Our Professorships
title | First name | Last name | School | Teaching unit | Professorship | Contact |
Prof. Dr. | Christian | Dorsch | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Geography | Junior professorship: Geography didactics | christian.dorsch@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Martin | Franz | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Geography | Human geography with a focus on economic geography | martin.franz@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Joachim | Härtling | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Geography | Physical geography; focus on climatology/hydrology | joachim.haertling@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Britta | Höllermann | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Geography | Junior Professorship: Geographical Human-Environment Research | britta.hoellermann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christine Gerhilt Magdalene | Lang | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Geography | Junior professorship: Social geography and reflexive migration research | christine.lang@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Claudia | Pahl-Wostl Represented by: Dr. Johannes Halbe | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Geography | Resource Management | claudia.pahl-wostl@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Andreas | Pott | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Geography | Social geography with a focus on population and migration research | andreas.pott@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christiane | Kunst | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Department of History | Ancient History | christiane.kunst@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christoph | Mauntel | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | History of the Middle Ages | History of the Middle Ages | christoph.mauntel@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christoph | Raß | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Department of History | Modern History (19th and 20th centuries) and Historical Migration Research | christoph.rass@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Siegrid | Westphal | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Department of History | History of the early modern period | siegrid.westphal@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Department of History | Junior Professorship: Didactics of History | |||
N.N. | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Department of History | Archaeology/Archaeology of the Roman Provinces | |||
Prof. Dr. | Bettina | Bruder | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Art | Media Design | bettina.bruder@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Birgit | Haehnel | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Arts | Art and textile sciences with a focus on transculturality | birgit.haehnel@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Kerstin | Hallmann | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Art | Art didactics and art education | kerstin.hallmann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. | Sigrun | Jakubaschke-Ehlers | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Art | Painting | sigrun.jakubaschke-ehlers@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Barbara | Kaesbohrer | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Art | Time-based art | barbara.kaesbohrer@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Bärbel | Schlüter | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Art | Sculpture/art in public space | baerbel.schlueter@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Matthias | Bohlender | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Political Theory | matthias.bohlender@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Alexander | De Juan | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Comparative Political Science | alexander.dejuan@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Lars | Gertenbach | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | General Sociology | lars.gertenbach@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Katrin | Golsch | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Quantitative methods of empirical social research and social structure analysis | katrin.golsch@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Hajo | Holst | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Economic Sociology | haholst@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Andrea | Lenschow Represented by: Dr. Jan Pollex | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | European Integration | andrea.lenschow@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Kai-Olaf | Maiwald | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Microsociology and qualitative methods of empirical social research | kai-olaf.maiwald@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Daniel | Mertens | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | International Political Economy | daniel.mertens@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Eva | Ruffing | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Political system of the FRG in the context of European multi-level politics | eva.ruffing@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Ulrich | Schneckener | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | International Relations & Peace and Conflict Research | ulrich.schneckener@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Helena | Schwenken | Department 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Migration and Society | helen.schwenken@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Bärbel | Schmidt | FB 01 Cultural and Social Sciences | Textile Design | Textile and clothing sciences and their didactics | baerbel.schmidt@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Gregor | Etzelmüller | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Protestant Theology | Protestant Theology: Systematic Theology - Dogmatics/Ethics | gregor.etzelmueller@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Anselm C. | Hagedorn | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Protestant Theology | Protestant Theology, Old Testament and Ancient Judaism | anselm.hagedorn@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Martin Herbert | Jung | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Protestant Theology | Protestant Theology: Historical Theology | martin.jung@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Andreas | Kubik-Boltres | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Protestant Theology | Protestant Theology: Practical Theology and Religious Education | andreas.kubikboltres@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Ulrike | Mittmann | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Protestant Theology | Protestant Theology: New Testament and Ancient History of Religion | ulrike.mittmann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Steffie | Schmidt | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Protestant Theology | Junior professorship: History of Christianity | steffie.schmidt@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Annett | Abdel-Rahman | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Islamic Theology | Junior Professorship: Didactics of Islamic Religious Education | annett.abdelrahman@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. Dr. | Rauf | Ceylan | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Islamic Theology | Contemporary Islamic Studies | rauf.ceylan@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Habib | El Mallouki | Department 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Islamic Theology | Islamic Literature and Arabic Studies | habib.elmallouki@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Merdan | Günes | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Islamic Theology | Islamic intellectual history | merdan.guenes@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Dr. | Michael | Kiefer | Department 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Islamic theology | Social work with a focus on Muslim welfare work | michael.kiefer@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Bülent | Ucar | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Islamic Theology | Islamic religious education and practical theology | buelent.ucar@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Mahmoud Haggag Rashidy | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Islamic Theology | Islamic law and religious practice (Fiqh) | |||
