Info Events

 Dezernat 7 offers a series of information events in the research funding area in which central topics relating to third-party funding applications are presented. The aim is to provide an overview of the entire application process from finding the right funding format, the application itself, important cross-cutting issues and support options at Osnabrück University. The regular info events are offered every semester. Inquiries about the information offered and to arrange individual consultations can always be directed to the  research advisors in Dezernat 7.


Please register for the courses directly in  Stud.IP.

For further information or if you have any questions about registering for a course, please contact the  research advisors.

Pillar 1: Info events

A pillar with the logo of Osnabrück University and the German Research Foundation, DFG.
© Simone Reukauf

Presentation of funding institutions: from DFG to EU at a glance

Time: every semester, 90 minutes

Location: Online information event in StudIP

Target group: Doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctorate and postdocs at Osnabrück University

Description: This online information event provides an overview of funding opportunities for projects through third-party funding. The best-known national and international funding institutions will be presented in short form using examples of their funding activities. The basic procedures for submitting your own application will be discussed.

The course is suitable for combination with the course "Writing funding applications: Structure and organization".

Please note: This online event takes place in German. English-speaking PhDs and Postdocs at Osnabrück University please see the online-event "Applying for Research Funding". As well feel free to contact the Research Consultants for an individual appointment.

Participants: no limit, for less than 5 participants we alternatively offer individual consultations

Woman's hand on laptop keyboard, the other hand writing in a notebook with a ballpoint pen, camera in the background
© RAM |

Writing funding applications: Structure and organization

Time: every semester, 90 minutes

Location: Online information event in StudIP

Target group: Doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctorate and postdocs at Osnabrück University

Description: This online information event provides general information on how funding applications work. What to look out for? What requirements do reviewers have and what recurring feedback is there? What guidelines on structure and organization should be observed when submitting your own application? The requirements that funding applications generally always have to meet are considered in general and focused on the aspects of "quality of the project" and "qualification of the applicant(s)".

The event is suitable for combination with the "Presentation of sponsors" offer.

Please note: This online-event takes place in German. English-speaking PhDs and Postdocs at Osnabrück University please see the online-event "Applying for Research Funding". As well feel free to contact the Research Consultants for an individual appointment.

Participants: no limit, for less than 5 participants we alternatively offer individual consultations

Applying for Research Funding: A Concise "How to"

Time: every semester, 90 minutes

Place: online event in StudIP

Target audience: English-speaking PhDs, Postdocs and Juniorprofessors at Osnabrück University

Description: How to apply for research funding in Germany? Which options are available and which restrictions and formal challenges apply at Osnabrück University? This online-event offers an overview of the most important national and international funding opportunities. Knowing them can help to understand the way third party-funding is essential for a successful career in academia. Some general hints for writing an own research proposal will be given. This event does not cover PhD-funding. Please contact ZePrOs concerning informations about PhD-funding.

Please note: This online-event targets an English-speaking audience only. It is meant to provide the international target group with the basic information necessary in the field of third party funding. It comprises information from the other compareable events offered by the Research Consultants. As well feel free to contact the Research Consultants for an individual appointment.

Participants: no limitation, if less than 5 persons are registered, we offer individual consultations instead

The DFG as a central player in the science system: standards, research funding, peer review

Time: every semester, 90 minutes

Location: Online information event in StudIP

Target group: Doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctorate and postdocs at Osnabrück University

Description: This online information event begins with an introduction to the German Research Foundation (DFG) as the self-governing organization of science in Germany. It funds project proposals by individuals and joint project proposals by organizations. The main funding formats for individuals will be addressed, including grants in kind, research groups and scientific networks. The probable funding opportunities and the evaluation period of your own application will be considered.

The event does not cover the area of collaborative project applications from organizations, as these funding formats must be discussed in individual consultations over longer periods of time due to their complexity.

Please note: This online event takes place in German. English-speaking PhDs and Postdocs at Osnabrück University please see the online-event "Applying for Research Funding". As well feel free to contact the Research Consultants for an individual appointment.

Participants: no limit, for less than 5 participants we alternatively offer individual consultations

Horizon Europe: European research funding

Time: Date every semester, 90 minutes

Location: Online information event in StudIP

Target group: Postdocs and junior professors at Osnabrück University

Description: The European Research Framework Program "Horizon Europe" bundles and finances projects in numerous funding formats. Applying to Horizon Europe is a prerequisite: on the one hand, high demands are placed on individual qualifications and, on the other hand, in the area of collaborative projects, the composition of a European consortium requires networking. The event serves to provide an initial overview of the research framework program and to give an impression of the application requirements and funding criteria based on selected funding formats.

Please note: This online-event takes place in German. English-speaking PhDs and Postdocs at Osnabrück University please see the online-event "Applying for Research Funding". As well feel free to contact the Research Consultants for an individual appointment.

Participants: no limit, for less than 5 participants we alternatively offer individual consultations

Pillar 2: Face-to-face event

The DFG Review Boards: moderated discussion

Time: separate announcement, 90 min.

Location: Presence

Target group: Researchers at Osnabrück University from the postdoctoral phase onwards

Description: What stages does a third-party funding proposal go through with the DFG? What role do review boards play in this process and how are they composed? The event is intended to provide orientation with regard to these and other questions.

In a moderated discussion, DFG review board members from Osnabrück University will report on their experiences in the proposal and approval practice of the DFG review boards.

The event also serves to discuss specific questions from the plenum. These can be submitted in advance together with the registration form (

Participants: The event is aimed at professors and postdocs from all schools.

Pillar 3: Network/peer to peer

Q&A Networking

Time: Every first Thursday of the month, 11-12h

Place: Online event

Target group: Researchers at Osnabrück University from the postdoc phase onwards

Description : Do you have questions about acquiring third-party funding and would like to get in touch with other applicants? For this purpose, the research advisors at Osnabrück University offer an open Q&A session every first Thursday of the month, in which those interested in applying can ask questions about funding institutions and funding formats, application modalities, writing funding applications and reviewing them. In particular, an exchange of experiences can take place among those present in this context, which can also be built on bilaterally.

Link to the event:

Participants: no limit

Application tandem

Time: ongoing, individual appointments

Place: -

Target group: pairs of applicants (experienced scientist + inexperienced scientist)

Description : The acquisition of third-party funding is of great importance in the German and international scientific landscape and is an important aspect of an individual's career path. Writing applications for third-party funding often raises questions for which an exchange with experienced applicants can be very valuable.

The "Proposal Tandem" aims to bring together researchers with different levels of experience and facilitate low-threshold contact. People who would like to share their experience with certain funders or in certain funding programs and thus support younger colleagues can register, as can people who would like to share in the wealth of experience of academics at Osnabrück University with strong third-party funding.

Registration: by e-mail (individual) to and/or

Participants: no limit


The events are also announced via the  FIT research newsletter.