Selection Threshold

If admission to degree courses is restricted , the grade (procedural grade or average grade of the higher education entrance qualification) and the number of waiting semesters (periods without enrolment at a German higher education institution after obtaining the higher education entrance qualification) with which the last person was awarded a study place is determined after completion of the respective allocation procedure. Please note that a maximum of seven waiting semesters are taken into account.

Current information on the weighting of school subjects for calculating the procedural grade in undergraduate degree programs with restricted admission can be found on the page  Type and weighting of subjects.

The procedural grade determined in this way can only serve as a guide for future allocation procedures, as the selection limits are largely dependent on variables such as the number of applications, the respective Abitur grades achieved and the number of available study places. No claims can be derived from this.

Here you will find the allocation criteria for admission-restricted higher semesters for the  Bachelor (B.Sc.) in Psychology, the  First State Examination in Law [state examination] and  Bachelor's degree programs (two subjects).

Below you will find the latest selection limits since the 2020/2021 winter semester.

  ZZ1 Applications Main proceedings   Conclusion of proceedings  
      Aptitude grade2/
Waiting time3
Aptitude grade/
Waiting period

State Examination/
First State Examination in Law



293 915 *)5 *) *) *)
Bachelor of Science            
Psychology4 105 1885 1.1 D/L6
80 L7
07 (2,5) 1.1 D/L
80 L
07 (2,5) L
Bachelor of Vocational Education9            
Biology 21 49 *) *) *) *)
Health sciences 63 86 *) *) *) *)
Social Education 23 103 2.1 D/L 04 (2,2) L 2.2 D/ L 04 (2,5) L
Sport 22 62 1,9 L 07 (3,5) L 1,9 L 07 (3,5) L
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)10            
German 146 839 2,2 L 03 (3,3) L 2.6 D/L 02 (2,8) L
Elementary Social Studies and Science            
SP8: Labor-Economy 7 79 2,2 L 03 (3,3) L 2.6 D/L 02 (2,8) L
SP: Biology 14 208 1,6 L 06 (3,2) L 1,6 L 06 (3,2) L
SP: Geography 10 139 1,9 L 06 (2,6) L 1,9 L 06 (2,6) L
SP: History 14 83 2.1 D/L 07 (3,6) L 2.1 D/L 07 (3,6) L
SP: Physics 6 21 *) *) *) *)
SP: Politics 7 34 *) *) *) *)
Sports 30 191 1,9 L 04 (2,6) 2,1 L 04 (3,0) L
Two-subject Bachelor's degree11            
Biology 94 226 *) *) *) *)
Geography 132 184 *) *) *) *)
German studies 162 395 *) *) *) *)
History 84 192 *) *) *) *)
Sports 40 332 1,7 L 06 (3,5) L 1,8 L 04 (2,6) L
Master of Arts            
Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding 30 93 1,9   2,4  
International migration and
Intercultural relations
30 118 1,4   1,49  
Master of Science            
Intercultural psychology 25 234 65.0 points   55,0  
Clinical psychology and
60 861 82.0 Points   72.5 points  
Master of Primary Education (Grundschule)            
Sport 10 33 2,249   2,249  
Master of Secondary Education (Gymnasium)            
Sport 10 31 2,155   2,155  
Master of Education (LBS) for Specialized Bachelor            
German studies/German 20 23 2,2   *)  

Applicants with a higher education entrance qualification pursuant to Section 18 (1) No. 3 NHG (professional qualification quota)

  ZZ1 Applications Main procedure2 Conclusion of procedure
Bachelor of Science        
Psychology4 1 5 1,3 1,3
Bachelor of Vocational Education        
Social Education 2 6 2,5 *)
Sports 2 3 *) *)
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)9        
German 14 6 *) *)
Elementary Social Studies and Science SP Work-Economics 1 1 *) *)
Elementary Social Studies and Science SP Biology 1 4 *) *)
Elementary Social Studies and Science SP Politics 1 1 *) *)


1ZZ = Admission number
2Aptitude grade = To determine the procedure grade, check out the link in the general explanations.
3Waiting period = Is the number of semesters after obtaining the higher education entrance qualification in which the applicant was not enrolled at a German university.
4Awardedas part of the DoSV procedure, see also  Bachelor Psychology DoSV procedure and  First State Examination in Law DoSV procedure
5 *) = All applicants could be admitted
6D/L = If there is equality of rank, priority is given to those who belong to the group of persons according to Article 8 Paragraph 1 of the State Treaty and have completed a period of service. If there is still equality of rank, the decision is made by lottery.
7 L = lottery in case of equal ranking
8SP = focus
9Vocational Teacher Education (Gymnasium)
10Vocational Teacher Education (Grund-, Haupt- und Realschule)
11 a. o. Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) and qualifying for single-subject Master's degree programs

