Space management | New Work

Modern office concepts play a decisive role in today's working world. They go far beyond mere interior design and encompass important aspects such as flexibility, collaboration and technological integration. In contrast to traditional office environments, which are characterized by fixed workstations and hierarchical structures, modern office concepts promote a dynamic, adaptable and employee-centric working environment. They can create a positive and inspiring work culture and help to promote satisfaction and productivity.

Space management

Space management enables the management of an organization's physical space inventory such as space, occupancy information and strategic space plans. Strategic space management includes the planning and organization of space and rooms.

At Osnabrück University, this task is supported by facility management software.

Space balancing aims to analyze, plan and balance the use of space, enabling well-founded decisions on the distribution and use of space in the sense of integrated spatial planning.

Several HIS-HE (HIS-Institut für Hochschulentwicklung e. V.) projects have examined land use and space balancing at Osnabrück University and provided a complex calculation module.

New Work

Today, New Work has the same meaning as Work of the Future, Next Work and Work 4.0. The term New Work covers all developments that are important for a modern, employee-oriented working environment in the 21st century.

New Work is a profound change in the world of work and is characterized by new forms of work - examples include agile working, flexible working time models, the use of coworking spaces or hybrid working from home and in the office.

One of the many challenges of New Work in the future will therefore be to draw the lessons and consequences from the experience already gained and to shape the new world of work in line with these principles.

Savings target for the state of Lower Saxony: ten percent less office space by 2030

By 2035, all state properties are to be managed in a greenhouse gas-neutral manner. The aim is to reduce office space by ten percent of total usable space by 2030.

Practical example : KEAN (Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Lower Saxony)

Desksharing at the State Court of Audit (LRH) in Hildesheim. A project group, a new room utilization concept and initial experiences.

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Administrative Service Facility Management

Contact person:  Ina Wernke