Studying With a Disability and Chronic Illness
Are you interested in studying at Osnabrück University or are you already enrolled and looking for information on studying with a disability or chronic illness? Welcome to the page of the representative for your concerns.
You can contact the Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses with any questions you may have about studying with disabilities.
Basic information about studying at Osnabrück University
Hardship application for application and admission to studies
In cases of exceptional hardship, admission to a degree course can be granted without taking into account the regular selection criteria for a degree course with restricted admission. However, the prerequisite is that the applicant has particularly serious reasons that make it necessary to start the degree program immediately. Possible reasons are defined in more detail by the university and can be viewed in the section Allocation of study places in cases of exceptional hardship. In total, up to two percent of prospective students can be admitted to an admission-restricted degree program via the hardship regulation. The hardship application is submitted as an informal application when applying for a place. The regular application deadlines apply.
Compensation for disadvantages in study and examination achievements
Compensation for disadvantages - what is it?
Compensation for disadvantages is an instrument enshrined in law to ensure equal opportunities for participation in studies and to avoid discrimination. The legal basis can be found in the Basic Law, the Higher Education Framework Act and the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act. Compensation for disadvantages is intended to ensure that students with disabilities can complete their studies within the scope of their own possibilities. Compensation for disadvantages is not a "privilege". They compensate for the disadvantages of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses with regard to examinations and course certificates on an individual and situation-specific basis.
Who can apply for compensation for disadvantages?
If you are studying and have a long-term (more than 6 months) health impairment which means that you are unable to demonstrate your skills and knowledge under normal conditions or are unable to do so to a sufficient extent. In these cases, compensation for disadvantages could be an instrument to create equal opportunities for examination performance.
How do I apply for compensation for disadvantages and what do I need?
In principle, you can submit the application informally. For easier communication, we recommend using the application for compensation for disadvantages (PDF, 62 kB). You should address the application to the chair of the examination board. In it, you explain why it is more difficult for you to complete your studies and/or examinations as a result of the impairment or disability.
You must submit the application BEFORE the examination, ideally at the beginning of the semester, which makes it easier to organize in good time (e.g. separate room, additional supervision). It is best to submit the application as soon as you know in which subjects you have to take examinations. For multi-subject courses, you must always submit an application for each subject - one application for all subjects is not sufficient. The application must be accompanied by a medical certificate.