ZZ1 Applications Main procedure
Aptitude grade2/points
Main procedure
Waiting time3( grade)
Completion of procedure
Aptitude grade/points
Completion of procedure
Waiting period (grade)
First State Examination in Law [State Examination]
328 1005 2,2 L5 0 (2,2) L *) *
Bachelor of Science
105 2401 1.0 D/L7
103 L
7 (1,9) 1.1 L
88 L
7 (2,2) L
Bachelor of Vocational Education9
21 55 2,4 7 (3,3) L *) *)
Bachelor of Vocational Education
Health Sciences
67 139 2,7 L 6 (2,8) L *) *)
Bachelor of Vocational Education
Social Education
22 108 2,1 L 6 (2,5) L 2,1 L 6 (2,5) L
Bachelor of Vocational Education
30 92 1,7 L 7 (2,6) L 1,8 L 7 (2,9) L
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)10
26 22 *) *) *) *)
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
156 894 2,1 L 4 (2,9) L 2.6 D/L 2 (3,0) L
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
86 343 *) *) *) *)
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
Elementary Social Studies and Science SP: Work-Economy
10 22 *) *) *) *)
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
Elementary Social Studies and Science SP: Biology
10 251 1,5 L 7 (3,4) 1.8 D/L 6 (3,1)
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
Elementary Social Studies and Science SP: Geography
10 164 1,8 L 7 (3,1) L 1,8 L 7 (3,1) L
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
Elementary Studies and Science SP: History
10 111 1,9 L 4 (2,8) 2,0 2 (2,4) L
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
Elementary Studies and Science SP: Physics
10 15 *) *) *) *)
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
Elementary Social Studies and Science SP: Politics
10 39 2,2 D 2 (2,7) 2,7 2 (3,2)
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
32 220 1.9 D/L 6 (2,6) 1,9 4 (2,6)
Two-subject Bachelor's degree11
94 254 2,3 L 0 (2,7) L 3,2 0 (2,7) L
Dual-Subject Bachelor
Education Science
74 141 *) *) *) *)
Dual-Subject Bachelor
122 250 *) *) *) *)
Dual-Subject Bachelor
German Studies
168 487 2,5 L 0 (2,2) L 3,3 L 0 (3,3) L
Dual-Subject Bachelor
84 250 2,5 L 0 (2,8) L *) *)
Dual-Subject Bachelor
102 208 *) *) *) *)
Dual-Subject Bachelor
42 381 1.6 D/L 6 (2,3) 1.9 D/L 4 (2,4)
Master of Arts
Education Science
15 36 *) *)
Master of Arts
International Migration and Intercultural Relations
30 104 1,7 L 1,7
Master of Science
Intercultural Psychology
25 259 70.0 points *)
Master of Science
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
60 764 82.5 points 75.0 points
Master of Primary Education (Grundschule)
10 32 1,9 *)
Master of Secondary Education (Gymnasium)
10 36 1,9 *)
Master of Education (LBS) for Specialized Bachelor
German Studies
20 14 *) *)
Master of Education (LBS) for Specialized Bachelor
Social Education
20 23 *) *)


Applicants with a higher education entrance qualification pursuant to Section 18 (1) NE 3 NHG (professional qualification quota)

ZZ1 Applications Main procedure2 Conclusion of procedure
Bachelor of Science
1 5 1,0 1,0
Bachelor of Vocational Education
Social Education
2 5 2,3 2,3
Bachelor of Vocational Education
2 4 2,2 *)
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)9
Elementary Social Studies and Science SP: Biology
1 6 1,8 L *)


1ZZ= Admission number
2Aptitude grade= To determine the procedural grade; see also  type and weighting of subjects.
3Waiting period= Is the number of semesters after obtaining the higher education entrance qualification in which the applicant was not enrolled at a German higher education institution.
4Awardedas part of the DoSV procedure; see also  Bachelor Psychology DoSV procedure and  First State Examination in Law DoSV procedure.
5L= lot in the event of equal ranking
6*) = all applicants could be admitted
7D/L= if there is equal ranking, priority is given to those who belong to the group of persons in accordance with Article 8 Paragraph 1 of the State Treaty and have completed a period of service. If there is still a tie, the decision is made by lot.
8SP= Focus
9Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) and qualifying for single-subject Master's degree courses
10Vocational Teacher Education
11 and others

