Five international students in summer clothing cross a street in front of the Osnabrück University castle building. Two people are walking with their bikes.
© Simone Reukauf

Exchange Studies at Osnabrück University

Osnabrück University has numerous partner universities all over the world. Every year, many exchange students from various partner universities abroad come to Osnabrück to study here for one or two semesters. The application and admission requirements for exchange students are less complex than those for other international students. In the following, you will find all relevant information. For further questions, exchange students from partner universities can contact the  International Office.

Students who have not been nominated as part of  an exchange programme and do not come from a partner university are not subject to these regulations – even if they only spend part of their studies in Osnabrück and do not graduate here. Instead, they can apply for a  Short-Term Study Programme as a Freemover.

Three people stand in front of a railing with a view over the rooftops of Osnabrück. One of them is wearing a headscarf.
© Simone Reukauf

Courses offered in English

Here you can find courses offered in English for students on exchange programs at Osnabrück University.

An exchange study program at Osnabrück University is possible if a corresponding contract with the home university exists. If this is not the case, international students can complete a  Short-Term Study Programme as a Freemover at Osnabrück University.

In contrast to regular international applicants, exchange students from partner universities do not have to take a German language test and do not need a university entrance qualification valid for Germany. Exchange students only need to be nominated by their home university for a study stay at Osnabrück University and can then apply to study in Osnabrück.

Once you have been nominated for an exchange programme and have received our first information e-mail, you must apply via  Online application and then e-mail the PDF application form to the International Office via in order to officially apply as an exchange student.

Please note: When you log into the online application for the first time, you must register with your name, e-mail address and a password of your choice. You can then log in with your e-mail address and password. Please use the Firefox browser and complete the form strictly from top to bottom!

Application deadlines

By July 1

for the following winter semester, which begins in October

By January 1

for the following summer semester, which begins in April

Exchange students from partner universities can apply for a room in the student dormitory of the Osnabrück Student Services (Studierendenwerk Osnabrück) via the International Office. The monthly rent is approximately between €250 and €350. Special support is available for international students in the student dormitory:  residence tutors help them to settle in quickly.

Furnished rooms are currently available in the following student dorms offered by the  Osnabrück Student Services (Studierendenwerk Osnabrück): Alte Fabrik (Jahnplatz), Jahnstraße, Leggeweg, Lüstringer Straße, Salzmarkt, Sedanstraße, Ziegelstraße.

International Office

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Phone: +49 541 969 4599
Fax: +49 541 969 4495


The  Online application (PDF, 203 kB) for a room in a student hall of residence must be send to the Student Services Osnabrück before the application deadline.

IMPORTANT: Please ONLY use the online application form on this website and NOT the one on the website of Student Services Osnabrück!!!

Residence rooms can only be rented for six months at a time, i.e.

  • from October 1 to March 31 for a winter semester
  • from April 1 to September 30 for a summer semester

If you spend a full academic year at Osnabrück University as an exchange student, you will receive an offer from the Student Services Osnabrück to extend your tenancy in good time. This  Information sheet (PDF, 228 kB) (German and English) summarizes relevant information regarding accommodation in the student dorms.

Application Deadlines

By January

1 for the following summer semester (start: April)

By July 1

for the following winter semester (start: October)


When you arrive in Osnabrück, you will need to pay a deposit for your room. This deposit currently amounts to €600. The deposit will be refunded if you leave your room in good condition at the end of your stay.

Cancellation of rent

If you are unable to come to Osnabrück for any specific reason, you should inform the International Office as soon as possible. If you have already signed a rental contract, the International Office and the Student Services Osnabrück will try to find a new tenant for your room. Please note that you will be liable for the loss of rent if no new tenant can be found.

Alternative: open housing market

There is only a certain number of places available in the halls of residence and an application is no guarantee for receiving one of the highly coveted dormitory places. You should therefore apply as early as possible for a place in a hall of residence and, if required, gather more informed about alternatives on the open housing market.

Signposts with signs indicating the languages English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
© Oliver Boehmer bluedesign -

Housing glossaries and dictionaries

Which formalities need to be complied with in order to obtain a valid residence permit for studying in Germany? You can find all relevant information under  Visa and residence.

Semester Fee

Prerequisites for enrollment as an exchange student are the payment of the semester fee and proof of statutory health insurance (see insurance).

Like all other students, exchange students from  partner universities of Osnabrück University pay a semester fee for each semester. However, their contribution is slightly lower as they do not have to pay the administrative fee (€75 per semester).