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Martin Kellner | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Islamic Theology | Quran exegesis (Tafsir) | |||
Prof. Dr. | Martin | Belz | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Catholic Theology | Junior professorship: History of the Church and Christianity | martin.belz@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Margit | Eckholt | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Catholic Theology | Catholic Theology: Systematic Theology: Dogmatics (with Fundamental Theology) | margit.eckholt@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Andreas | Lienkamp | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Catholic Theology | Catholic Theology: Christian Social Sciences | andreas.lienkamp@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Georg | Steins | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Catholic Theology | Catholic Theology: Biblical Theology - Exegesis of the Old Testament | georg.steins@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Prof. Dr. Thomas Nauerth | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Catholic Theology | Catholic Theology: Pastoral Theology and Religious Education | |||
Prof. Dr. | Dorothee | Barth | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Music Education | Music Didactics | dorothee.barth@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Dietrich | Helms | Department 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Musicology | Historical Musicology | dietrich.helms@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christoph | Louven | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Music | Systematic Musicology | christoph.louven@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Michael | Oehler | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Music | Systematic musicology/ focus on music and media technology | michael.oehler@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Eva-Maria Tralle | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Music Education | Music education in schools | |||
Prof. Dr. | Dana | Bergmann | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Junior professorship: Vocational and business education with a focus on vocational education and training in the digital transformation | dana.bergmann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Florian | Eßer | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Education Science with a research focus on social pedagogy | florian.esser@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Dietmar | Frommberger | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Vocational and business education with a focus on structural issues in vocational education and training | dietmar.frommberger@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Hilmar | Hoffmann | Department 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Erzwiss m.d.Schwp. Early childhood education/elementary education | hilmar.hoffmann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Lisa | Janotta | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Social Education with a focus on racism research | lisa.janotta@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Dominik | Krinninger | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | General Education Science with a focus on educational childhood and family research | dominik.krinninger@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Melanie | Kubandt | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Didactics of Social Education | melanie.kubandt@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Ingrid | Kunze | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | School pedagogy w.d.Schwp. General didactics/teaching, learning | ingrid.kunze@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Silke | Lange | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Junior professorship: BWP m.d.Schwp. Vocational teacher training research | silke.lange@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Sonja | Nonte | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Research Methods SP School Development | sonja.nonte@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christian | Reintjes | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | School pedagogy with focus on empirical school and teaching research | christian.reintjes@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Ferdinand | Stebner | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Educational Diagnostics SP Counseling | ferdinand.stebner@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Sven | Thiersch | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | School pedagogy with a focus on school socialization | sven.thiersch@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Matthias Forell | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | School pedagogy with a focus on diversity and participation | |||
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Senka Karic | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Education Science: Education and training in the migration society | |||
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Susanne Peters | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Vocational and business education with a focus on vocational didactics and teacher training research | |||
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Katharina Wehking | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Pedagogy | Vocational and business education with a focus on empirical vocational training research | |||
Prof. Dr. | Eva | Gläser | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Elementary Social Studies and Science | Elementary Social Studies and Science | eva.glaeser@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Florian | Schrumpf | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Elementary Social Studies and Science | Junior professorship: Elementary Social Studies and Science with a focus on interdisciplinary subject education | florian.schrumpf@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Peter | Elflein | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Sports Science | Sports science: focus on health education | peter.elflein@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Björn Brandes | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Sciences | Sports | Sports science with a focus on sports pedagogy and sports didactics | |||
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Katja Ferger | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Sciences | Sports | Junior professorship: Sports science with a focus on movement and training | |||
N.N. | FB 03 Educational and Cultural Studies | Sports | Sports science with a focus on sport and society | |||
Prof. Dr. | Kerstin | Bartscherer | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Animal Physiology | kerstin.bartscherer@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Roland | Brandt | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Neurobiology | roland.brandt@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Nico | Dissmeyer | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Plant Physiology | nico.dissmeyer@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Jürgen | Heinisch | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Genetics | juergen.heinisch@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Michael | Hensel | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Microbiology | michael.hensel@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Josephus Carolus Maria | Holthuis | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Molecular Cell Biology | joost.holthuis@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christian | Kost | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Ecology | christian.kost@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Arne | Möller | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Structural Biology | arne.moeller@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Achim | Paululat | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Zoology | achim.paululat@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Jacob | Piehler | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Biophysics | jacob.piehler@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Chadi | Touma | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Behavioral Biology | chadi.touma@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christian | Ungermann | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Biochemistry | christian.ungermann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Sabine | Zachgo | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Botany | sabine.zachgo@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Junior Professorship: Molecular Cell Biology and/or Cell Physics | |||
