

 Gender Equality Work in Selection Procedures

 Checklist: Implementing the Gender Equality Mandate and Active Recruiting

 Gender Bias in Appointment Procedures

Data in the area of gender equality is compiled in the Equality Controlling. This allows the uni­ver­sity and its schools to be ana­lyzed with regard to gender equality goals and gender equality measures to be deve­loped in a tailored manner.

 Equality Controlling

Gender-inclusive language is characterized by the fact that persons of all genders are addressed equally using gender-neutral or gender-inclusive personal desig­nations and that unnecessary or stereo­typing refe­rences to gender are avoided.

 Language & Gender

In the Dialog­initiative, the MWK, the LHK and lakog nieder­sachsen are working on the strategic development of gender equality at uni­ver­sities. Under the project management of Dr.in Sabine Jösting, the fourth round of the Dialog­initiative (2024 - 2026) is currently taking place, which is dedicated to the topic of "inter­sec­tional gender equality work".

 Dialoginitiative: Gender-Equitable University Culture [in German]

Gender Equality at the UOS

Find out more about the gui­ding prin­ci­ples as well as the history of gender equality measures at UOS.

 Our Principles

 History & Successes
