Insurance while studying

Students must provide proof of  health insurance and long-term care insurance upon enrollment, re-registration and also in the event of a leave of absence.
No enrollment, re-registration or leave of absence will be granted without this proof.
Furthermore, students will not be re-registered or compulsorily disenrolled if the health insurance company notifies the university that the health insurance contribution has not been paid.

Health Insurance for international Students

International students completing their studies at Osnabrück University can find out about compulsory health insurance and recommended liability insurance on the  Insurance for International Students page.

The obligation to take out social long-term care insurance for students according to   § 20 section 1 no. 9 SGB XI.

In case of an accident students at Osnabrück University are insured by the state of Lower Saxony. This covers accidents that occur at the university or on the way to or from the university. Leisure accidents are not covered by this insurance. The university is obliged to report student accidents to the accident insurance provider within three days. You are also covered by accident insurance if you take part in  university sports courses with supervisors that are the responsibility of the university sports department. This means that accidents must be  reported immediately to "Arbeitsschutz und Gefahrenstoffmanagement".

Health Insurance

According to  § 5 section 1 no. 9 SGB V, students are required to be insured until the end of the semester in which they turn 30 at the latest.
In exceptional cases, compulsory insurance may continue beyond the age of 30 if, for example, a disability, prolonged illness, the birth of a child, periods of parental leave or, in particular, if the acquisition of a higher education entrance qualification via the second educational pathway was the reason for exceeding this age limit.
After the end of compulsory insurance, students must either continue to be insured voluntarily in the statutory health insurance or alternatively can get private health insurance. You can find information on the contributions in the respective statutes of the health insurance companies.

The following information is intended as general information!

More detailed and legally binding information, including the scope of benefits, can be obtained from the respective  statutory or private health insurance companies
Students who have a job during their studies should always check with their health insurance company and their future employer about any social insurance obligations etc. before starting the employment.

Family Insurance

Student Health Insurance

If you were privately insured before your studies, you can choose either voluntary private or statutory student health insurance within the first three months of enrollment.

  • If membership in a private health insurance (PKV) exists and is proven, the obligation to be insured in a statutory health insurance must have been explicitly waived due to the statutory insurance obligation. For this purpose, a certificate from a statutory health insurance company (GKV) must be submitted digitally upon enrollment, stating that an exemption from compulsory insurance in the statutory health insurance has been granted or that there is no compulsory insurance. The GKV thus certifies that the PKV offers the necessary insurance cover equivalent to the GKV.
  • A change from statutory to private health insurance can only be requested from the previous health insurance company within three months of enrollment.
  • If you decide to join a private health insurance company at the beginning of your studies, it is no longer possible to switch to a statutory health insurance company. This should be noted in particular with regard to the family insurance that is also possible here and the above and correspondingly applicable statements on family insurance and the age limit.

According to § 199a SGB V, there is a mutual reporting obligation regarding health insurance between health insurance companies and universities. Osnabrück University has been using the electronic student registration procedure (SMV) since 1 December 2021 to implement this mutual registration procedure. Osnabrück University's company number is 28739476. The "sender number" of Osnabrück University is H0001356.

Notifications in paper can therefore no longer be accepted.

The health insurance companies report to the university

  • the insurance status (M10),
  • Start of insurance in the event of a change of health insurance provider (M11),
  • delay in payment of health insurance contributions (M12) and
  • Settlement of overdue health insurance contributions (M13).

The university notifies the health insurance companies of

  • the start of studies and the date of enrollment (M20) and
  • the end of the semester in which or with effect from the end of which the student is/was de-registered (M30).

What does that mean for you?

According to § 199a SGB V, prospective students must prove to the university prior to enrollment

  • that they are insured in the statutory health insurance or will be insured at the beginning of the semester, at the earliest on the day of enrollment, or
  • that they are not covered by statutory health insurance because they are exempt from compulsory insurance, exempt from mandatory compulsory insurance or not required to compulsory insurance.

For this purpose, prospective students must request at their health insurance company to report their insurance status to Osnabrück University. For this purpose, the health insurance company electronically creates a message "M10" [= insured status (legally insured or not legally insured)], which contains information on the name and date of birth of the prospective student as well as the respective health insurance number (10 digits; the first digit of which is a letter; e.g. Z123456789) and company number of the health insurance company (8-digit numerical code; e.g. 98765432) and is "sent" to the university. The "sender number" of Osnabrück University (to which the health insurance company sends the M10) is H0001356 - the number can be sent to the health insurance company by the prospective students. Without this notification, enrollment is not possible. If the health insurance number is not yet available (and has therefore not been provided), the notification can still be created/sent.

Responsible for the "M10" notification is

  • for those already insured with a health insurance company, the health insurance company with which the insurance exists or will exist at the beginning of the semester, at the earliest on the day of enrollment,
  • in the case of students exempt from compulsory insurance or not subject to compulsory insurance under § 6, the health insurance with which they were last (legally) insured,
  • in the case of students exempt from compulsory insurance under § 8, the health insurance that granted the exemption,
  • otherwise, one of the health insurance that could be chosen in the event of compulsory insurance.

If statutory health insurance exists and an "M10" has been submitted to the university, the university notifies the health insurance company of the date of enrollment and the start of the semester with an "M20" notification [= start of studies with semester start and date of enrollment].

Students at Osnabrück University who are already enrolled when the Student Registration Procedure was introduced on 1 December 2021 do not have to pay attention to the changeover for the time being. The change will only affect you if, for example, you  change your health insurance provider.

We need an electronic notification, so that the next re-registration can take place smoothly, from your new health insurance company about the change of health insurance company (M11). Therefore, please contact your health insurance company - the sooner the better - stating the sender number of Osnabrück University - H0001356.
Your health insurance company will then send us the required notification.

You must contact any statutory health insurance if you have never been covered by statutory health insurance and apply for exemption from statutory compulsory insurance. If you had statutory health insurance before you switched to private health insurance, please contact the statutory health insurance where you last had statutory insurance cover. The statutory health insurance provider will notify us about the exemption. Please provide the statutory health insurance company with the sender number of Osnabrück University - H0001356 - for easier transmission.

FAQs on Health Insurance

You must request proof of insurance from your health insurance company before enrolling. Enrollment is not possible without this notification from the health insurance company.

It is usually transmitted by the next working day. We can allocate your insurance status by your personal details and, if applicable, your insurance number; missing or deviating data will be transferred. The university will transfer your data as it is provided by the insurance company. If the transfer takes longer, the data may not have been assigned. In this case, please check whether you have entered the correct university (in this case Osnabrück University with the sender number H0001356) with the health insurance company, whether your personal details regarding your name, in particular the spelling and date of birth, match the details given to your health insurance company and, if necessary, whether your insurance number is correct.

As soon as Osnabrück University receives the electronic message "M12" from the health insurance company, which means that you are in delay with the payment of health insurance contributions, a re-registration block is set by the system. Re-registration for the following semester is then no longer possible and you may be compulsorily disenrolled at the end of the current semester.
Please clarify this matter with your health insurance company!
If you have paid the health insurance contributions, the health insurance company will send us a "M13" notification, which will result in the re-registration block being deleted. This means that there is no longer a risk of de-registration at the end of the current semester.