Guest Studies
Even if you are not a regular student at our university, you are welcome to attend many courses as a guest student!
University for everyone
For people who are interested in scientific topics, Osnabrück University offers numerous opportunities each semester to attend certain lectures and seminars as guest students. You can find out more about this offer under Uni for All.
Guest auditor program for refugees
For many years, there has also been a free guest student program for refugees, in which participants can earn credit points and take exams.
Lower Saxony Technical Center
In cooperation with Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, we offer young women who are interested in studying a technical or scientific subject the Niedersachsen-Technikum. This comprises a six-month STEM internship plus taster studies.
Early studies
The Early Studies program is also available for particularly talented and motivated pupils. They can take part in one to three courses at Osnabrück University in the upper school and, if necessary, acquire certificates of achievement.