Looking past the heads of two students. A lecturer is giving a lecture. In the background is a fully written blackboard and a presentation is projected onto the wall above it.
© Simone Reukauf

Teaching: An Overview

Teaching at Osnabrück University is characterized above all by innovative teaching approaches and a particularly broad range of digital teaching options.

The central service provider for the provision of digital technologies as well as accompanying advice and support is the  Center for Digital Teaching, Management and Higher Education Didactics (virtUOS).

The  Centre for Teacher Training is responsible for all aspects of teacher training that need to be clarified and organized on an interdisciplinary basis.

Further information for teaching can also be found on the pages of the  Schools and Institutes.

AI in Studies and Teaching

Here you will find  Practical Recommendations!

Our Topics

Our Professorships

A tabular overview of our professorships!

Digital Teaching

All virtUOS offers around digital teaching!

University Didactics

Current trends and developments in teaching!

Tutorial Work

Current programs for the qualification of tutors!

Taking Teaching Further

Innovative teaching projects and our LehrKolleg!

Prize for Good Academic Teaching

With this award, Osnabrück University and the Hans Mühlenhoff Foundation encourage teachers in their commitment to good teaching!

Quality Development and Management

Qualification and quality objectives, teaching evaluation, graduate studies, accreditation and establishment of study programs!

Erasmus+ Mobility of Teachers

ERASMUS promotes guest lectureships at European partner universities and teaching activities by foreign company personnel at German universities!

Teacher Training

Teacher training is an important topic at our university. As the central point of contact, the Center for Teacher Training (ZLB) deals with all aspects of teacher training.


Interesting facts about and for lecturers: Here you will find information about the requirements for a teaching assignment and link tips on various topics.

Link Tips

University Library

Click here for the services of our university library. In addition to the analogue collection, there are also numerous licensed electronic media that all members of the university can use free of charge.

University Archive

Thanks to the personal and spatial connection between the University Archive and the Lower Saxony State Archive (Osnabrück Department), extensive research opportunities on modern university and academic history in Osnabrück and the region can be found here.

Video "Experimenting in Physics Lessons"

The film presents the seminar "Experimenting in physics lessons", in which the Teacher Education students develop, conduct and reflect on short lessons with experiments.