Greening the University

Climate protection I Environmental protection I Sustainability

Commitment to sustainable issues is important to Osnabrück University. As early as 1997, it was the first university in Germany to adopt environmental guidelines that follow the guiding principle of sustainable development. The work of the "Greening the University" process is characterized by numerous participatory campaigns and projects relating to mobility, energy, construction, consumption, new work and nature conservation. The environmental reports provide information about the commitment and the many activities of the past years and show an environmental performance that is understood as a cross-sectional task. All people at this university should feel responsible and are encouraged to help shape it.

Our guiding principle

The university as a real laboratory for a transformation process in all areas:

Research | Teaching | Governance | Operations | Transfer to the Region | Participation/Student Engagement

A bed with colorful wildflowers, in the background you can see the archway of a historic building
© Anita Tiedtke

Our sustainable campus

A sustainable campus is a meeting place for innovative minds who are shaping a better future with green technologies and creative ideas. It's not just about learning, but also about living - with urban gardening, climate-friendly transport options and events that minimize the ecological footprint and strengthen the community spirit. From the edible campus to "Aktion Pfand" and slow fashion: there is information and hands-on activities on campus and beyond. It's worth thinking outside the box.

Our topics

A recycling symbol made of brown cardboard lies on a green, artificial grass base. The arrows of the symbol are visible and give the impression of sustainability.
© New Africa -

Waste I Cleaning

Avoidance as the top priority and collection of recyclable materials as an important building block.

Ein Schild in Form eines Hauses zeigt die Aufschrift "CO₂-BILANZ" in grüner Schrift. Es steht auf einem Felsen, umgeben von grünen Pflanzen und Gras im Hintergrund. Der Fokus auf dem Schild betont das Thema Umweltbewusstsein und Nachhaltigkeit.
© Tamara |

CO2 balance

The detailed greenhouse gas balance 2022 can be found in the climate protection concept.

A hand holds a light bulb from which green leaves are growing. The surroundings are blurred and show a green, natural background. The light bulb radiates light and symbolizes sustainability and environmental awareness.
© thesweetsheep |

Using and saving energy

Energy-efficient technology and careful use help save resources.

Two people are sitting at a high table, smiling and looking at a laptop. The walls in the background are painted in warm shades of yellow, red and orange
© Simone Reukauf

Space management I New Work

Modern workplace concepts for satisfied employees and resource conservation in the area.

A shopping cart symbol with green leaves is in the foreground. The background is blurred and shows various graphic elements that suggest sustainability and environmental awareness.
© Gibster |

Procurement I Consumption

Make procurement and consumption at the university climate-neutral.

Eine kleine Pflanze mit frischen, grünen Blättern wächst aus der Tastatur eines Laptops. Dies symbolisiert eine Verbindung zwischen Natur und Technologie.
© troyanphoto |

Green IT

Resource-saving use of information and communication technology.


Ein Wasserflasche aus Glas steht auf einem Tisch in einem modernen Büroraum. Im Hintergrund ist eine große Pflanze in einem Blumentopf sowie verschwommene Büromöbel und Fenster zu sehen, die für eine helle, einladende Atmosphäre sorgen.
© Fabio |

Green office

From green surfing to zero waste: ideas for environmental protection in the workplace.


Wooden figures stand around a bright green, transparent globe, which is placed in the middle. Green lines emanate from the sphere, symbolizing a connection between the figures.
© Andrii Yalanskyi

Green Days I Event

Planning aid for sustainably organized events!

An airplane flies over a green meadow under a blue sky with a few clouds.
© pusteflower9024 -

Climate protection fund

CO2 compensation for business travel applies to air and car travel, possible once a year via collective compensation.

A young man is riding a black bicycle. The movement of the bicycle is made clear by a blur in the background, which shows people and a yellow façade. Colorful flowers can be seen in the foreground.
© Reimar Ott


Make business trips and everyday mobility environmentally friendly.

A close-up of many green bubbles floating in a blurred green background. The bubbles have different sizes and reflect light.
© lin -

Water I Rain

Water is and remains a precious resource worth protecting.

Networks I Environmental reports I Climate protection concept


The Sustainability Network of Lower Saxony's Universities (HochNiNa) has been in existence since 2018 and aims to promote exchange and cooperation between those responsible and officers for sustainability at universities in Lower Saxony. COUNTS is a joint project.

Logo Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and logo National Climate Initiative

Climate 2035

  • Integrated climate protection concept
  • Goal: Climate neutrality 2035
  • funded by the NKI (Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative)

If you are interested, you can obtain the document from the  Environmental Coordinator

Environmental management I Governance

Background information on environmental performance since 1997. Also the long version of our environmental guidelines. Environmental management includes strategies and measures to reduce negative environmental impacts in order to promote sustainability.

Contact person

Jutta Essl

Foto Jutta Essl
Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Nelson-Mandela-Straße 2
49076 Osnabrück

Room: 95/107a

 +49 541 969-2242