Lottery Procedure

A lottery procedure for study spots in the first semester in degree programs with restricted admission only takes place if the  regular allocation procedures have been completed and not all available spots could be allocated.

Registration for the lottery procedure

Applications in the lottery procedure are only possible via the  application portal of Osnabrück University and during the specified application period.
The application period will be announced at short notice on the website.

Please note the following information:

  • A lottery procedure in a subject/course only takes place if all applicants have been admitted via the main and waiting list procedures and there are still places available. If you have already applied for a subject in the regular procedure, you do not need to apply for this subject in the lottery procedure.
  • If you did not get a place in the First State Examination in Law in the main procedure via Hochschulstart, you can apply for a place in the lottery procedure directly via the  Osnabrück University application portal.
  • The requirement for participation in the lottery procedure is a proof of a suitable university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur, master craftsman's examination or similar). Proof must be uploaded to the application portal while applying as part of the lottery procedure.

  • If you are applying for a spot on a Master's degree program, please note the relevant  access and admission regulations for the desired degree program.

  • The following applies to Bachelor's degree programs (two subjects): If applicants are awarded a spot in the lottery procedure, it is only possible to combine Bachelor's degree programs (two subjects) with a subject without admission restrictions, with a subject for which the applicant is already enrolled at Osnabrück University or with another successful lottery place for Bachelor's degree programs (two subjects).

  • Admission and rejection is decided by the lottery. If you are admitted, you will receive a letter of admission.
  • Rejection letters are not issued.
  • Admission by lottery is not transferable to other persons.