Endowed Professorship

Endow a prestigious professorship!

  • Program: Endowed professorships have been used at Osnabrück University for many years for the strategic development of research foci, which are (co-)financed by a donor for a specific period of time - usually five years. The endowed professorship is an important instrument of private commitment to the promotion of science and scientific progress. With an endowed professorship, you make a significant contribution to building the profile of our university.
  • Formalities: Donors can be commercial enterprises, private individuals or non-profit funding organizations. The endowment can be processed via the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. Once the financial support has expired, the professorship can be continued on a permanent basis if it is in line with the University's structural planning. Endowed professorships do not differ from other professorships in terms of rights and obligations. They are filled via a regular appointment procedure and are not bound by the founder's instructions.
  • Procedure: If you are interested in endowing a professorship at the university, we would be delighted if you could approach the university management or the school and arrange a meeting to get to know each other. The scope of funding, the funding period, the name and much more are the subject of individual cooperation agreements between your foundation or company and Osnabrück University or the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft.
The image shows a man in a black suit and a striped tie, standing and smiling while leaning on a railing in a modern architectural setting with large columns and a bright interior.
© Schöning Fotodesign

Why I donate to Osnabrück University:

ROSEN stands for cutting-edge technologies to protect people and the environment - these are developed by top employees. We have therefore been involved as a sponsor since 1995 in order to further expand and strengthen scientific expertise in north-western Germany. Our endowed professorship for artificial intelligence is intended to make this technology applicable to SMEs so that our region can benefit from the transfer of knowledge.

Patrik Rosen, representative of the owner family, ROSEN Group

Endowed professorships mediate between science, business and society in a special way

  • Sponsors of an endowed professorship support the further development of research and teaching in areas relevant to them, promote networking and contribute to the training of highly qualified junior staff. On the basis of a long-term partnership, you help to create scope for our university to expand its areas of focus, open up new fields of research and sharpen our profile in national and international competition.
  • Endowed professorships promote the transfer of research results into practice and at the same time ensure that they are fed back into science. Everyone benefits equally from such fruitful networking and intensive exchange. Future topics can be strategically advanced through the program of an endowed professorship and the innovation location Germany and especially the Osnabrück region can be strengthened in international competition.

Ongoing funding

The composition of our endowed professorships reflects the forward-looking and interdisciplinary research landscape of our university!

Would you like to support a field of research that is particularly close to your heart and are interested in establishing an endowed professorship? We look forward to hearing from you!

Your personal contact

Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger
© Hermann Pentermann
Vice President for Research, Social Dialog and Outreach

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/105 (Castle)

Phone:  +49 541 969 4101