Clever Subject Combinations
One Bachelor - two subjects - many possibilities!
Whether climate change or sustainability - many problems can hardly be solved with the help of individual scientific disciplines. In an increasingly complex world, interdisciplinary perspectives are in high demand in research and on the job market.
Combining expertise - looking left and right - out of the ivory tower: At Osnabrück University, you can combine two disciplines as a double major or major-minor with the Dual-Subject Bachelor. Interdisciplinary, future-oriented and individual!
Tips for clever combinations:
That is what makes it special:
Molecular Biology has always required special knowledge and techniques from the field of Chemistry in order to understand biological phenomena. By individually combining molecular and cell biology courses from biology with those from chemistry, you can prepare yourself for the promising fields of research at the interface between these disciplines. A dual-subject Bachelor's degree qualifies you for the interdisciplinary Master's degree course in Nanosciences, including practical training at the CellNanOS Research Center.
Further Master's courses at Osnabrück University:
Nanosciences - Materials, Molecules and Cells
Biology - From Molecules to Organisms
Occupational fields:
Doctorate and research in the fields of biological chemistry, biochemistry, structural biology, biophysics; industrial research in the fields of drug or vaccine development, analytics and quality control; development of analytical technology for the life sciences; consultancy work in Biology for companies or in management consultancy; teaching in schools and beyond and much more.
That is what is special:
Molecular Biology has always benefited from the development of new methods in Physics that provide new insights into biological processes. By individually combining molecular and cell biology courses from biology with those from physics, you can prepare yourself for the promising fields of research at the interface between these disciplines. A dual-subject Bachelor's degree qualifies you for the interdisciplinary Master's degree course in Nanosciences, including practical training at the CellNanOS Research Center.
Further Master's courses at Osnabrück University:
Nanosciences - Materials, Molecules and Cells
Biology - From Molecules to Organisms
Occupational fields:
Doctorate and research in the fields of structural biology, biophysics, molecular imaging; industrial research in the fields of drug and vaccine development, analytics and quality control; development of analytical technology for the life sciences; consultancy work in Biology for companies or in management consultancy; teaching in schools and beyond and much more.
That is what makes it special:
Chemistry investigates the properties and composition of substances and their transformation into one another. This makes chemistry a basic science for the understanding of nature as well as for the design of new materials and medicines. Computer science methods are used in a variety of applications in natural science disciplines. In chemistry, these applications range from the control of experiments, including data acquisition and analysis, to the use of chemical databases, the visualization and modelling of molecules and the simulation of chemical processes. The competent use and further development of such IT tools requires a combination of knowledge of chemistry and computer science. While both sciences have an impact on practically all areas of life and applications, the combination of both subjects is becoming increasingly important in the increasingly digitalized world of the 21st century.
In this degree program, you will acquire extensive basic knowledge in chemistry (e.g. organic, inorganic and physical chemistry) and computer science (software development, technical and theoretical computer science), which you can then deepen with special lectures from chemistry (e.g. solid state or electrochemistry) and computer science (e.g. computer graphics or databases).
At Osnabrück University, Chemistry and Computer science can be combined as equal core subjects on the Bachelor's degree course. Alternatively, the focus can be on chemistry as a major subject, while computer science is taken as a minor subject.
Further Master's programs at Osnabrück University:
Computer Science (if Computer Science is taken as a core subject)
Occupational fields:
In addition to remaining in research, graduates have a wide range of employment opportunities in the public sector, in numerous branches of the manufacturing industry, in the software sector, in the biomedical sector, in management consultancies, in insurance companies or as patent attorneys. Possible tasks can be in the areas of research and development, programming, production, material testing, sales and consulting as well as in the patent system.
That is what makes it special:
Only together with chemistry and physics can material properties or the nanocosmos, for example, be understood. A combination of both subjects is the prerequisite for many scientific and technical breakthroughs. At Osnabrück University, you can combine Chemistry and Physics as you wish in your Bachelor's degree - you can focus on chemistry or physics as your main subject or study both subjects as equal core subjects.
Further Master's degree programs at Osnabrück University:
Nanoscience - Materials, Molecules and Cells
Occupational fields:
Typically, a natural science degree is continued to a Master's degree and is often followed by a Doctorate. In addition to remaining in research, graduates have a wide range of employment opportunities in the public sector, in numerous branches of the manufacturing industry, in the biomedical sector, in management consultancies or as patent attorneys. Possible tasks can be in the areas of research and development, production, material testing, sales, consulting and in the patent system.
