
Osnabrück University is aware that universities are also places where societal power structures are reproduced, privileging certain groups while disadvantaging others. Therefore, the university critically examines its own role in exclusion processes and works towards reducing discrimination both at the individual and institutional level. The anti-discrimination work at Osnabrück University aims to support and protect individuals affected by discrimination by offering counseling and assistance. The main objective at the institutional level is to identify and dismantle structural and institutional barriers and disadvantages.

Discrimination occurs when a person is disadvantaged due to actual or perceived group-specific characteristics such as gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, cultural or social background, disability, religion/worldview, age, or as a result of racist or antisemitic attributions. The term 'intersectional discrimination' refers to a form of discrimination that arises from the specific interaction of different characteristics (e.g. gender and disability). Discrimination never occurs as an isolated event but happens structurally in all areas of society.

The UOS Equal Opportunity Office offers confidential and, if desired, anonymous counseling for those affected by discrimination. The counseling is available to all members and affiliates of UOS who have experienced or witnessed discriminatory statements and/or behavior. You are also welcome to contact us if you feel you are being discriminated against on a structural or institutional level at UOS. A consultation provides an opportunity for you to share your experiences. Even if you do not wish to take any further steps afterwards, your experience is important for the university to help identify problem areas and implement preventative measures. Together, we will find a way forward. Please contact the counsellors listed on this page for counselling.

In addition to anti-discrimination advice, the Equal Opportunity Office also offers advice in cases of experienced or observed  sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence.

If you have experienced discrimination during your studies due to a disability or chronic illness, please contact the  representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses.

As an employee, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the university's  complaints office under the General Act of Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz - AGG) in the event of discrimination.

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All Services

Find the con­sul­ta­tion and support ser­vi­ces offered on mat­ters of social equity.

Sexual Harassment

Make use of the coun­seling ser­vi­ces in ca­ses of sexual harass­ment and dis­cri­mi­na­tion.


Learn more about mat­ters of diver­sity at Osna­brück Uni­versity.


Familiarize your­self with the ter­mi­no­logy used by the Equal Oppor­tu­nity Office.