A staff member at the InfoPoint is smiling and holding a campus card. In the background, a few students can be seen at tables, and a large plant is on the reception desk.
© Jens Raddatz

Student Service Center (StudiOS)

For almost two decades, StudiOS (Student Service Center) in the city center - Neuer Graben 27 - has been the central point of contact for a variety of concerns in the life cycle of national and international prospective students, students and guests. The Central Study Counseling Service, the Administrative Service for Student Affairs, the International Office and the BAföG department of the Studierendenwerk are united in one location.


The Info-Point in StudiOS (Neuer Graben 27) is always the first point of contact - but in any case for the validation and reissue of the Campuscard! The team here will be able to answer many questions about your studies. If this is not the case, they will put you in touch with the relevant institution.
Monday to Thursday: 9.00 am to 4.00 pm and Friday: 9.00 am to 2.00 pm


We are also available by telephone: The Info-Line team is happy to answer questions from prospective students, students and guests.
 +49 541 969 7777
Monday to Thursday: 9.00 am to 4.00 pm and Friday: 9.00 am to 2.00 pm


You can also send an email to  studios@uni-osnabrueck.de at any time. The team will immediately reply to incoming emails or forward them to the responsible institution or department.

The facilities at StudiOS

  • The  Central Study Counseling Service (ZSB) advises prospective and current students on all aspects of choosing a degree program
  • The  Administrative Service for Student Affairs supports and advises applicants and students in the organization of their entire studies and offers services relating to examination matters with the Coordination Office for Examination Administration, the Multi-Subject Examination Office (PATMOS) and the Examination Office for Cultural and Social Science Degree Programmes (FB 1)
  • International students and students with an interest in studying abroad are taken care of at the International Office
  • The  BAföG department of the Studentenwerk answers and processes questions about financial support

Management Info-Point / Info-Line

Corinna Unger

Dezernat 5: Studentische Angelegenheiten

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/109

 +49 541 969-4908