ZZ1 Applications Main proceedings Conclusion of proceedings
Procedure grade2/
Waiting time3
Procedure grade/
Waiting period

State Examination/
First State Examination in Law


325 674 *)5 *) *) *)

Bachelor of Laws

Commercial law4 81 122 *) *) *) *)
Bachelor of Arts
Social sciences4 44 89 *) *) *) *)
Bachelor of Science
Biology4 102 189 *) *) *) *)
Cognitive Science4 149 153 *) *) *) *)
Psychology4 105 1028 1,3 07 (2,5) 1,3 07 (2,5)
Bachelor's degree in Education
and Teaching9
Biology 26 33 *) *) *) *)
German 158 669 2,3 L6 04 (3,3) L 2,3 L 04 (3,3) L
Mathematics 66 644 2,5 L 02 (3,7) 2,5 L 03 (3,3)
Elementary Social Studies and Science
SP8: Labor-Economy 5 21 2,4 07 (3,4) 2,4 07 (3,4)
SP: Biology 23 168 2,0 L 02 (2,3) L 2,0 L 02 (2,3) L
SP: Geography 15 103 2,3 L 06 (2,9) 2,3 L 06 (2,9)
SP: History 11 68 2,3 D7 04 (3,2) 2,3 D 04 (3,2)
SP: Physics 3 15 2,2 02 (2,4) L 2,2 02 (2,4) L
SP: Politics 5 38 1,8 07 (3,1) L 1,8 07 (3,1) L
Sports 30 178 2.1 D/L 05 (2,9) 2.1 D/L 05 (2,9)
Bachelor of Vocational Education10
Biology 21 66 2,3 D 07 (3,3) 2,3 D 07 (3,3)
Health sciences 56 143 2,8 06 (3,2) 2,8 06 (3,2)
Cosmetology 37 32 *) *) *) *)
Social Education 22 93 2,3 D 02 (2,7) 2,3 D 02 (2,7)
Sports 30 71 2,0 L 07 (2,9) 2,0 L 07 (2,9)
Two-subject Bachelor11
English/English 112 292 2,4 00 (2,8) L 3,2 02 (2,8) L
Biology 94 245 2,2 00 (2,4) L 2,3 00 (2,6) L
Education Science 106 113 *) *) *) *)
Geography 168 185 *) *) *) *)
German studies 162 369 *) *) *) *)
History 80 218 *) *) *) *)
Mathematics 75 190 *) *) *) *)
Political science 30 81 *) *) *) *)
Sociology 42 85 *) *) *) *)
Spanish 56 70 *) *) *) *)
Sports 40 295 1,9 L 04 (2,0) 1,9 L 04 (2,9) L
Master of Arts
Education Science 15 58 *) *)
International migration and
Intercultural relations
30 78 1,5 2,1
Master of Science
Biology 40 57 *) *)
SP: General Biology 10

SP: Evolution, behavior
and ecology

SP: Cell and
Molecular Biology
Intercultural psychology 25 150 62.5 points 62.5 points
Clinical psychology and
60 395 80 points 37.5 points

Applicants with a higher education entrance qualification pursuant to Section 18 (1) No. 3 NHG (professional qualification quota)

ZZ1 Applications Main procedure2 Completion of procedure
State Examination/First State Examination in Law
Law4 2 3 *) *)
Bachelor of Laws
Business Law4 2 2 *) *)
Bachelor of Science
Psychology4 1 6 1,2 1,2
Bachelor of Education
and Teaching9
German 7 7 *) *)
Mathematics 1 1 *) *)
Elementary Social Studies and Science
SP8: Labor-Economy 1 1 *) *)
SP: Biology 2 2 *) *)
SP: Politics 1 1 *) *)
Sports 1 1 *) *)
Bachelor of Vocational Education10
Biology 4 4 *) *)
Health sciences 5 5 *) *)
Cosmetology 10 10 *) *)
Social Education 3 3 *) *)
Sports 3 3 *) *)
Two-subject Bachelor11
Biology 1 1 *) *)
Education Science 2 2 *) *)
German studies/German 1 1 *) *)
Political Science 1 1 *) *)
Sports 1 1 *) *)
Sociology 2 2 *) *)


1ZZ = Admission number
2Todetermine the procedural grade, see link in the general explanations.
3Waiting period = is the number of semesters after obtaining the higher education entrance qualification in which the applicant was not enrolled at a German higher education institution.
4Awardingwithin the framework of the  DoSV procedure
5 *) = All applicants could be admitted.
6L = lot in case of equal ranking
7D/L = If there is an equal ranking, priority will be given to those who belong to the group of persons according to Article 8 Paragraph 1 of the State Treaty and have completed a period of service. If there is still a tie, the decision is made by lot.
8SP = specialization
9Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule)
10Vocational Teacher Education
11 Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) and qualifying for single-subject Master's degree courses, among others

