Quality Plus & Innovation Plus
The "Quality Plus" and "Innovation Plus" projects were funded by calls for proposals from the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture.
Quality Plus - Program for the development of tomorrow's studies
In the subjects French, Spanish and Italian, teaching quality is to be improved through an online module for autonomous language learning, digital tools for the preparation and follow-up of courses, a blended learning seminar on intercultural learning and videos of real lessons in didactic seminars.
Applicants and participants: Prof. Dr. Mark Bechtel (project leader), Johanna Fricke and Lara Dittmann (research assistants)
Institute/(study) subject: School of Language and Literary Studies - Institute of Romance Studies/Latin Studies
iLbeS has set itself the goal of systematically integrating the development of media skills into the training of prospective teachers at vocational schools and, building on this, offering various digital teaching and learning formats in the degree courses.
Applicants and parties involved: Prof. Dr. Birgit Babitsch, Prof. Dr. Ursula Walkenhorst
Institute/(study) subject: School of Human Sciences - Institute of Health Research and Education
Digital higher education didactic formats in teacher training - implementation of a gamification strategy in vocational education teaching
The aim of implementing the gamification concept is to break up the traditional structures of a Bachelor's seminar and use playful elements to improve both the motivational dimension for students and the quality and attractiveness of teaching. Based on a blended-learning approach, the platform developed for this purpose will be integrated into the learning management system.
Applicants and parties involved: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bals, Miriam Burfeind (M.Sc.)
Institute/(study) subject: School of Educational and Cultural Studies, Institute of Education - Vocational and Business Education
A learning environment is to be developed and tested in order to implement the didactic concept of the inverted classroom more easily and to increase individual teaching and learning as well as the practical participation and personal responsibility of students. Specifically, experience pools and best practices as well as tools for online self-tests, simulation of algorithms etc. are to be provided.
Applicants and parties involved: Prof. Dr. Michael Brinkmeier, Prof. Dr. Elke Pulvermüller, Dr. Tobias Thelen
Institute/(study) subject: School of Mathematics/Computer Science
The development and implementation of digital teaching and learning tools aims to improve the learning processes and conditions as well as the acquisition of professionally-oriented media skills for all student teachers and to facilitate access to scientific study content.
Applicants and parties involved: Prof. Dr. Andreas Brenne, Prof. Dr. Christina Noack
Institute/subject: Center for Teacher Education
Flipped classroom concepts are being developed and implemented for the major undergraduate courses in Information Systems, which also increase flexibility: While online learning content is made available, the basic concepts learned can be deepened and applied in interactive face-to-face events.
Applicants and participants: Prof. Dr. Uwe Hoppe, Christin Voigt, Linda Blömer
Institute/(study) subject: School of Business Administration and Economics
Innovation plus 2022
MythLab_OS: Communicating and clarifying current myths and misinformation in the multimedia age with the help of scientific experimental settings
The project aims to improve students' skills in dealing with digital media, evaluating content, reflecting on the use of individual Internet sources and communicating current, socially relevant topics (e.g. energy crisis, climate change, mobility) in a way that is appropriate for the target group.
Applicant: Prof. Dr. Marco Beeken
Institute/(subject): School 05, Didactics of Chemistry
The plan is to set up an audio library, initially for the lecture "Introduction to Tax Law", which will enable first-year students of tax law to link the aspects of individual areas of tax law discussed in the podcasts according to their knowledge, interests and needs and thus to explore these topics from different perspectives, including interdisciplinary ones.
Applicant: Prof. Dr. Steffen Lampert
Institute/(study) subject: School 10, Institute for Constitutional, Administrative and Economic Law
With reference to the compulsory and compulsory elective module "Artificial Intelligence" of the Bachelor's degree program in Cognitive Science, an adaptive online learning environment for reading scientific texts is to be further developed as an AI application example that can also be used outside the degree program. The planned AI learning environment should combine existing (external and own) OER content and enrich it with local references and a variety of tasks for the application example.
