Equality Controlling
At Osnabrück University (UOS), strategic controlling is a centrally embedded task within Centralized Reporting Office. It contributes to displaying essential processes and structures on the basis of key figures (e.g. study place occupancy, external funding). In the context of gender equality measures it is very important to use relevant key figures and findings in order to be able to depict real situations, highlight development potential and achieve progress in equality policy as well.
Equality Controlling is being fundamentally built up and established at UOS with the help of the Gender and Diversity Controlling project (funded by the "Professorinnen-Programm", a joint initiative of the federal government and the federal states to increase the numbers of female professors at German universities). Equality Controlling is located at the interface between the Equal Opportunity Office and Centralized Reporting Office. With the help of a monitoring system (yet to be developed), key figures and indicators will in future be made available via an online self-service to executives, persons entrusted with gender equality tasks and interested parties at UOS.
Content, Objectives and Offers of Equality Controlling
A solid database is the foundation for valid key figures and indicators as well as for carrying out further analyses. In cooperation with the Centralized Reporting Office at UOS, this database is being established with a view to gender and diversity data. Building on this, specific analyses will be conducted taking into account challenges within gender equality policy and intersectional perspectives (in planning). The main objective of the project is to develop an equality scorecard (GleichScoreCard), which contains important key figures and indicators on the topics of science and research, studies, university management and academic self-administration. This scorecard enables more precisely targeted interpretations of equality data, shows potential for development in terms of gender equality policy at UOS and is intended as a low-threshold offer of information in order to facilitate the access to the analysis of equality data.
Furthermore, quality management is being further expanded with the help of Equality Controlling. Monitoring processes that have already been implemented (e.g. for appointment and hiring processes, counselling and equality measures) are being expanded in order to provide improved evaluation and interpretation.
Based on the knowledge gained from the analyses, information will be provided (e.g. equality data and indicators, classification of results, visualizations and text components). In the future, these can be accessed in the monitoring system (yet to be established). In addition, individual counselling will be offered to members of the university for specific inquiries or the need of further equality data.
The Gleichstellungskonzept für Parität (Concept for Gender Parity) (PDF, 5.21 MB)provides an overview on existing equality measures as well as a comprehensive analysis of current gender equality data at UOS. It highlights successes already achieved and existing potential for development in the UOS's equality work based on an analysis of strengths and weaknesses.
The representation of women at the various qualification levels and other top (academic) positions at UOS is examined over the course of recent years and in the various subject groups. The analysis is based on quantitative data collected as part of the university statistics and internal data sources provided by the UOS Centralized Reporting Office and analyzed by the Equality Controlling. The focal points of the analysis include a trend analysis of the last five years (2017-2022) and an analysis of the current representation of women at UOS for the reporting year 2022 overall and differentiated by subject group.
This shows that the proportion of women among students and graduates has remained stable in recent years at an average of 59% and 66% respectively. Parity has been achieved for W1 professorships in recent years, but women are still significantly underrepresented at higher career levels (W2 and W3 professorships). At the same time, there are large differences in representation between the subject groups. The concept for gender parity sets out important goals to be achieved by 2035. Among other things, the proportion of women among professors (overall) is to be increased from the current 30% to 40%.
The concept for gender parity was positively evaluated as part of the"Professorinnen-Programm", a joint initiative of the federal government and the federal states, and received the "Gleichstellung: ausgezeichnet" award.
The development of the equality scorecard is the current goal of the project. As soon as the first results (open to the university public) are available, you will find them below.
For additional analysis of student data by gender, you can access the cohort progression analysis (offered by Centralized Reporting) on UOS Internal. Here you can, for example, track the whereabouts of women during their studies.
University Ranking by Equality Aspects 2023 (CEWS)
Gender Monitoring. A Guide for Universities (BuKoF)
Equal Opportunities Monitor in Science and Research (GWK)
Equal Opportunities Monitoring of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Contact Persons
Dr.in Jennifer Weßeler (she/her)

Phone: +49 541 969-4281
Room: 52/510
Equal Opportunity Office
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück
Short Bio: Jennifer Weßeler
Annkatrin Kalas, M.A. (she/her)

Phone: +49 541 969-4520
Room: 52/505
Equal Opportunity Office
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück