
There are various organizational units and people at Osnabrück University to whom you can turn with your questions about health and get advice:

All people, whether with or without a disability or chronic illness, should have the same rights and opportunities. Osnabrück University, and in particular the Representative Body for Severely Disabled Persons, is committed to this - and to combating disadvantage/discrimination. The University's Representative Body for Severely Disabled Persons offers advice and assistance on all issues relating to disability and chronic illness. If you encounter barriers at the university or feel disadvantaged or unfairly treated due to your disability or chronic illness, please contact us.

 Representatives at the UOS

Osnabrück University's company medical service is available to Osnabrück University employees for all health issues. Confidential advice can be obtained on topics such as pregnancy, ergonomics in the workplace or mental stress. Health issues that go beyond the workplace are also well catered for here. The company medical service also offers occupational health check-ups and vaccination advice. Special expertise is available in the fields of allergology, environmental medicine and the respiratory tract.

 Contact persons in the company medical service

Maintaining and promoting health and thus preventively ensuring, maintaining and improving a health-promoting working environment are among the goals of company integration management (BEM). BEM also accompanies and supports employees when they return to work after a longer break due to illness.

Contact person

Burghard Ilgener

Fachbereich 5: Biologie/Chemie

Barbarastraße 11
49076 Osnabrück

Room: 61/106

 +49 541 969-2709

Working in front of a screen for hours on end can quickly lead to health problems such as tense shoulders or back pain and thus to illness. Preventive strategies that improve ergonomics in the workplace are particularly effective here. With ergonomics advice, we encourage employees to take responsibility for their own health and advise them on healthy posture, which can prevent back pain and tension. Our colleagues in the  Occupational Health and Safety and Hazardous Substances Management department and our  company doctor will be happy to answer any questions about ergonomics in the workplace.

All people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc. should have the same rights and opportunities. Osnabrück University, and the Equal Opportunities Office in particular, is committed to this - and to combating discrimination. The University's Equal Opportunities Office offers advice on all issues relating to diversity. If you encounter barriers at the university or feel disadvantaged or unfairly treated due to your gender, origin, age, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity or other socio-cultural criteria, please contact us.

Offers in the area of  equality &  diversity

A flu vaccination is offered every year by the company doctor. There is no charge for this. This is the vaccination against seasonal flu. Please remember to bring your vaccination card with you if you would like an entry. In addition, all interested parties will be offered advice on their general vaccination protection.

IMPORTANT!!! Vaccinations are offered free of charge by the company medical service if indicated by occupational medicine. If you have any questions about other vaccinations, the  company doctor will be happy to help and advise you. Up-to-date protection against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio is particularly important.

In the day-to-day work within a team, differences of opinion can arise from time to time. Occasionally, conflicts arise which are perceived as stressful by the people involved. Physical or psychological complaints can occur as a result. It can therefore be helpful to talk to a neutral third party in confidence or to involve them in discussions.

The following contact person at Osnabrück University will be happy to help you with these questions:

Pia Freiermuth


Neuer Graben 29/Schloss
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 14/E12

 +49 541 9694327

The confidential advice and service Ncare offers all employees of the state support in the event of personal and professional stress that affects their health or ability to work. Ncare provides advice on psychosocial issues and, if necessary, arranges therapy and rehabilitation services.

 Further information on the Ncare service

Whether it's an office workstation, laboratory or lecture hall - university members can save resources, avoid pollutants and thus protect the environment everywhere. And this decision not only has an impact on the environment, but also on health. Taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator not only saves energy, but you are also doing something for your health.

Our "Greening the University" section shows many ways of actively and healthily protecting the environment at the university.

Our environmental coordinator will also be happy to advise you personally on topics such as "Green Days", "Green IT" and much more.

Jutta Essl

Foto Jutta Essl
Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Nelson-Mandela-Straße 2
49076 Osnabrück

Room: 95/107a

 +49 541 969-2242

Working, having a career or studying with a child and/or relatives in need of care - is that possible? As a family-friendly university, Osnabrück University is committed to helping employees, professors and students reconcile family, studies and career and is available to provide advice and support. In the event of unplanned bottlenecks or absences in childcare, for example, the emergency childcare service for children of working parents is available to provide short-term support from a qualified caregiver.

The Equal Opportunities Office also regularly organizes information events on topics such as "Care", "Pensions" and "Balancing family and career". You can find the offers for current events in our biannually changing further education program.

 to the family service of the Equal Opportunities Office

 to the further education and training events