ZZ1 Applications Main proceedings Conclusion of proceedings
Procedure grade2/
Waiting time3
Procedure grade/
Waiting period

State Examination/
First State Examination in Law


346 610 *)5 *) *) *)

Bachelor of Laws

Commercial law 81 146 *) *) *) *)
Bachelor of Arts
Social sciences 65 101 *) *) *) *)
Bachelor of Science
Biology 100 194 *) *) *) *)
Cognitive Science 165 180 *) *) *) *)
Psychology4 105 886 1,1 L6 07 (1,8) L 1,4 (00) L 07 (2,6)
Information Systems 66 90 *) *) *) *)
Business Administration and Economics 220 363 *) *) *) *)
Bachelor of Education
and Teaching9
Biology 26 37 *) *) *) *)
German 134 744 2,2 L 05 (3,4) L 2,1 (02) 06 (2,6) L
Mathematics 62 322 2.4 D/L7 03 (3,7) 2,5 (02) L 03 (3,3)
Elementary Social Studies and Science
SP8: Labor-Economy 6 21 2,1 06 (2,8) 1,8 (02) 07 (3,3) L
SP: Biology 12 180 1,9 06 (3,4) 1,8 (00) L 07 (2,9) L
SP: Geography 12 107 2,2 D 06 (2,8) 2,2 (00) L 07 (3,2)
SP: History 10 76 1,9 06 (2,5) 2,1 (02) 07 (3,3)
SP: Physics 3 15 *) *) *) *)
SP: Politics 5 38 2,2 06 (3,1) 2,2 (02) 04 (2,6)
Sports 22 209 2,0 L 06 (3,1) 2,0 (02) 06 (2,7)
Bachelor of Vocational Education10
Biology 21 87 2,3 L 07 (2,7) 2,1 (03) 07 (2,6)
Health Sciences 55 178 2.3 D/L 07 (2,8) L 2,1 (02) 07 (2,8) L
Cosmetology 37 45 *) *) *) *)
Nursing Science 43 37 *) *) *) *)
Social Education 22 100 2,2 L 06 (2,2) 2,2 (04) 07 (3,0)
Sports 27 78 2,2 D 07 (3,2) L 2,1 (00) L 07 (2,8) L
Two-subject Bachelor11
English/English 84 273 2,3 L 02 (2,7) 2,3 (00) 02 (2,8) L
Biology 94 240 2,2 00 (2,6) 2,4 (05) 02 (2,9)
Education Science 124 117 *) *) *) *)
Geography 126 189 *) *) *) *)
German studies 158 369 2,6 (02) L 02 (3,0) L *) *)
History 88 194 *) *) *) *)
Mathematics 72 199 *) *) *) *)
Political science 30 81 *) *) *) *)
Sociology 42 90 *) *) *) *)
Spanish 62 74 *) *) *) *)
Sports 36 278 2,0 L 06 (2,8) L 1,9 (02) L 06 (2,9) L
Master of Arts
Education Science 15 71 *) *)
International migration and
Intercultural relations
30 115 1,9
Master of Science
Business administration 50 245 *) *)
Biology 40 57 *) *)
SP: General Biology 10

SP: Evolution, behavior
and ecology

SP: Cell and
Molecular Biology
Soil, water, contaminated sites 30 47 *) *)
Economics 12 33 *) *)
Intercultural psychology 25 338 75.0 points 72.5 points
Clinical psychology and
60 544 77.5 points 72.5 points

Applicants for undergraduate Bachelor's degree programs with a higher education entrance qualification pursuant to Section 18 (1) No. 3 NHG (Professional qualification quota) could all be admitted for the winter semester 2021/2022.


1ZZ = Admission number
2Todetermine the procedural grade, see link in the general explanations.
3Waiting period = Is the number of semesters after obtaining the higher education entrance qualification in which the applicants were not enrolled at a German higher education institution.
4Awardingwithin the framework of the  DoSV procedure
5 *) = All applicants could be admitted.
6L = lot in case of equal ranking
7D/L = If there is an equal ranking, priority will be given to those who belong to the group of persons according to Article 8 Paragraph 1 of the State Treaty and have completed a period of service. If there is still equality of rank, the decision is made by lot.
8SP = specialization
9Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule)
10Vocational Teacher Education
11 Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) and qualifying for single-subject Master's degree courses, among others