This is what makes it special:
The combination of chemistry and environmental systems science offers an interdisciplinary access to understanding the chemodynamics in and influence on environmental systems by chemical contaminants such as fertilizers, pesticides or even plastic waste. The course combines basic knowledge in inorganic, organic and physical chemistry and in the mathematical modeling of human-environment systems. Building on this, new approaches to environmental and resource protection can be developed, for example.
You can combine chemistry and environmental systems science as equivalent core subjects in your Bachelor's degree.
Further Master's courses at Osnabrück University:
Environmental Systems and Resource Management
Occupational fields:
With the subsequent Master's degree course in Environmental Systems and Resource Management, you can take on tasks in research and development, production, materials testing, sales, consulting and patenting related to environmental systems, environmental protection and sustainability in industry, service companies, academic research and the public sector.
That's what makes it special:
Chemists and economists don't understand each other? The combination of an understanding of chemistry and Business Administration and Economics is needed both in the large chemical industry and in the numerous medium-sized hidden champions in the field of chemistry, some of which are world market leaders in their business areas. At Osnabrück University, you can combine chemistry as a major subject with Business Administration and Economics as a minor subject.
Further Master's courses at Osnabrück University:
At the moment, there is no direct option to continue on to a Master's program at Osnabrück University. You can study the Master's degree program Nanoscience - Materials, Molecules and Cells with Chemistry as your major, provided you take courses in Biology or Physics as a minor amounting to 30 credit points. Some other German universities offer Master's programs in Business Chemistry.
Occupational fields:
Chemical industry and pharmaceutical industry - both large corporations and the many medium-sized companies in the sector.
That is what makes it special:
For many social challenges - environmental pollution, climate change or the mobility transition - solutions can only be developed if economic, social and ecological factors are considered together. At the same time, ecological and social issues are becoming increasingly important in companies. The combination of Geography as a major and Business Administration and Economics as a minor will give you the right qualifications for this. Not only will you learn to analyze and understand the relationships between society and the environment, but you will also gain special knowledge of entrepreneurial activity and economic contexts in Business Administration and Economics.
Geography and Business Administration and Economics can be combined in the Bachelor's degree in the combination of Geography as a major subject and Business Administration and Economics as a minor subject.
Continuing Master's program at Osnabrück University:
Geography: Society - Environment - Future"
Occupational fields:
In the subsequent Master's degree course "Geography: Society, Environment, Future", you can focus on economic geography and subsequently find jobs, for example, in business development or management consultancy, but also in sustainability and supply chain management or the expansion departments of companies.
That's what makes it special:
Would you like to help create new worlds? With the combination of geography and geoinformatics, the basic geographical knowledge of spatial processes and structures and the methodological know-how of geoinformatics come together to form a powerful combination. Many planning offices and public administrations are looking for this expertise, which can be used to improve urban and environmental planning, for example.
Geography and geoinformatics can be combined as equivalent core subjects on the Bachelor's degree course.
Further Master's courses at Osnabrück University:
Geography: Society - Environment - Future"
Occupational fields:
With the subsequent Master's degree course in Geoinformatics, you will find positions in a wide range of fields of activity in the private or public sector that deal with geodata. But an academic career is also open to you!
That's what makes it special:
Your cell phone calculates the fastest route between two locations. How does it work? Every day in Germany, an area the size of 70 soccer pitches of farmland and grassland is lost to housing and transportation construction. How do we know that? Answering such questions requires the collection and analysis of spatial data and this is the task of geoinformatics. Computer science methods are also used, for example to manage large volumes of data and information and to analyze data using artificial intelligence methods.
Geoinformatics and computer science can be combined as equivalent core subjects on the Bachelor's degree course at Osnabrück University. Another unique feature of the Geoinformatics degree course in Osnabrück is the focus on remote sensing, which makes use of satellite image data and images from drones for environmental analyses.
Further Master's courses at Osnabrück University:
Computer Science
Occupational fields:
Graduates of the combination of geoinformatics and computer science have a wide range of future-oriented fields of work with excellent job prospects. With the subsequent Master's degree in Geoinformatics or Computer Science, you will also gain the qualifications for management and leadership positions in various professional and occupational fields as well as work in research.
