Erasmus+ Internship at Osnabrück University

Osnabrück University welcomes students from around the world to conduct an Erasmus+ traineeship in one of our renowned Departments and Research Facilities. Students will have the opportunity to enhance their intercultural awareness, gain valuable work experience in an international environment and thus improve their career prospects.

ERASMUS+ traineeships represent an individual arrangement between one of Osnabrück University’s departments and research facilities and the trainee. An existing inter-institutional agreement between Osnabrück University and the sending institution is not a prerequisite.

Trainees obtain funding through their home institution. No salary is paid by Osnabrück University. The trainee herself/himself is responsible for an appropriate insurance coverage (accident insurance, health insurance, private liability insurance, etc.).

A traineeship is to be carried out in full-time (i.e. 40 hours a week) and should not exceed 3 months. As trainees are not enrolled at Osnabrück University, course participation is not possible. Likewise, the International Office cannot offer orientation sessions or language classes for incoming trainees.

  1. Identify a  department and/or research facility corresponding to your academic and professional interests.
  2. Contact a university lecturer with a brief proposal of your traineeship interest.
  3. If the university lecturer is indeed interested he or she will get back to you. Please note that Osnabrück University’s departments and research institutes are under no obligation to accept ERASMUS+ trainees.

At this stage, the prospective trainee is expected to provide the Learning Agreement for Traineeships – Before the Mobility to the traineeship supervisor. The Learning Agreement for Traineeships needs to be completed and then signed by the trainee, a representative of the sending institution as well as the supervisor at the hosting department in Osnabrück prior to the start of the traineeship. The hosting department/institute will check and correct all information.

The following information is intended to prepare you for the expectations of Erasmus+ interns and the demands on you as departments or institutes. We are happy to support you in hosting international interns! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

  • Sign the Learning Agreement for Traineeships and send it back to the intern prior to the start of the internship.
  • Support the intern regarding visa requirements (e.g. by submitting an invitation letter).
  • Help the intern to find accommodation (please note that the Osnabrück Student Services (Studierendenwerk Osnabrück) generally offers rental contracts with a term of 6 months and is therefore unattractive for interns)
  • Support the interns in their first steps in Osnabrück (opening a bank account, registering at the Foreigners' Registration Office, etc.).
  • Ensure that you supervise the interns, especially with regard to the learning objectives according to the Learning Agreement for Traineeships that has been concluded
  • If significant changes occur during the internship (including but not limited to a change in internship dates, changes in projects, etc.), these changes must be recorded in writing in the Learning Agreement for Traineeships – During the Mobility as soon as possible. If a trainee wishes to extend the internship, this extension must be agreed upon at least one month before the end of the internship
  • Issue an internship certificate (Learning Agreement for Traineeships – After the Mobility) within five weeks after the end of the internship.

Sabine Jones

Foto Sabine Jones
International Office

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/E04
Office hours: Mo 14-15:30, Thu 10-12 and on request.

 +49 541 969-4599

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