Studying abroad
If you are planning to study abroad, you should initially address a few general considerations:
- Why do I want to study abroad, what do I want to achieve?
- When would be the best time for me to go abroad? (In general, studying abroad is recommended after the 4th semester at the earliest.)
- Where or in which country would I like to study?
- What language skills do I need or can I acquire before I go abroad?
- Which options do I have (e.g. exchange programs, Erasmus, free mover)?
- What funding options are available?
It is also important that you start gathering all necessary information about one to one and a half years prior to your intended stay abroad. This will give you enough time for an informed decision-making process, the application and, if necessary, applying for suitable scholarships (deadlines!).
Exchange studies within the framework of university partnerships
These are central exchange programs (cooperation at university level; overseas and Europe) that are accessible to all students enrolled at Osnabrück University. You can find an overview of the current exchange places in the exchange programs database if you filter for "International Office (Hochschulebene)" under "Fachbereich".
Advantages: You first apply directly to the International Office. If your application is successful, you generally pay no tuition fees at the partner university and only pay reduced tuition fees in exceptional cases!
Exchange studies within departmental partnerships (incl. Eramus+)
Only students from the respective department can apply for these places (TIP: If you are studying within two or more departments, you can also take a look at the places offered in each of these departments).
These exchange opportunities are divided into the exchange places within the Erasmus+ program and the exchange places offered by your department within the framework of cooperation between departments outside the Erasmus+ program.
Advantages: You first apply directly in your department. In case of a successful application, you pay no tuition fees at the host university if you are placed within the Erasmus+ program and receive a monthly Erasmus mobility grant. If you receive an exchange place outside the Erasmus+ program, you will pay no tuition fees or, in exceptional cases, significantly reduced tuition fees.
You can find an overview of the current exchange places within the Erasmus+ program and the departmental cooperations outside the Erasmus+ program in the exchange programs database by filtering for your department under “Fachbereich”.
Individually organized stays abroad (free mover)
Alternatively, you can organize your stay abroad yourself!
Advantage: You can study at a university of your choice, e.g. if there is no exchange agreement with this university.
Disadvantages: You have to take care of all the organization yourself and also pay the tuition fees or secure funding, e.g. via a scholarship.
If you want to apply to a foreign university without participating in a program, you must request the necessary information and documents directly from the chosen university. If you are not planning to complete a degree abroad, i.e. only want to spend one or two semesters there, you should definitely apply as a "non-degree student". You might then pay lower tuition fees in some cases and may be subject to a simplified application procedure.
In the further course of planning and especially for the application and financing of your stay abroad, it is important that you always keep the above-mentioned different ways to study abroad in mind!
Contact persons at the International Office
Take advantage of the information events organized by the International Office. We are also happy to advise you by phone, e-mail or in the online consultation hour!
Online consultation hours
Here you can access the virtual consultation hours of Beate Teutloff (Wed 2 pm to 3:30 pm, Thu 10 am to 12 pm) and Laura Rohe (Wed 2 pm to 3:30 pm, Thu 10 am to 12 pm).
Note on online consultation hours: Please wait after entering the Big Blue Button room until you are invited to the virtual consultation hour. Access to the room is granted on first come, first served terms. There may be waiting times for online consultation hours.
Consultation is also offered via e-mail at any time.