Media Design Image and Sound

Job description

Media designers (image and sound) create image and sound recordings and then edit them using a non-linear editing system. They often work in a team and according to editorial or design specifications.

The focus of work at virtUOS is on event recording and electronic reporting. virtUOS produces current news articles and reports on everyday university life for the Communications and Marketing department (KM). Moreover, virtUOS operates a studio that is available for production.

What do media designers do?

Vocational training content:

  • Planning, conception and implementation of media productions
  • Legal protection of productions
  • Producing image and sound recordings
  • Post-processing of raw material in the edit
  • Publishing and integrating the finished contribution into learning management systems
  • Setting up, testing and operating audiovisual production systems such as recording devices, transmission and communication equipment
  • Mixing image and sound signals under live conditions
  • Basics of electrical, audio and video technology
Detail of a man sitting on a staircase and holding a camera in his hand.
© Simone Reukauf

Vocational training focus at virtUOS:

  • Production of various journalistic formats (report, reportage, documentary, etc.), including the conception and content-related discussion of the topic
  • Writing voice-over texts for the above-mentioned journalistic formats, in consultation with the client
  • Installation, commissioning and operation of audiovisual production systems
  • Post-processing image and sound material with non-linear post-production systems

In addition, trainees can take part in internal training courses at virtUOS and also carry out subject-specific training courses themselves.

 A young man holds a camera ready to film in front of Osnabrück University's castle building.
© Simone Reukauf

Impression of the vocational education as media designer (in German)

How ist the vocational training structured?

Vocational school: The school-based training takes place as block lessons at the Multimedia Berufsbildende Schule (MMBBS) in Hanover.

Duration of training: Three years, can be shortened by six months if necessary.

What requirements do I need to fulfill?

A secondary school leaving certificate, creativity, the ability to work in a team, technical understanding and the ability to work independently are desirable.

Where can I find more info?

 BERUFENET of the employment agency

Contact person

Henrik Jürgens

Foto Henrik Jürgens
Zentrum für Digitale Lehre, Campus-Management und Hochschuldidaktik (virtUOS)

Seminarstraße 20
49074 Osnabrück

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr

 +49 541 969-6508