Prof. Dr. | Susanne | Menzel-Riedl Represented by: Dr. Florian Fiebelkorn | ||||
FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biology | Biology didactics | susanne.menzel@ uni-osnabrueck.de | |||
Prof. Dr. | Marco | Beeken | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Chemistry | Didactics of Chemistry | marco.beeken@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Uwe | Beginn | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | uwe.beginn@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Florian | Fröhlich | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Biochemistry | Bioanalytical Chemistry | florian.froehlich@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Markus | Haase | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Chemistry | Materials Research | markus.haase@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Andreas | Hennig | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | andreas.hennig@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Martin | Steinhart | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | martin.steinhart@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. | FB 05 Biology/Chemistry | Chemistry | Junior professorship: Chemistry/Focus on nanomaterials | |||
Prof. Dr. | Nils | Aschenbruck | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Distributed Systems | nils.aschenbruck@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Martin | Atzmüller | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Endowed Professorship "Semantic Information Systems" (ROSEN Group) | martin.atzmueller@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Michael | Brinkmeier | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Didactics of computer science | michael.brinkmeier@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Marcel | Campen | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Visual Computing | marcel.campen@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Markus | Chimani | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Theoretical Computer Science | markus.chimani@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Sigrid | Knust | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Combinatorial Optimization | sigrid.knust@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Till Frederik | Mossakowski | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Knowledge processing in hybrid AI systems | till.mossakowski@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Mario | Porrmann | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Computer Engineering | mario.porrmann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Elke | Pulvermüller | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Software Engineering | elke.pulvermueller@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Olaf | Spinczyk | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Endowed Professorship "Embedded Software Systems" (CLAAS / HARTING) | olaf.spinczyk@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Björn | Waske | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Remote sensing and digital image processing | bjoern.waske@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. | FB 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Computer Science | Practical Computer Science / Digitization | |||
Prof. Dr. | Paul | Breiding | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Mathematical methods of data analysis | paul.breiding@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Holger | Brenner | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Algebra | holger.brenner@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Hanna | Döring | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Spatial stochastics | hanna.doering@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Dr. | Andreas | Focks | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Environmental system modeling | andreas.focks@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Hedwig | Gasteiger | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Mathematics didactics | hedwig.gasteiger@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Michael | Gnewuch | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Applied Analysis | michael.gnewuch@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Frank | Hilker | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Applied Systems Science | frank.hilker@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Martina | Juhnke-Kubitzke | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Discrete Mathematics | martina.juhnke@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Stefan | Kunis | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Applied and Numerical Analysis | stefan.kunis@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Matthias | Reitzner | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Mathematics/Stochastics | matthias.reitzner@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Tim | Römer | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Algebra | tim.roemer@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Oliver | Röndigs | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Topology | oliver.roendigs@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Markus | Spitzweck | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Topology | markus.spitzweck@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Daniel Barton | FB 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Mathematics | Mathematics didactics | |||
Prof. Dr. | Roland | Berger | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Physics | Didactics of physics | roland.berger@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Jochen | Gemmer | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Physics | Theoretical Physics | jochen.gemmer@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Wolfgang | Harneit | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Physics | Experimental physics with a focus on quantum spintronics | wolfgang.harneit@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Mirco-Kai | Imlau | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Physics | Experimental physics, focus on optics/photonics | mirco.imlau@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Philipp | Maaß | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Physics | Theoretical Physics | philipp.maass@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Michael | Reichling | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Department of Physics | Experimental Physics (focus: local probes) | michael.reichling@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Robin | Steinigeweg | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Physics | Theoretical condensed matter physics | robin.steinigeweg@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Joachim | Wollschläger | Department 06 Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics | Department of Physics | Applied Physics | joachim.wollschlaeger@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Alexander | Bergs | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | English Studies | Linguistics of the English language | alexander.bergs@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Luz-Maria | Gasser | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | English Studies | Junior Professorship: English Literature and Cultural Studies | lucy.gasser@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Thomas | Kullmann | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | English Studies | English Studies: Literary Studies | thomas.kullmann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Ernst Peter | Schneck | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | English Studies | American literature and cultural studies | peter.schneck@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Dirk | Siepmann | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | English Studies | Didactics of English as a subject | dirk.siepmann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christian | Dawidowski | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | Didactics of German teaching with a focus on literature didactics | christian.dawidowski@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Sophie | Ellsäßer | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | Junior professorship: Grammar of German | sophie.ellsaesser@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christoph | König | Department 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | Modern and Contemporary German Literature | christoph.koenig@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Olav | Krämer | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | New German Literary Studies | olav.kraemer@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Renate | Musan | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | Linguistics of German | renate.musan@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Katharina | Nimz | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | Applied Linguistics of German | katharina.nimz@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christina | Noack | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | Didactics of the German language with a focus on elementary school | christina.noack@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Helena | Olfert | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | German as a second language and language education | helena.olfert@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christian | Schneider | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | Cultural Medieval Studies | christian.schneider@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Jan Noel | Thon | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | Media studies and media didactics | jan.noel.thon@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Christopher Meid | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | German Studies | Modern German Literature with a focus on the Early Modern Period | |||
Prof. Dr. | Stephan | Heilen | Department 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | Latin | Classical Philology with a focus on Latin/Neulatein | stephan.heilen@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Meike | Rühl | FB 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | Latin | Classical Philology with a focus on Latin/Gender Studies | meike.ruehl@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Mark | Bechtel | Department 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | Romance Studies | Didactics of Romance Languages | mark.bechtel@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Yves | D'Hulst | Department 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | Romance Studies | Romance Linguistics | yves.dhulst@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Oliver | Ehmer | Department 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | Romance Studies | Romance Linguistics | oliver.ehmer@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Andrea | Grewe | Department 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | Romance Studies | Romance Studies / Literary Studies with a special focus on Italian | andrea.grewe@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Susanne | Schlünder | Department 07 Linguistics and Literary Studies | Romance Studies | Romance Literary Studies (French / Spanish) | susanne.schluender@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Birgit | Babitsch | FB 08 Human Sciences | Health Science | New Public Health | susanne.schluender@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Manfred | Hülsken-Giesler | FB 08 Human Sciences | Health Science | Nursing Science | manfred.huelsken-giesler@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Swen Malte | John | FB 08 Human Sciences | Health Sciences | Occupational dermatology | swen.malte.john@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Ursula | Walkenhorst | FB 08 Human Sciences | Health Science | Didactics of the human service professions | ursula.walkenhorst@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Martin Landsberger | FB 08 Human Sciences | Health Science | Biomedical foundations of health sciences | |||
Dr. | Elia | Bruni | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Machine Language Processing | elia.bruni@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Nicole | Gotzner | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Psycho-/Neurolinguistics | nicole.gotzner@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Tim Christian | Kietzmann | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Endowed professorship "Machine Learning" (various donors) | tim.kietzmann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Peter | König | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Neurobiopsychology | peter.koenig@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Kai-Uwe | Kühnberger Represented by: Dr. Ulf Krumnack | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Artificial Intelligence | kai-uwe.kuehnberger@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Rainer | Mühlhoff | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Ethics of artificial intelligence | rainer.muehlhoff@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Sebastian | Musslick | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Junior Professorship: Computational Neuroscience | sebastian.musslick@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Pascal | Nieters | Department 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Junior Professorship: Neurocomputation | pascal.nieters@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Simone | Pika | Department 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Comparative Cognitive Biology | simone.pika@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Gordon | Pipa | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Neuroinformatics | gordon.pipa@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Sven Michael | Walter | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Philosophy of mind | sven.walter@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Dario Paape | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Cognitive Modeling | |||
N.N. | FB 08 Human Sciences | Cognitive Science | Biologically oriented computer vision | |||
