
Specialization in flowers and ornamental plant cultivation

Job description

Osnabrück University trains future gardeners specializing in ornamental plant cultivation in the Botanical Garden.

The Osnabrück Botanical Garden is located on the Westerberg and covers an area of approx. 6 hectares. The eight propagation greenhouses contain different plant collections. They are only open to the public with a guided tour. There is also a tropical house that is freely accessible to the public. The Botanical Garden has a large variety of plant species and is a member of the TAG - Top Ausbildung Gartenbau training initiative.

What do gardeners do?

The training mainly takes place in the greenhouses. Two trainees are employed, each in different years of training. The practical training focuses on basic horticultural activities such as plant cultivation and plant care.

In plant cultivation, the trainees carry out the most economical propagation method for the plant species and select the components and composition of the required growing media. They plan and carry out the further necessary cultivation steps, taking into account the plant-specific requirements and development times, depending on operational possibilities and the time of year. Among other things, they use and monitor the climate control technology in the greenhouses in order to achieve good growing conditions.

A small shovel is stuck in a raised bed surrounded by green plants.
© Michael

When caring for plants, they fertilize according to the plant species and stage of development using the required fertilization method, the correct fertilizer composition and fertilizer concentration to ensure the supply of nutrients. They also carry out plant protection measures when pest thresholds are exceeded in compliance with plant protection regulations. They determine the pest and its existing antagonists, the necessary biological or chemical control method while protecting the beneficial organisms, as well as the frequency and timing of the measures.

In summer, work is often carried out outdoors, as potted plants, for example, have to be cared for outside from May to October. The propagation of tropical and subtropical plants plays a decisive role. Horticultural work is carried out on plants from a wide range of climates (e.g. from cacti from desert regions to tropical orchids). There is a very large variety of plants in a very small space. The aim is to work independently. In the course of their training, trainees are assigned their own plant areas. This includes, for example, the planning, cultivation and care of summer flowers.

Young woman in the background examining some cacti and other plants that grow in very dry, hot environments.
© David Ebener

Impression of the vocational training in horticulture (in German)

How is the vocational training structured?

The apprenticeship usually lasts three years.

In the first year of training, vocational school lessons take place on two weekdays, in the second and third year of training on one weekday. As gardener training also includes dealing with customers and producing plants according to business management principles, trainees must complete a three-month internship in a commercial enterprise in each year of training. In addition, there is inter-company training in the form of courses (approx. three to four courses). These usually last one week and take place in the Bad Zwischenahn area.

The trainees keep a report booklet. Here, for example, activities carried out by the trainees themselves, the weather conditions and vocational school times are recorded. The report booklet also contains a herbarium.

After approximately half of the training period, an intermediate examination takes place to determine the level of knowledge. The training ends with the final examination to become a gardener. The examination is divided into a written, practical and oral part.

What requirements do I need to fulfill?

At least a secondary school leaving certificate. Enjoy working with plants and have a good eye for the processes of life in nature, combined with manual skills. As the practical training takes place both in the greenhouse and outdoors, you need to be able to withstand the tropical heat in the greenhouse as well as the wet and cold outdoors; you also need to be sociable with customers and visitors.

What further training opportunities are there?

Master gardener:

The master craftsman examination can be taken after passing the final examination and gaining at least three years of professional experience. Attending a one-year technical college (master school) is recommended as preparation.

State-certified technician:

Prerequisite is at least two years of professional experience after completing training as a gardener. The examination can be taken after attending a two-year technical college (technical school).

Degree course:

e.g. in horticulture, landscape architecture / landscape conservation or landscape ecology / environmental protection (prerequisite: entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or A-levels/Abitur).

Where can I find more information?

 BERUFENET of the Employment Agency

Contact person

Thomas Ahr

Fachbereich 5: Biologie/Chemie

Barbarastraße 11
49076 Osnabrück

Room: 61/106

 +49 541 969-2709