That is what makes it special:
The combination of philosophy and English studies unites two disciplines that deal with central issues surrounding the connection between language, thought and culture. You will learn to think critically, communicate with linguistic precision and understand cultural and philosophical contexts. From linguistics to philosophy of language, from social philosophy to reflections on contemporary English and American culture, this unique interface allows you to combine intercultural and intellectual perspectives to explore the present and past of the history of ideas in both German and English.
Further Master's programs at Osnabrück University:
English and American Studies (M.A.)
Literature and Culture in Europe (M.A.)
Occupational fields (especially with a Master's degree):
Jobs in education, culture and media, corporate communications, consulting or academia.
That is what makes it special:
Modern physics is inconceivable without the use of computer science methods. In experimental physics, for example, this involves the acquisition, storage and evaluation of large amounts of data. A significant part of theoretical physics is based on the software-based realization of mathematical models, including the use of highly parallel supercomputers. Applications of physics range from the simulation of climate models to the development of alternative technologies for future challenges in all kinds of fields such as health, energy, information technology, transport, etc.
In physics, you will acquire extensive basic knowledge of mathematical and experimental methods. In computer science, you will acquire basic knowledge in the field of software development as well as technical and theoretical computer science. You can acquire special knowledge in elective courses such as computer graphics or artificial intelligence.
At Osnabrück University, you can combine physics and computer science as equal core subjects on your Bachelor's degree. Alternatively, you can focus on physics as your main subject while taking computer science as a minor subject.
Further Master's programs at Osnabrück University:
Computer Science (if Computer Science is taken as a core subject)
Occupational fields:
Physicists are in high demand on the job market. In addition to remaining in research, graduates have a wide range of employment opportunities in the public sector, in numerous branches of the manufacturing industry, in the software sector, in management consultancies, in insurance companies or as patent attorneys. Possible tasks can lie in the areas of research and development, programming, production, material and quality testing, sales and consulting as well as in the patent system. With a subsequent Master's degree in computer science or physics, you will also be qualified for management and leadership positions in many fields of research, professions and activities. The Master's degree course can be followed by a Doctorate.
That is what makes it special:
Globalization, sustainability, inequality: dealing with such major topics requires the interaction of different subjects. The combination of political science and economics at Osnabrück University offers such interdisciplinary access. The focus is on understanding processes and decisions in companies, households and politics that shape, for example, the sustainable design of production processes, the stability of democracies or the dynamics of international financial relations and social security systems.
The course includes comprehensive basic knowledge in economics and political science. Political science primarily examines the power structures and decision-making processes of modern societies. The analysis of diverse forms of local, national and supranational governance also requires an understanding of economic interrelationships and Business Administration and Economics methods of analysis. Economics examines the interaction between companies, households and politics in a market economy and shows what effects economic policy decisions have on the functioning of national economies. The implementation of these findings also requires a well-founded analysis of political decision-making processes and institutions.
Further Master's programs at Osnabrück University:
Economics (with possible specializations in "Sustainability, Behavior and Environmental Policy" and "Empirical Economics")
European Governance in Transformation
Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding
Occupational fields:
The combination of Political Science and Business Administration and Economics offers a wide range of fields of employment in companies, public administration, political parties and associations as well as academia and civil society.
That is what makes it special:
The combination of environmental systems science and biology offers an interdisciplinary access to understanding the relationships of living things to each other and to their inanimate environment. The course combines basic knowledge in biology and ecology with mathematical modeling of environmental systems. With this combination of subjects, you will learn, among other things, to better understand disturbances to the ecological balance caused by human intervention. Computer simulations of regulatory processes in organisms are an important part of modern systems biology in order to analyze complex biological systems.
You can combine Environmental Systems Science and Biology as equivalent core subjects in your Bachelor's degree.
Further Master's courses at Osnabrück University:
Environmental Systems and Resource Management
Biologie/Biology - From Molecules to Organisms
Occupational fields:
With the subsequent Master's degree in Environmental Systems and Resource Management, you will find positions in research in companies or universities, often in the field of environmental research (e.g. climate research, biodiversity, spread of infectious diseases), but also in public authorities, in the IT sector, in planning offices or generally in administration and management.
