Tenure Commission
By participating in the federal-state program for the promotion of junior academics ("Tenure Track Program"), the University has undertaken to establish and involve an interdepartmental committee in the decision on the granting of tenure track. The Tenure Commission was created for this purpose in accordance with §§ 29, 30 of the Appointment Regulations (BerO). This instrument makes it possible to transfer temporary professorships into permanent positions in the sense of a tenure track.
The Tenure Commission consists of three permanent members of the Osnabrück University faculty. These should come from the humanities, social sciences, economics, law and natural sciences and are appointed by the Presidential Board on the recommendation of the Senate in agreement with the Equal Opportunities Officer (§ 30 para. 1 sentences 1, 2 BerO). For each procedure, the school executive board appoints three additional members to the tenure committee in agreement with the Presidential Board. Two of these must be relevant external academics. The third member should belong to the group of university lecturers of the respective school (Section 30 (2) BerO).
(term of office until March 31, 2028)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Menzel-Riedl (President)
Permanent members Group of university lecturers
Prof. Dr. Peter Schneck / School of Language and Literary Studies
Prof.in Dr. Martina Juhnke / School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke / School of Law
Representatives of the group of university lecturers
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kunst / School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Christian Ungermann / School of Biology/Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Mary-Rose McGuire / School of Law