Central Commission for Research Ethics (KFE)
The Central Commission for Research Ethics (KFE) of the Senate advises the academic institutions of Osnabrück University on general questions of research ethics and on the self-image of Osnabrück University as laid down in § 1 paragraph 2 of the constitution (GO). It provides assistance to members and affiliates of the University by advising and assessing ethical and legal aspects as well as the information and transparency obligations listed in § 1 a GO. It works continuously on concepts for the implementation of normative and practical standards of scientific ethics at the University.
(term of office until 31.3.2025/26)
Prof. Dr. Peter Schneck / School of Language and Literary Studies
Staff group
Rüdiger Rolf (member of the Senate) / virtUOS Center
Lara Höttecke / School of Language and Literary Studies / Promos
MTV Group
Stefan Fangmeier / University Library
Student group
Jannik Hoferichter