ZZ1 Applications Main proceedings Conclusion of proceedings
Procedure grade2/
Waiting time3
Procedure grade/
Waiting period

State Examination/
First State Examination in Law


345 774 2,3 (02) L6 02 (2,8) L *) *)

Bachelor of Laws

Commercial law 81 190 2,6 (02) L 03 (2,6) *) *)
Bachelor of Arts
Social sciences 65 162 *)5 *) *) *)
Bachelor of Science
Biology 99 239 *) *) *) *)
Cognitive Science 127 291 2,0 (04) 02 (2,8) L 2,0 (04) 02 (2,8) L
Psychology 86 1232 1,1 (00) L 07 (1,9) 1.2 (02) D/L 07 (2,2) L
Information Systems 65 85 *) *) *) *)
Business Administration and Economics 219 550 2,8 (00) L 02 (2,9) *) *)
Bachelor of Education
and Teaching9
Biology 26 59 *) *) *) *)
German 114 1245 2,1 (02) 06 (2,6) L 2,1 (02) 06 (2,6) L
Mathematics 64 483 2,5 (02) L 03 (3,3) 2,5 (02) L 03 (3,3)
Elementary Social Studies and Science
SP8: Labor-Economy 5 54 1,8 (02) 07 (3,3) L 1,8 (02) 07 (3,3) L
SP: Biology 12 271 1,8 (00) L 07 (2,9) L 1,8 (00) L 07 (2,9) L
SP: Geography 10 175 2,2 (00) L 07 (3,2) 2,2 (00) L 07 (3,2)
SP: History 8 126 2,1 (02) 07 (3,3) 2,1 (02) 07 (3,3)
SP: Physics 3 17 *) *) *) *)
SP: Politics 4 66 2,2 (02) 04 (2,6) 2,2 (02) 04 (2,6)
Sports 24 351 2,0 (02) 06 (2,7) 2,0 (02) 06 (2,7)
Bachelor of Vocational Education10
Biology 21 128 2,1 (03) 07 (2,6) 2,1 (03) 07 (2,6)
Health sciences 55 260 2,1 (02) 07 (2,8) L 2,1 (02) 07 (2,8) L
Cosmetology 37 46 *) *) *) *)
Nursing Science 43 56 *) *) *) *)
Social Education 18 144 1,8 (00) L 07 (2,9) 2,2 (04) (07) 3,0
Sports 27 132 2,1 (00) L 07 (2,7) L 2,1 (00) L (07) 2,8 L
Two-subject Bachelor11
English/English 86 361 2,3 (00) 02 (2,8) L 2,3 (00) 02 (2,8) L
Biology 84 320 2,4 (05) 02 (2,9) 2,4 (05) 02 (2,9)
Education Science 78 193 *) *) *) *)
Geography 100 269 *) *) *) *)
German studies 136 496 2,6 (02) L 02 (3,0) L 2,6 (02) L 02 (3,0) L
History 92 269 *) *) *) *)
Mathematics 72 214 *) *) *) *)
Political science 30 101 *) *) *) *)
Sociology 42 158 *) *) *) *)
Spanish 60 98 *) *) *) *)
Sports 38 397 1,9 (02) L 06 (2,9) L 1,9 (02) L 06 (2,9) L
Master of Arts
Education Science 15 75 1,6 1,6
International migration and
Intercultural relations
30 131 1,3 1,3
Political Sciences (DRZG) 30 49 *) *)
Master of Science
Business administration 50 214 2,8 2,8
Biology 40 *) *)
SP: General Biology 10

SP: Evolution, behavior
and ecology

SP: Cell and
Molecular Biology
Soil, water, contaminated sites 30 55 *) *)
Economics 12 39 *) *)
26 267 72.5 points 72.5 points
45 723 72.5 points 72.5 points

Applicants for undergraduate Bachelor's degree programs with a higher education entrance qualification pursuant to Section 18 (1) No. 3 NHG (Professional qualification quota) could all be admitted for the winter semester 2020/2021.


1ZZ = Admission number
2Todetermine the procedural grade, see link in the general explanations.
3Waiting period = is the number of semesters after obtaining the higher education entrance qualification in which the applicants were not enrolled at a German higher education institution.
4Awardingwithin the framework of the  DoSV procedure
5 *) = All applicants could be admitted.
6L = lot in case of equal ranking
7D/L = If there is an equal ranking, priority will be given to those who belong to the group of persons according to Article 8 Paragraph 1 of the State Treaty and have completed a period of service. If there is still a tie, the decision is made by lot.
8SP = specialization
9Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule)
10Vocational Teacher Education
11 Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) and qualifying for single-subject Master's degree courses, among others