DAAD End-of-Studies Scholarships

As part of the "STIBET" program, Osnabrück University’s International Office will award end-of-studies scholarships (promoted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and financed by the Federal Foreign Office) to international students in 2025. The scholarship amounts to a one-time payment of €500 in October 2025 for the winter semester 2025/2026.

Eligibility and selection criteria

  • Must be currently enrolled at Osnabrück University as a degree-seeking student (Bachelor, Master, State Exam) in the final year of their studies
  • International students who did not receive their university entry qualification from a German high school ("Bildungsausländer*innen")
  • Good or outstanding results in their studies
  • Students who face financial difficulties through no fault of their own will receive special consideration
  • International students who already receive a scholarship from public funds for the same purpose are excluded from consideration
  • Students who have received an end-of-studies scholarship before are excluded from consideration
A person typing on a calculator. In one hand she holds a piece of paper with the symbol of a doctor's hat.
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Application documents

  • Application form (After the application deadline in May 2025 you will find the application form here for download)
  • CV in table format
  • Transcript of Records / HISInOne
  • Letter of motivation answering the following question: Why are you the ideal scholarship recipient? (one page max., German or English)

Application deadline

Complete applications may be sent to  Rouven Brinkmann as a single PDF document.

The application deadline will be announced in May 2025, as soon as the new scholarship announcement is published.


Rouven Brinkmann, (they/them)

Foto Rouven Brinkmann, (they/them)
International Office

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/112
Office hours: Di + Do 14-16 und nach Vereinbarung

 +49 541 969-4625