Endowed professorship

Endowed professorships, which are financed by a donor for a specific period - usually five years - can be used for the strategic development of key areas.

Donors can be commercial enterprises, private individuals or non-profit funding organizations. Once the financial support from the donor has expired, the professorship can be continued by the university if it is in line with the structural planning.

Endowed professorships have the same rights and obligations as other professorships. They are appointed via a regular appointment procedure and are not bound by the founder's instructions.

Ongoing subsidies

Vocational education and training in the digital transformation

The endowed professorship "Vocational and business education with a focus on vocational education and training in digital change" is dedicated to researching the challenges associated with digital change for vocational education and training. The main focus is on the possible consequences of change for training companies. Among other things, the IHK hopes that this will provide impetus for the future direction of IHK further training.

Funding period: since 3/2024

A group of seven people standing in front of a yellow building with windows and a decorative portal. The people are dressed in formal clothes and stand in an upright position.
© Hermann Pentermann


The founders are the DIHK-Gesellschaft für berufliche Bildung - Organisation zur Förderung der IHK-Weiterbildung mbH (DIHK-Bildungs-GmbH) and the IHK Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft Bentheim.

Prof. Dr. Dana Bergmann in blauem Blazer im Innenhof des Schlosses
© Max Willeke

Appointed: Prof. Dr. Dana Bergmann

The junior professor's research focuses include changes in professional qualification and competence requirements, the design of innovative teaching and learning settings and the qualification of company training and further education staff.

"Machine Learning"

The endowed professorship in Machine Learning enriches the diverse research in the field of digitalization and AI at Osnabrück University. It illustrates the strong cohesion and excellent networking in the Osnabrück region.

Funding period: 2/2022 - 2/2027

"Semantic Information Systems"

The Semantic Information Systems professorship will strengthen the university's  AI campus in the long term and add an important field of research.

Funding period: 8/2020 - 7/2025

Two men and a woman stand in front of a historic yellow façade with a large entrance door, while one of the men holds a picture in his hands.
© Elena Scholz


The professorship is supported by the internationally active ROSEN Group, one of Osnabrück University's most important sponsors, via the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e. V. (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany).

A man with short, blond hair and a blue shirt looks directly into the camera. His facial expression is neutral and he has a slight smile.
© privat

Appointed: Prof. Dr. Martin Atzmüller

His research group focuses on the areas of ""nterpretation of multi-modal sensor data streams", "Explainable Machine Learning", "Spatial Semantics", "Predictive System Models" and "Interactive Decision Support".

Occupational dermatology

The professorship will further expand occupational dermatology prevention research at Osnabrück University.

Funding period: 5/2015 - 5/2025

A group of eight people stand smiling in front of a modern building with a large sign saying “Dermatology”.
© Marc Rocholl


The professorship, which is unique in Germany, is funded by the non-profit organization iDerm, which supports the Institute for Interdisciplinary Dermatological Prevention and Rehabilitation at Osnabrück University.

A man in a white lab coat stands at a table covered with various medicines and packaging. He smiles in a friendly manner and points to a product while conveying a professional atmosphere.
© Jette Golz

Appointed: Prof. Dr. Swen Malte John

The physician for Dermatology and Venereology, Allergology, Environmental Medicine and Occupational Dermatology (ABD), Scientific Director and Chief Physician of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Dermatological Prevention and Rehabilitation at Osnabrück University (iDerm) and Head of the Department of Dermatology, Environmental Medicine and Health Sciences at Osnabrück University is considered one of the world's leading experts in the field of occupational skin diseases.

Professorship Donor Funding period
Embedded software systems CLAAS KGaA mbH 9/2018 - 8/2023
Structural issues in vocational education and training Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce e. V. (DIHK) 9/2017 - 8/2022
Chinese law Sievert Foundation 5/2015 - 5/2020
Environmental Economics Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 9/2014 - 3/2020
Distributed systems Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e. V. 3/2012 - 9/2018


International Accounting Felix Schöler GmbH 01/2009 - 04/2011
KM Europametall
Karmann GmbH
ZF Lemförder Fahrwerktechnik AG and CoKG
Sievert AG
Corporate management and corporate accounting Heristo AG 2008-2013
Material flow management German Federal Environmental Foundation 10/2001 - 9/2006