Your semester fee currently amounts to approx. €290 and consists of contributions to the  Student Services Osnabrück, the   Student Self-Administration and  Semester Ticket. The semester ticket entitles you to free travel on Osnabrück buses and many regional trains operated by Deutsche Bahn, Nordwestbahn and Westfalenbahn.

The exact amount and the bank details of Osnabrück University will be sent to you in an information email after the application deadline.

Bank Account

As an EU citizen, you do not necessarily need to have a German bank account, but you can use the account of your home bank if it accepts SEPA direct debits from abroad. This is required for rent payments to the  Student Services Osnabrück if you have rented a room there.

If you are a non-EU citizen, you will need a German bank account to pay your rent, insurance premiums, etc. You can either open an account online or make an appointment to open an account during the Welcome Week. You will be asked about this in our arrival survey.

Health Insurance

Exchange students from EU countries

Students from the EU are generally exempt from compulsory health insurance if they have an EHIC. However, this exemption must be confirmed by a German health insurance company. Please send a copy of your EHIC to a German statutory health insurance company. Inform the health insurance company that you will be studying as an exchange student at Osnabrück University for the upcoming semester and ask for an electronic notification to Osnabrück University, quoting the following sender number H0001356.

Exchange students from non-EU countries

Students from non-EU countries need health insurance that is equivalent to the German statutory health insurance. In principle, the benefits offered by statutory health insurance companies (and the monthly costs) are very similar. If you need a blocked account in addition to health insurance, you can find more information on  Blocked Account Germany.

Students from countries that have a social security agreement with Germany can submit corresponding proof to a statutory health insurance company (e.g. Turkey A/T 11).

Liability Insurance

Students are not covered by liability insurance as part of their enrollment. Osnabrück University does not cover any liability claims, e.g. for bicycle accidents or theft of and damage to borrowed equipment. It is therefore recommended that all students take out private liability insurance  to cover these cases.

Further information

Further information on compulsory health insurance and recommended liability insurance can be found under  Insurance for international students.

Our Welcome Week for new international exchange students for the Summer Semester 2025 will take place April 7 to 12, 2025. During this time you can expect a varied programme of information events, city and campus tours and get-togethers. For more information, see the detailed  Welcome Week Flyer for International Exchange Students (PDF, 487 kB).

Certificate of Attendance

We can provide you and your home university with a confirmation of the time you spent studying at Osnabrück University. Please take the form to the  International Office before you leave. According to the guidelines of the European Commission, the end of your stay is not the date of your actual departure, but the end of your last examination, lecture period or course. Please note that we cannot issue this document earlier than 5 days before the end of your stay!

Transcript of Records

If you intend to have your academic achievements at Osnabrück University accredited at your home university, please collect your results before you return home and send them to the International Office. We will then issue a "Transcript of Records" containing all your courses, grades and credits.

Deregistration in Osnabrück

Before you leave the city for good, deregister at the Citizens’ Registration Office of the City of Osnabrück Your residence permit loses its validity after deregistration! Therefore, if you intend to travel within Germany or to other countries in the Schengen area after leaving Osnabrück, do not deregister until the day of your final return home.

Deregistration from Osnabrück University

You will also need to deregister from Osnabrück University at the Admissions Office. This is called "exmatriculation". After completing the exmatriculation, your residence permit becomes invalid! Therefore, only de-register for the date on which you are actually going home (possibly including travel in Germany / other Schengen countries). You can also de-register at an earlier point for a date in the future. The latest possible date is March 31 (Winter Semester) or September 30 (Summer Semester). Please complete the  De-registration form (PDF, 151 kB).

Cancellation of health insurance

In case you have obtained a German health insurance, you need to cancel it when you depart. For this, you need the de-registration certificate from the Admissions Office (see the section on "Deregistering from the University"). This de-registration certificate must be send alonside a letter of cancellation to your health insurance company via e-mail.

Closure of the bank account

No matter at which German bank you opened a bank account: We strongly recommend that you close your bank account to avoid unnecessary fees. To do this, contact your bank and inquire about possible termination options.

Moving out of your apartment or student residence

If you live in private accommodation, please ask your landlord on how to organize moving out of your room.

If you live in a room provided by the Student Serices Osnabrück, please schedule an appointment with the janitor at least two weeks before you move out to hand over your room on a weekday.


Kathrin Beermann, M. Sc.

Foto Kathrin Beermann, M. Sc.
International Office

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/E05
Office hours: Di: 13:30-15:00h, oder nach Vereinbarung

 +49 541 969-4722

Sabine Jones

Foto Sabine Jones
International Office

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/E04
Office hours: Mo 14-15:30, Thu 10-12 and on request.

 +49 541 969-4599

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