International Summer Schools
Welcome to Osnabrück University's International Summer School Program 2025!
With the Summer School program now in its 14th year, we are happy to be able to once again offer you a variety of high profile courses with a distinct focus on German Language and Culture. If you consider applying for one of our schools, please read the information on these pages carefully and follow the links to the application form provided on the respective program's page.
If necessary, we will periodically update this site with information concerning application deadlines, scholarships and travel stipends, course structure and content, the cultural program and excursions, and more. Please check back regularly for updates.
My time at the Summer School was very worthwhile and one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. It was academically interesting and fell perfectly in line with my career goals. [...] I had the chance to learn from knowledgable experts from various countries. The diversity of the students added even more to the class. Overall, every aspect of the Summer School was wonderful and I wish I could do it again.
Sarah, 2017 (USA)
Being part of the summer school has been one of my greatest experiences, I learned so much and spent time with amazing people. It is an enriching opportunity and I feel lucky to be part of it.
Marina, 2014 (Costa Rica)
Apply now!
The application period for all programs has started! Please check the respective program sites for detailed information on how to apply.
Curious? Contact us via at any time and we’ll be happy to provide more information!