Used & Good
A second life for used things
"Used and good" describes a concept of reusing, recycling and upgrading products that have already been used at the university. It promotes sustainability by conserving resources and reducing waste. Here are some ways in which used items can be given a second life.
Important I Separation procedure
All items that are reused within the university can simply be passed on to the respective organizational facilities. Employees do not need a request for disposal or a transfer agreement for this.
All items that are to leave the university (to be sold or given away) must first be given a disposal request approved by the Finance Department. Transfer agreements must also be completed for these items when they are handed in free of charge. The Environmental Coordinator will be happy to advise you on the procedure!
If we manage to extend the lifespan of things, and if we manage to want fewer things ourselves - then we will be a step closer to sustainable consumption. So come on - let's throw our old consumer habits overboard!