Doctorate and Postdoc Phase

The support of researchers in qualification phases is a central concern of Osnabrück University. The aim is to provide doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with tailored support that matches the specific requirements of the respective phase of their academic qualification and to prepare them for leadership responsibility in science and industry.

The central institution for supporting doctoral candidates and postdocs with consultations, key competences courses and further services is the  PhD/Postdoc Career Center (ZePrOs).

Information and Offers

Arrangement of hexagonal wooden playing pieces on a blue background. The pieces are aligned in different directions and have arrows on them. The arrangement shows a kind of network, with the arrows showing the direction in which the connections extend.
© Andrii Yalanskyi

Overview : Pursuing a Doctorate at Osnabrück University

Osnabrück University offers different ways of doing a doctorate: Individual doctorates, doctoral programs and research training groups. We have compiled information for you on the formalities of starting a doctorate, on funding options, on shaping the doctoral phase and on dealing with potential conflicts.

Hand pointing to a drawn diagram. The diagram consists of colored circles in different colors (red, blue and green) and arrows that indicate the direction between these points.

Overview : Organizing the Postdoc Phase

The postdoc phase is a crucial time for developing academic skills and honing your own research profile. We have compiled information on academic qualifications, career development and research practice for academics who have completed their doctorate and are working as a postdoc in research and teaching at the university.

A collection of colorful paper speech bubbles in various shapes and colors, including red, blue, yellow, green and pink.

ZePrOs | PhD/Postdoc Career Center : Individual Consultation

ZePrOs offers researchers in all qualification phases and from all disciplines a target group-specific information and consulation service in a confidential setting: on questions of planning and organization, challenges and conflicts, professional orientation and career development as well as research funding.

Wooden blocks that form the word "WORKSHOP". The blocks are designed in different colors, including red, blue, pink, green and beige. They are surrounded by various colored paper shapes and fragments.

ZePrOs | PhD/Postdoc Career Center : Key Competences Courses

Each semester, ZePrOs offers doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in the early stages of their careers a diverse program of courses and events in the fields of science and methodology, leadership skills, self-management skills, career planning and working techniques as well as language and media skills.

© Melanie Aufderhaar

ZePrOs | PhD/Postdoc Career Center : Mentoring Programs

ZePrOs' mentoring programs offer female doctoral candidates and postdocs (all genders) individual support with personal development, career orientation and networking. We offer two alternating programs: "Together on the path to a professorship" for all postdocs and "Career prospects after the doctorate" for female doctoral candidates. First-generation academics are especially encouraged to participate in the programs. The long-term goal of both programs is to strengthen equal opportunities in the academic system.

Complex structure of colorful, thin rods that are connected to each other and form a network. The rods have different colors, including blue, green, purple and red.
© Lukas Bast

Overview : Networking Opportunities and PhD/Postdoc Representatives

At Osnabrück University, there are many opportunities for crossdisciplinary networking during the doctoral and postdoc phase. Networking activities include, for example, attending courses on key competences, participating in conferences, colloquia, regulars' tables and leisure activities, as well as participating in working groups or in the PhD/postdoc representative committees.

Person working on a laptop. Diagrams and graphs displaying data and statistics are visible on the screen.
© ckybe -

Overview : Research Funding for Scientists in Early Career Phases

Postdocs, but also doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctorate, have the opportunity to acquire third-party funding to carry out their own projects and thus advance their scientific independence in the postdoc phase.

© Armand B/ |

Center for Digital Teaching, Information Management and Higher Education Didactics (virtUOS) : Didactic Qualification for Teaching in Higher Education

As a central research and service facility of Osnabrück University, virtUOS researches and develops innovative technologies in the field of teaching and university organization. Based on this, virtUOS offers a wide range of digital tools, advice and support in the field of university didactics, among other things, which contribute to a conducive teaching and learning culture.