Female Promotion Pool

With the Female Promotion Pool, Osnabrück University supports initiatives aimed at promoting genuine gender equality between women and men. The aim is to reduce the underrepresentation of women and to support promising projects in the field of women's and gender studies.

In this context, Osnabrück University provides the following funding through the Female Promotion Pool:

The Female Promotion Pool provides funding for doctoral or habilitation projects that are near completion and have no alternative funding options during the requested funding period. The funding duration is limited to a maximum of six months, with a monthly grant of €1,200. Doctoral or habilitation projects with a clear gender focus may receive funding for up to 12 months, also with a monthly grant of €1,200.

Scholarship recipients who care for one or more children under the age of 14 in their household are eligible for child allowances. The allowance is €150 for one child and €250 for two or more children.

The Female Promotion Pool provides funding for postdoctoral researchers to advance their academic careers in research and teaching. The funding may include resources for materials and personnel but does not include scholarships.

The Female Promotion Pool funds initiatives such as guest lectures, symposia, or lecture series on gender-related topics. It may also provide partial funding for teaching assignments in women’s or gender studies or grants for research projects on innovative topics in women’s and gender studies.

The Female Promotion Pool supports initiatives and projects aimed at raising gender awareness, as well as those that help reduce gender underrepresentation. Projects and initiatives are generally not fully funded but receive variable financial support as a subsidy.

Application Deadlines

Funding from the Female Promotion Pool is awarded twice a year by the  Equal Opportunity Commitee (ZKfG) .

The application deadline is January 15 and July 15 of each year.

Funding Guideline

All information on the possibility, duration and amount of funding as well as on the obligations of funding recipients can be found in the  Funding Guideline for the Female Promotion Pool (PDF, 121 kB).

Contact Persons

Jessica Bourdon (she/her)

Portrait of a woman with long, blond hair and glasses
© Stephan Schute

Phone: +49 541 969-4487

Room: 52/508
Equal Opportunity Office
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück

 Short Bio: Jessica Bourdon

Dimitri Gerhardt (he/him)

Phone: +49 541 969-4487

Room: 52/508
Equal Opportunity Office
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück


Laura Penning, M.A. (she/her)

Phone: +49 541 969-4047

Room: 52/510
Equal Opportunity Office
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück

 Short Bio: Laura Penning

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