Prof. Dr. | Susanne | Boshammer | FB 08 Human Sciences | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy | susanne.boshammer@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Nikola | Kompa | FB 08 Human Sciences | Department of Philosophy | Theoretical Philosophy | nikola.kompa@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Julia | Becker | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | Social Psychology | julia.becker@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Thomas | Gruber | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | General Psychology I | thomas.gruber@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Julia | Müller | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | Work and organizational psychology with a focus on intercultural business psychology | karsten.mueller@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Roman | Osinsky | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | Differential psychology and personality research | roman.osinsky@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Rosa Maria | Puca | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | Educational Psychology | rosa.maria.puca@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Kati | Roesmann | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | Clinical psychology and psychotherapy of childhood and adolescence | kati.roesmann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Julian | Rubel-Schaan | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | Clinical psychology and psychotherapy of adulthood | julian.rubel@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Thomas | Staufenbiel | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | Research methodology, diagnostics and evaluation | thomas.staufenbiel@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Ursula | Stockhorst | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | General Psychology II and Biological Psychology | ursula.stockhorst@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Silja | Vocks | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy | silja.vocks@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Maarten H.W. | Zalk | FB 08 Human Sciences | Psychology | Developmental Psychology | maarten.vanzalk@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Bernhard | Baumgartner | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration / Marketing | bernhard.baumgartner@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Valeriya | Dinger | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Macroeconomics | valeriya.dinger@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Stefanie | Engel | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Environmental Economics | stefanie.engel@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Thomas | Gaube | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Finance | thomas.gaube@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Robert | Gillenkirch | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Business administration with a focus on controlling | robert.gillenkirch@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Peter | Grundke | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Banking and Finance | peter.grundke@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Uwe | Hoppe | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration / Organization and Information Systems | uwe.hoppe@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Steven James | Humphrey | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Microeconomics, in particular information economics | steve.humphrey@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Karsten | Müller | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Business administration with a focus on corporate management | julia.mueller@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Sofia Marlena | Schöbel | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Junior Professorship: Information Systems | sofia.schoebel@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Andreas | Scholze | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | International Accounting | andreas.scholze@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Frank | Teuteberg | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Management Accounting and Information Systems | frank.teuteberg@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Oliver | Thomas | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Information Management and Information Systems | oliver.thomas@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Frank | Westermann | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Economics with a focus on international economic policy | frank.westermann@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Joachim | Wilde | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Econometrics and Statistics | joachim.wilde@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Michael | Wosnitza | FB 09 Business Administration and Economics | Business Administration and Economics | Business administration with a focus on accounting, taxation and auditing | michael.wosnitza@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Marcus Andreas | Bieder | Faculty 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Civil law, German and European labor law, commercial and corporate law | marcus.bieder@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Christoph | Busch | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | German and European Private and Commercial Law and Private International Law | christoph.busch@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Pascale | Cancik | Faculty 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Public Law, History of European Public Law and Administrative Sciences | pascale.cancik@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Oliver | Dörr | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Public law, European law, international law, comparative law | oliver.doerr@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Andreas | Fuchs | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Civil law, commercial and corporate law, German, European and international business law, comparative law. Commercial law, comparative law | andreas.fuchs@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Georg | Gesk | Faculty 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Endowed professorship "Chinese Law" | georg.gesk@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Thomas | Groß | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Public law, European law and comparative law | thomas.gross@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Ralf | Krack | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Criminal Law, Commercial Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law | ralf.krack@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Steffen | Lampert | Faculty 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Public law, financial and tax law | steffen.matthias.lampert@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Lars | Leuschner | Faculty 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Civil law, commercial and corporate law | lars.leuschner@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Markus | Lieberknecht | Faculty 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Junior professorship: Civil law and civil procedural law in the digital transformation | markus.lieberknecht@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Mary-Rose | McGuire | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Civil law, intellectual property law and German and European civil procedural law | mary-rose.mcguire@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Jan Stefan | Oster | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Civil law, commercial law, media law, data and digitalization law | jan.oster@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Roland | Schmitz | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Criminal law, commercial and fiscal criminal law | roland.schmitz@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Hans | Schulte-Nölke | Faculty 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Civil Law Civil Law, European Private and Commercial Law, Comparative Law and European Legal History | hans.schulte-noelke@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Sören | Segger-Piening | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Civil Law, International and European Private and Procedural Law and Comparative Law | soeren.segger-piening@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Arndt | Sinn | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | German and European Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law, Intern. Criminal Law and Comparative Criminal Law | arndt.sinn@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Johanna | Wolff | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Public law, commercial, financial and tax law | johanna.wolff@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
Prof. Dr. | Fryderyk | Zoll | Faculty 10 Law | Jurisprudence | European and Polish private law and comparative law | fryderyk.zoll@ uni-osnabrueck.de |
N.N. Represented by: Dr. Christian Ludwig Geminn | Department 10 Law | Jurisprudence | Public Law |