What is the Niedersachsen-Technikum?
Of course, mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT for short) are exciting subjects. But it is not always easy for young women with university entrance qualifications to decide whether studying in this field is the right thing for them. At the Niedersachsen-Technikum, high school graduates find a platform where they can try things out for six months. They also make contact with other female technicians and engineers.
How does the Technikum work?
The Technikum starts on September 1 and ends in February of the following year.
For six months, you can complete a paid internship in a regional company and test your STEM skills four days a week. At the same time, you will take part in taster studies at Osnabrück University or Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences one day a week. There is also a supporting program with a large launch event, course presentations, laboratory visits and company tours. At the end, you will receive an internship certificate from your company and a certificate from the university or college.
How do I apply for the Technikum?
If you would like a non-binding consultation, you can contact us with a brief application:
- Download the application form (PDF, 91 kB) and fill it out. Send the form and your current certificate to
- We will arrange an appointment with you. At this appointment, we will discuss your options to find an internship that matches your interests and skills.
- We will then put you in touch with a suitable partner company where you can complete your internship.
We look forward to meeting you!
Your data will be treated with absolute confidentiality. If you do not decide to participate, your data will be destroyed immediately.
Further information
STEM enthusiasm at Osnabrück Castle: Niedersachsen-Technikum celebrates the 15th cohort of the successful career guidance program
On February 24, 2025, the Osnabrück University and Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences celebrated the 15th cohort of the successful Niedersachsen-Technikum career orientation program. The 22 participants (Technikantinnen) presented their experiences and projects in the company as well as at the university and college in an impressive way and showed how exciting the STEM field can be.
The Niedersachsen-Technikum invited the participants to Osnabrück Castle for the official presentation of their certificates, where Prof. Dr. Jochen Oltmer, Vice President for Studies and Teaching at Osnabrück University, and Prof. Dr. Susanne Düchting, Vice President for Equal Opportunities and Sustainability at Osnabrück University, warmly congratulated the participants. Both underlined the importance and topicality of the program and called for gender stereotypes to be broken.
Anna and Carmen are two of the 22 female technicians who took part in the Niedersachsen-Technikum in Osnabrück this year in one of 17 cooperating companies. "I hoped that the Niedersachsen-Technikum would give me more prospects for my professional future. It was also my wish to spend a longer phase with career guidance/internships after my Abitur, as I was still very undecided about my future plans. It was important for me to get to know like-minded people, especially because none of my friends felt at home in the STEM field," reports Anna, who completed her internship at the Emsland Group in Emlichheim. Among other things, she worked there on the production of vegan meat substitutes.
Carmen completed her technical internship at apeptito in Rheine in the Quality Assurance department for incoming goods: "My main tasks included taking samples of the raw materials delivered, then evaluating and tasting them and creating retained samples."
Both draw a positive conclusion from their six months at the Lower Saxony Technical Center. "Thanks to the Technikum, I realized that I would like to study in the natural sciences. I also met a lot of new people through the program and made new friends who have similar interests to me," says Carmen.
The Niedersachsen-Technikum is a successful practice-integrated concept for female school leavers with an interest in mathematics, engineering,
natural sciences or technology (MINT) who are not yet able to decide on a specific course of study or training. The participants spend four days a week as interns in a company, while on the fifth day they attend lectures at university and college. 9 out of 10 graduates of the program go on to decide to study or train in a STEM field.