
How do I get to the university and back home? Every day, around 1,850 employees and around 14,000 students travel between their homes and the campus. The associated motorized traffic pollutes the environment in many ways. Osnabrück University would therefore like to encourage people to switch to environmentally friendly forms of mobility with various offers.


You will find bicycle parking facilities in all our buildings. From bicycle racks to bicycle cellars, everything is there. You can obtain a map of the bicycle racks from the environmental coordinator.

The continuous qualitative and quantitative improvement of our parking facilities is one of the measures from the climate protection concept.

LastenRUDI is a free service that has no commercial purpose. All students and employees of Osnabrück University can borrow the cargo bike for private use free of charge.

LastenRUDI is parked at the Westerberg site in building 95.

Lending information

This is how the reservation and rental process works:

  • BOOKING: Simply select up to 7 free days and send this appointment request to The following must be noted in the email to Name, matriculation number or organizational unit, pick-up day and return day (maximum 7 days) and a phone number. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • PICKING UP: The exact pick-up time will be discussed when you register. Bring the completed  loan form (PDF, 28 kB), your CampusCard / ID card and ID card to room 95/110 and collect your LastenRUDI. Read  the terms and conditions .
  • DRIVING: Have fun and please always connect LastenRUDI to a fixed object.
  • ACCIDENT or damage: In the event of an accident or damage, please contact
  • RETURN: by arrangement
Vier Studierende. Zwei laufen zu Fuß, einer fährt ein Lastenrad, eine schiebt ihr Fahrrad.
© Simone Reukauf


"LASTENRUDI - your cargo bike at Osnabrück University" is a free service that has no commercial purpose. The university wants to enable mobility in the city without a car and therefore makes the LASTENRUDI cargo bike available to all university members. We ask all users to handle LASTENRUDI as carefully as possible so that LASTENRUDI is available to many people for a long time. These terms of use are intended to support this concern.

General information

These terms and conditions apply to the loan of a cargo bike (hereinafter referred to as "bike") from Osnabrück University (hereinafter referred to as "provider") to all users (hereinafter referred to as "user"). The principles of this loan are regulated herein. Deviating regulations are possible by mutual agreement. By making use of the loan of the bicycle named on the homepage of the Osnabrück University project ( > Lastenrudi), the user agrees to the terms and conditions of use stated here for the agreed duration of the loan. At no time does the user acquire ownership rights to the bicycle. The personal data requested during registration must be filled in truthfully. All data collected will only be processed and used within the project and will not be passed on to third parties.

Rules of use

Each user is responsible for the bicycle for the duration of the rental period. This also applies if the bicycle is lent to a third party during the rental period. The provider does not guarantee that the bicycle is in a proper, roadworthy condition. The user must check that the bicycle is fit to ride and roadworthy before starting the journey. This also includes checking the lights at dusk or in the dark. If the bicycle has a defect that affects road safety, this must be reported to the provider immediately. The bicycle may not be used in this case. The bicycle is provided by the Provider free of charge. Subletting by the user is not permitted. The user is obliged to use the bicycle exclusively in a proper manner (cf. § 603 BGB and see instructions for use) and in particular to observe the applicable road traffic regulations. The user is prohibited from making modifications to the bicycle. The bicycle must always be locked to a fixed object with the lock provided (lanterns, bicycle stands, etc.) so that it cannot be removed without the use of force. This also applies to short absences. The bicycle must not be left outside overnight, but must be parked and locked in a locked room. If it is nevertheless stolen, the user will immediately report the theft to the police and contact the provider. . The User's liability in the event of the bicycle being lost shall be governed by the provisions in the section on liability.


The provider's liability for the use of the bicycle is limited to gross negligence and intent (cf. § 599 BGB). This does not apply to damages resulting from injury to life, body and health that are based on a negligent breach of duty by the Provider or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of the Provider. The user shall be liable for all changes to or deterioration of the bicycle if these are due to non-contractual use. Furthermore, the user shall also be liable for the loss of the bicycle or individual parts thereof. The liability of Osnabrück University employees in the event of official use of the bicycle is limited to gross negligence and intent.


If there is anything that you as a (potential) user think we as the provider should know about (damage to the bike, problems with the loan, great experiences, problems with these conditions here or similar), please send us an email ( We are very keen to make this project as good as possible.

One final caveat: As the project may not have considered all eventualities, the provider reserves the right to discontinue the loan or to prohibit individual persons from borrowing without giving reasons.

To help everyone find the right route between the university campuses,  cycle-friendly route suggestions (PDF, 488 kB)can be viewed here.

You can find more information at  Radentscheid Osnabrück.

The  bicycle workshop in the Student Center Building 53 offers a room and tools for wrenching with expert help.

At Westerberg, the university's bicycle workshop can also be used by university students.

There is a free solar charging station for e-bikes at the Botanical Garden (Albrechtstraße 29, 49076 Osnabrück).

Air pumps are available at the following locations for inflating flat bicycle tires:

  • Campus Westerberg: 31/UGEingang, 32-34/under Forum and rear entrance, 35/at the bike racks, 36/bicycle room, 38/main entrance, 61/bike rack at the entrance, 66/67 rear entrance, 68/side entrance, 69/main entrance, 92/at bike rack between 93 /92, 93/main entrance, 94/main entrance, 96/north and south entrance,
  • Downtown campus: 04-05/Sowi, 08/ Student Government, 09/rear entrance, 15/main entrance (new after renovation), 22/Juridicum, 41/main entrance, 44/by bike racks, 50/entrance parking lot


Unfortunately, the pumps are repeatedly vandalized and destroyed. For some areas we have already installed the umpteenth pump. If the vandalism continues, the university will unfortunately have to refrain from renewing the service in the respective buildings. Please help us to keep the air pumps.