First State Examination in Law
The training to become a fully qualified lawyer consists of two parts: The degree course and the clerkship.
In accordance with the standard period of study, the university course lasts ten semesters and ends with the First State Examination in Law. With this examination, graduates also receive a diploma (Dipl. Jur.).
During the two-year clerkship that follows, trainee lawyers go through various compulsory and optional stages in the individual training phases. At the end of the preparatory period of service prior to qualifying for the teaching profession, you will take the Second State Examination in Law.
Once you have successfully completed both stages of training, you will be qualified as a fully qualified lawyer (assessor) for the judiciary, for the higher general administrative service and to work as a lawyer.
You can find the regulations and requirements that are relevant to your legal studies under Regulations for the First State Examination in Law.