Applicant: Dr. Tobias Thelen
Institute/(study) subject: School 08, Institute of Cognitive Science
Innovation plus 2021
"Musical Education in Near'n'Peer Review" is an innovative, digital seminar format based on the review process. Students review themselves in a local community and are reviewed by this community. On a weekly basis, individual students upload anonymously created papers or screencasts on seminar-specific content and topics related to music education to a distribution platform, which randomly distributes the papers to three other fellow students from the community. These review the papers and then send them back to the authors anonymously via the platform. Ratings visible on the platform for papers or screencasts as well as for reviews create incentives or nudges to continuously improve the quality of the papers to be submitted as well as to develop an appreciative culture of criticism, which is particularly important in the teaching profession and when dealing with children and young people.
The innovative seminar format aims to promote cooperative and communicative learning, strengthen collaboration skills, practice independent and constructive criticism in preparation for examination situations and optimize teaching through digitalization. Furthermore, the Near'n'Peer Review is intended to implement a new university didactic format in existing university teaching-learning forms.
Applicant: Prof. Dr. Dorothee Barth
Institute/(subject): School of Educational and Cultural Studies, Institute of Musicology and Music Education
New technologies and virtual reality (VR) in particular are rapidly gaining in importance, and not just in sport. Teaching and learning movement in and with VR offers diverse, previously untapped potential for individualized forms of (movement) learning, especially in settings with heterogeneous groups. VR allows learners to immerse themselves in a three-dimensional movement space. This not only allows them to view their own movement from all sides, but also to experience the movement of an expert in order to imitate it and thus achieve faster learning progress.
The aim of the project "Teaching and learning movement in and with VR" is for prospective sports teachers to learn how to use new technologies in the teaching and learning of movement. By means of research-based teaching and a direct link between theory and practice, VR is to be experienced first-hand and its use under heterogeneous conditions in (school) sport is to be reflected upon. The focus is on the acquisition of practice-relevant skills for prospective sports teachers in the four areas of research, analysis, visualization and reflection. Based on a jointly developed state of research in the field of virtual (movement) teaching and learning systems, students gain insights into the recording and analysis of movement over the course of learning as well as the visualization of movement in VR as a target-oriented means for learning and training processes. On this basis, individualized forms of teaching and learning movement in and with VR as a response to different educational requirements in (school) sports such as performance levels or potential for improvement are critically reflected on the basis of opportunities and limitations.
Applicant: Junior Professor Dr. Cornelia Frank
Institute/(subject): School of Educational and Cultural Studies, Institute of Sport and Exercise Science
Making music in ensembles is of great importance in current music education, which is why lessons in ensemble conducting, which ideally correspond with musicological analysis of works, arranging and stylistics and composition, are anchored as a compulsory module part of the degree course. However, the greatest challenge of the teaching-learning situation in orchestral conducting lessons in particular is that, unlike in instrumental lessons or academic courses, only the most minimal real-life experience and practice situations can be created for the students. No orchestra is prepared to make itself available for the preparation of a student conductor; on the contrary, it always expects an optimally prepared conductor. Professional conducting and orchestral pedagogical skills are indispensable if musicians in school or amateur orchestras are to be motivated, encouraged, introduced to work analysis and convinced of the musical director's interpretation. A new interactive and flexible learning, practice and analysis concept with a permanently installed station for conducting simulation is intended to provide a remedy.
Applicant: Dr. Claudia Kayser-Kadereit
Institute/(study) subject: School of Educational and Cultural Studies, Institute of Musicology and Music Education
While until the end of the 19th century, pieces of music could only be notated on paper and performed live with acoustic musical instruments or an ensemble/orchestra, new possibilities for recording and reproducing sound have gradually been added since then (from wax cylinders to records and computers). The associated possibilities for producing music have also changed considerably. This has been reflected at the Institute of Musicology and Music Education (IMM) for over 30 years in a course on "Apparative Music Practice", in which students design and realize their own sound production, among other things. The special significance of the event is underlined by the fact that the most convincing work is awarded annually in a university-wide ceremony (Kinzler Prize). This is to be fundamentally expanded to include the possibility of "object-based music production" (OBM). In concrete terms, this means that musical objects (instruments, sounds, people, etc.) can be freely placed and used in a virtual or augmented (acoustic) environment ("virtual or augmented reality"). As virtual environments are playing and will continue to play an increasingly important role in the field of music, the course is to be comprehensively and permanently expanded accordingly.
