Gender Equality

The Equal Opportunity Office offers a comprehensive range of advisory and support services in the area of gender equality, which is open to all students, employees in science, IT and administration as well as all professors. On the pages listed here you will find further information on the individual services and the contact persons for your concerns.

In addition to personal advice, we also support the university in implementing its gender equality and equal opportunities mandate at a structural level. We are also happy to work with you to develop tailor-made measures for the specific needs of your institution.

Gender Equality at the UOS

Find out more about the gui­ding prin­ci­ples as well as the history of gender equality measures at UOS.

 Our Principles

 History & Successes

TIN* Consulting

Trans*, inter*, non-binary and agender mem­bers of the UOS can get ad­vice on chan­ging their name and gender entry.

Sexual Harassment

In cases of gender-based dis­cri­mi­nation or sexu­a­lized harass­ment, those affec­ted are suppor­ted by qua­li­fied advisors.

Gender Consulting

The Equal Oppor­tu­nity Repre­sen­tative advises on vari­ous equa­lity issues at the decen­tral and pro­ject level as well as on indi­vi­dual career decisions.

EmpowHer for Female Leaders

Become part of the empowHer Network for female pro­fessors and mana­gers in IT and admi­nis­tration.

EmpowHer for Students

Benefit from the work­shops and ex­change for­mats of the empowHer Pro­gram for FLINTA*  students.

EmpowerMINT FB06

Network with other female PhD students and post­doc­toral resear­chers in the STEM field.

All-Gender Bathrooms

All-gender bathrooms are not yet avai­lable through­out the campus. In order to give as many people as possi­ble access to the sani­tary faci­li­ties in which they feel com­for­table, we are pro­vi­ding you with an up-to-date list of bath­room faci­li­ties that are acce­ssible to all genders:

 Mensa Schlossgarten | Building M: all sanitary facilities

 Mensa Westerberg | Building M-W: all sanitary facilities

 Student Government | Building 08: all sanitary facilities

 Student Center | Building 53: all sanitary facilities

 Altes Kreishaus | Building 41: 41/B05 (integrated barrier-free WC)

Since June 1, 2022, newly built uni­ver­sity buil­dings in Lower Saxony must have at least one all-gender bath­room.

Free Period Products

Osnabrück Uni­ver­sity pro­vides free period pro­ducts in the ante­rooms of the follo­wing sani­tary faci­lities:

 Alte Münze University Library | Building 10: Ladies' toilet on the 1st floor

 Extension Building | Building 15: Ladies' toilet on the first floor

 Student Center | Building 53: All-gender toilet on the first floor

 Westerberg Library | Building 96: Ladies' toilet by the cafeteria