Commission for Research and the Development of Early Career Researchers (FNK)
As a permanent joint commission, the Commission for Research and the Development of Early Career Researchers (FNK) advises the Senate and the Executive Board on all research-related issues. These include, in particular, the formation of research priorities, the use of central funds for research funding, the evaluation of research performance and the promotion of young academics.
(term of office until March 31, 2025/26)
Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger / Vice President for Research, Social Dialog and Outreach
University Lecturers' Group
Prof. Dr. Alexander Bergs / School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics Dr. Julia Müller / School of Language and Literary Studies Dr. Martina Juhnke (Senate member) / School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics
Prof. Dr. Peter Schneck (Senate member) / School of Language and Literary Studies
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke (Senate member) / School of Law
Staff group
Julia Poschmann / School of Educational and Cultural Studies
Rüdiger Rolf (Senate member) / virtUOS Center
Lara Höttecke / School of Language and Literary Studies / Promos
MTV Group
Stefan Fangmeier / University Library
Student group
Jannik Hoferichter
Catherine Leichsenring