Applicant: Prof. Dr. Michael Oehler
Institute/(subject): School of Educational and Cultural Studies, Institute of Musicology and Music Education
Innovation plus 2020
The project, which is being carried out jointly by the Institute of Islamic Theology (IIT) and the Language Center (SPZ), aims to provide targeted support to students, especially in the BA entry phase, in acquiring the academic language German according to their heterogeneous requirements and thus prepare them for the linguistic requirements in the professional fields of theology and school. This is done with the help of language acquisition-conscious course design, which includes flexible digital learning opportunities and other research-based measures for language-conscious teaching, such as the implementation of blended learning concepts for academic language reading and writing in introductory courses with high attendance rates.
Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bülent Uçar
Institute/(study) subject: School of Educational and Cultural Studies, Teaching Unit Islamic Theology
The training of teachers for vocational schools requires the systematic acquisition of media skills, and not only due to current social developments. At the Institute of Health Research and Education at the School of Human Sciences, this requirement is supported from various perspectives and is to be further expanded through the project "StadiL - Startklar für digitales Lernen und Lehren" (StadiL - Ready for Digital Learning and Teaching). In three consecutive teacher training courses in the professional disciplines of Nursing Science, Health Sciences and Cosmetology (BA and MA), the e-portfolio is to be used as a new digital element as a form of examination in the joint course "Fundamentals of Digital Teaching and Learning", which is offered as a lecture in the 2nd Bachelor's semester. In addition, the course will be supported by tutors who will accompany the students in the process of self-reflection on their own digital learning and provide them with assistance in self-reflection through systematic questions. The common objective of both learning strands is the development of media competence, which is also measured by the newly introduced examination format of the e-portfolio and is used in the school field of action.
Applicant: Prof. Dr. Ursula Walkenhorst
Institute/(study) subject: School of Human Sciences, Health Sciences teaching unit
The STUDYPEDIA Basic Concepts Wiki is to be developed on the basis of a pilot project in the lectures on European legal history. Parallel to the lectures and seminars, a wiki will be set up with editorial support from the project team, which will provide articles written by the students on central learning content. The articles created in the wiki are discussed - in the lecture and in a weekly video jour-fixe - and further improved based on the feedback. The result is made available online as a text in the STUDYPEDIA Basic Concepts Wiki. In addition, students will record a video podcast for each article.
Applicant: Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
Institute/(study) subject: School of Law, Teaching Unit Law
The project aims to improve students' acquisition of skills, including independence in setting up and planning experiments, developing solutions, agility in experimentation, the use of digitalization and production tools, goal-oriented work and critical analysis of measurement results, i.e. overall improved teaching of independence in experimental research. The project pursues the innovative approach of offering students an experimental platform based on free hardware and tools from the MAKER movement as part of the "Applied Physics / Hands-on Physics" teaching module, which allows them to independently set up and understand complex measuring equipment and experiments. Arduino® or Raspberry Pi mini-computers will be used to control experiments, laser cutters for material processing and 3D printers for component production, as well as the open, graphical programming interface Node-RED. Technical content will be taught in the form of lectures, while basic knowledge of the use of free hardware will be taught in workshops. The task of the project is to compile selected experimental kits based on the key topics of measurement technology, sensor technology and spectroscopy, to prepare customized teaching and workshop units and to develop an associated task catalog.
Applicants: Prof. Dr. Mirco Imlau , Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Harneit, Prof. Dr. Marco Beeken
Institute/(study) subject: School of Physics, Physics teaching unit
Innovation plus 2019
The project aims to promote core mathematical skills in Business Administration and Economics through tutorials and advanced online examinations in the Mathematics for Business Administration and Economics module.
Applicants: Prof. Dr. Hanna Döring, Prof. Dr. Matthias Reitzner, Prof. Dr, Alex Salle, Prof. Dr. Joachim Wilde
Institute/subject: FB 06, Mathematics and FB 09 Business Administration and Economics
This project focuses on the development, testing and evaluation of e-learning materials (Open Educational Resources) for the attraction of student teachers and the professional skills development of prospective teachers in school education courses of the "core curriculum for teacher education".
Applicants: Prof. Dr. Christian, Reintjes, Kathi V. Thönes M.Ed.
Institute/(subject): FB 03, Education Science