
Application for de-registration

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 Application for de-registration - can be filled out online (PDF, 138 kB)

Contribution refund

Reimbursement of fees paid (including the Deutschlandticket for students) is only possible if the  application for de-registration (PDF, 138 kB) is submitted within one month of the start of lectures. Please note that you can only take examinations (written examinations, oral examinations, submission of theses) if you are enrolled. You do not have to be enrolled for the correction phases.


It is expressly pointed out that your membership of Osnabrück University ends when your de-registration takes effect. From this point in time, your right to use the Deutschlandticket for students or to use your student ID card or study certificates for concessions also expires. Failure to do so will make you liable to prosecution under the German Criminal Code.

The Campuscard must be handed in at the same time as exmatriculation takes effect.

Information from other bodies

In order to avoid additional payments or reclaims, you should inform other offices (e.g. BAföG office, Federal Employment Agency, child benefit fund, health insurance fund) of your exmatriculation immediately in your own interest.


An examination procedure that has been initiated is not interrupted by de-registration. If you have registered for an examination procedure or are already in one, please contact the relevant Examination Office before submitting your application for de-registration. Failure to attend registered examinations will result in failing the examination and, in the case of the last repeat attempt, the final failure of the entire degree program.

§ 8 Exmatriculation on own application

(1) 1Studentsmay be de-registered at any time by submitting an application via the Osnabrück University student portal. 2TheCampuscard must be submitted to the Admissions Office or will be blocked by the University.
(2) 1Exmatriculationshall take place at the time requested or, unless otherwise requested, at the end of the current semester. 2Retroactivede-registration is excluded except in the cases of § 6 paragraph 1.
(3) If the application for de-registration is submitted before or within one month of the start of lectures in the University's student portal and the analog Campuscard is submitted to the University's Admissions Office within this period, the fees and charges paid for the semester will be refunded to the last account paid into. In the case of the digital Campuscard, Osnabrück University must block it immediately after the application has been submitted.

§ 9 Exmatriculation for special reasons

(1) Students are to be de-registered if
1. they have passed a final examination or
2. they have definitively failed an examination or final examination that is mandatory under the applicable examination regulations or
3. in a degree program with admission restrictions, the withdrawal of the admission decision is incontestable or immediately enforceable and the students are not enrolled in any other degree program or
4. enrolment in a degree program was limited in time or made dependent on the occurrence of certain events (resolutory condition), upon expiry of the deadline or, if the student is responsible for this, upon the occurrence of the resolutory condition; enrolment in other
degree programs, partial degree programs or study programs remains unaffected.
(2) 1A student whofails to re-register after a reminder with a deadline and threat of de-registration or fails to pay semester fees, fees and charges due in accordance with § 4 paragraph 3 no. 4 shall be de-registered at the end of the current semester. 2Sentence1 shall apply accordingly if any long-term tuition fees are not paid after the condition subsequent in accordance with Section 19 (6) No. 2 NHG.
(3) 1Studentsmay be de-registered if facts become known or occur after enrolment which would have justified the refusal of enrolment. 2Thisalso applies if supervision in a discontinued degree program, partial degree program or study program has expired; enrollment in other degree programs, partial degree programs or study programs remains unaffected.