That is what makes it special:
The combination of environmental systems science and geography offers interdisciplinary access to many pressing issues and problems in complex human-environment systems. The course therefore combines basic geographical knowledge and mathematical modeling of human-environment systems.
Geography deals on the one hand with the natural composition of the earth's surface and on the other with how humans shape their environment (economically, socially and politically). These issues are closely interwoven with environmental systems science. With this combination of subjects, you can, for example, contribute to the development of new approaches in soil and water protection.
You can combine Geography and Environmental Systems Science as equivalent core subjects in your Bachelor's degree.
Further Master's degree courses at Osnabrück University:
Environmental Systems and Resource Management
Geography: Society - Environment - Future
Occupational fields:
With the subsequent Master's degree course in Environmental Systems and Resource Management, you will find positions in research in companies or universities, e.g. in the field of environmental research (soil protection, sustainable resource use), but also in authorities and planning offices or generally in administration and management.
That's the special thing:
Have you ever wondered how it is recorded globally how much forest is cleared every year? Or what happens when ecosystems become unbalanced due to species extinction or climate change?
In order to answer questions like these, spatial data is required, the collection, analysis and presentation of which are the core tasks of geoinformatics. In Environmental Systems Science, you will also learn to analyze such environmental problems, to model them mathematically and to investigate interdependencies.
The two subjects can be combined as equivalent core subjects on the Bachelor's degree course.
Further Master's courses at Osnabrück University:
Environmental Systems and Resource Management
Occupational fields:
The combination of Environmental Systems Science and Geoinformatics at Osnabrück University stands out due to its strong focus on the analysis of current environmental problems. Against this background, graduates have a wide range of future-oriented fields of application with excellent employment opportunities. With a subsequent Master's degree in "Environmental Systems and Resource Management" or the subsequent Master's degree in "Geoinformatics", you will also gain the qualification for management and leadership functions in various professional and occupational fields as well as for positions in research.
That is what is special:
Physical processes play a major role in environmental systems, as they determine the flow of matter and energy in soil, water and air. Environmental systems science investigates how these processes are changed by humans and society (e.g. global change) or how they affect ecosystems (e.g. the spread of pollutants or global warming). The course includes a combination of basic knowledge in experimental and theoretical physics and mathematical modeling. This basic knowledge can be used in the further course of studies for the (numerical) modeling of environmental systems or various technical systems.
Physics and Environmental Systems Science can be combined as equivalent core subjects on the Bachelor's degree course.
Further Master's courses at Osnabrück University:
Environmental Systems and Resource Management
Occupational fields:
Graduates have a wide range of opportunities at universities, in large research institutions, in industry, in service companies, in the software sector or in the public sector (e.g. in environmental authorities). You can take on tasks in research and development, production, environmental monitoring or environmental consulting. Extensive knowledge of computer science will increase your chances on the job market.
With a subsequent Master's degree in Environmental Systems and Resource Management or Physics, you will qualify for academic research as well as for management and leadership positions in the above-mentioned professions and fields of activity.
That is what makes it special:
Climate protection, species extinction, water pollution: solving the major environmental problems of our time requires the interaction of different disciplines. The combination of environmental systems science and economics offers interdisciplinary access to understanding processes and decisions in companies, households and politics. This is relevant, for example, for the environmentally friendly and sustainable design of production processes and products, as well as the design of a sustainability transformation.
The course includes basic knowledge in economics and mathematical modeling of human-environment systems. Economics also deals with the interaction of companies, households and politics in a market economy. This is usefully supported by a systems science perspective and mathematical models from environmental systems science.
Further Master's programs at Osnabrück University:
Environmental Systems and Resource Management
Economics (with a possible focus on "Sustainability, Behavior and Environmental Policy")
Occupational fields:
With the subsequent Master's degree course in Environmental Systems and Resource Management, you will find positions in companies at the interface between companies or operational processes and issues of environmental protection or sustainability, but also in research in these areas at universities, or in public authorities or planning offices, as well as in administration and management.
With the subsequent Master's degree in Economics and your choice of specialization in "Sustainability, behavior and environmental policy", you will qualify for work in authorities that shape environmental policy, as well as for positions in sustainability departments of companies, environmental departments of economic research institutes, NGOs, research institutes and political consulting.

Detailed information on the dual-subject Bachelor and overview of all subject combinations