Central Commission for Studies and Teaching (ZSK) and Study Quality Commission

"The Central Commission for Studies and Teaching (ZSK) advises the Senate and the Presidential Board on all matters relating to studies and teaching, including teaching evaluation. It prepares the resolutions in accordance with section 8 paragraph 2 (admission and examination regulations) as well as the resolution on the regulations for teaching evaluation. The ZSK also assumes the tasks of the Study Quality Commission in accordance with Section 14b (2) of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG) - (SQM). It is chaired by the responsible member of the Executive Board. Half of the voting members must belong to the student group; the deans of studies participate in an advisory capacity." (Constitution of Osnabrück University, paragraphs 9 and 9a)


(term of office until March 31, 2025/26)


Prof. Dr. Jochen Oltmer / Vice President for Studies and Teaching

University Teachers' Group

Prof. Dr. Marco Beeken / School of Biology/Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Christoph Louven / School of Educational and Cultural Studies
Prof. Dr. Chadi Touma / School of Biology/Chemistry

Staff group

Nicole Draxler-Weber / School of Business Administration and Economics

MTV Group

Thomas Hölscher / Administrative Service 5

Student group

Linus Otten (member of the Senate)
Valery Koberg (member of the Senate)
Simon Spiller
Daniel Becker
Marius Baar