Language Skills
For some degree programs, sufficient knowledge of the following languages must be demonstrated as an access requirement in accordance with the respective admission regulations.
Bachelor's degree programs (one subject)
Language level B2
- Cognitive Science (Bachelor of Science)
- Psychology (Bachelor of Science)
- Business Administration and Economics (Bachelor of Science)
Bachelor's degree programs (two subjects)
Special language requirements - please note the admission regulations for the subject English Studies in the Bachelor's program
- English Studies/English (Dual-Subject Bachelor; Bachelor of Education and Teaching; Bachelor of Vocational Education)
Language level B2
- Economics (Dual-Subject Bachelor)
- Business Administration and Economics (Dual-Subject Bachelor)
Language level B2
- Romance Language and Literature/French (Dual-Subject Bachelor; Bachelor of Education and Teaching)
qualifying examination in Latin
- Latin Studies (Dual-Subject Bachelor)
Required language level
Here you can find information on recognized language tests for English and French. The proof of language proficiency can be found in the respective access regulations.
International Students
Other regulations may apply for international students! Details can be found under Requirements for international prospective students.
Single-Subject Master's Degree Programs and PhD Program in Nanosciences
Sufficient language skills must be demonstrated for almost all single-subject Master's degree programs and the doctoral program Nanosciences.
Specific information can be found in the respective admission regulations for the single-subject Master's degree programs and in the admission regulations for the PhD Program in Nanosciences.
Master's Degree Programs for Primary and Secondary Teacher Education (Grund-, Haupt- und Realschule)
Knowledge of a foreign language, proven by
- the "Abitur" certificate or a certificate of access to higher education recognized as equivalent or
- at least a passed in the respective language confirmed in the certificate of the extended lower secondary school leaving certificate after four years of teaching or
- equivalent certificates from a higher education or an adult education institution.
Knowledge of English language according to the relevant admission regulations (PDF, 411 kB) and
knowledge of another foreign language, proven by
- the "Abitur" certificate or a certificate of access to higher education recognized as equivalent or
- at least a passed in the respective language confirmed in the certificate of the extended lower secondary school leaving certificate after four years of teaching or
- equivalent certificates from a higher education or an adult education institution.
French language skills at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and
Knowledge of a foreign language, proven by
- a continuous four-year foreign language course (Extended Secondary School Certificate I) or
- corresponding achievements or qualifications, for example language level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Proof of knowledge of French is regarded as fulfilled with a completed Bachelor's degree in French or an equivalent previous degree.
Master's degree program for Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)
Language skills in two foreign languages, proven by
- the "Abitur" certificate or
- at least a passed in the respective language confirmed in the certificate of the extended lower secondary school leaving certificate after four years of teaching or
- a certificate of completion from an adult education institution or
- successful participation in a course at a higher education institution which has at least provided knowledge according to point 2 or
- Certificates of at least two years of attendance at a foreign school in the respective language.
Knowledge of English according to the relevant admission regulations (PDF, 411 kB) and
Knowledge of another foreign language, proven by
- at least four years of continuous foreign language instruction (extended lower secondary school leaving certificate) or
- corresponding achievements or qualifications, for example the achievement of language level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
qualifying examination in Latin (or subject-related knowledge of Latin) and
proven knowledge of Greek or Hebrew, demonstrated by
- Graecum (or subject-related knowledge of Greek) or
- Hebraicum (or subject-related knowledge of Hebrew)
If the required knowledge of Greek or Hebrew and Latin has not yet been proven at the beginning of the Master's degree program, proof can be provided by the time the application for admission to the Master's thesis is submitted.
French language skills at level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and
Knowledge of another foreign language, proven by
- four years of continuous foreign language instruction (extended lower secondary school leaving certificate) or
- corresponding achievements or qualifications, for example language level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
Proof of knowledge of French is regarded as fulfilled with a completed Bachelor's degree in French or an equivalent previous degree.
qualifying examination in Latin and
Knowledge of a modern foreign language, proven by
- four years of continuous foreign language instruction (extended lower secondary school leaving certificate) or
- corresponding achievements or qualifications, for example achievement of language level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
qualifying examination in Latin (or subject-related knowledge of Latin) and
proven knowledge of Greek or Hebrew, proven by
- Graecum (or subject-related knowledge of Greek) or
- Hebraicum (or subject-related knowledge of Hebrew)
If the required knowledge of Greek or Hebrew and Latin has not yet been proven at the beginning of the Master's degree program, proof can be provided by the time the application for admission to the Master's thesis is submitted.
qualifying examination in Latin and
Graecum and
Knowledge of a modern foreign language, proven by
- four years of continuous foreign language instruction (Extended Secondary School Certificate I) or
- corresponding achievements or qualifications, for example achievement of language level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Spanish language skills at level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and
Knowledge of another foreign language, proven by
- four years of continuous foreign language teaching (Extended Secondary School Certificate I) or
- corresponding achievements or qualifications, for example achievement of language level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Proof of knowledge of Spanish is regarded as fulfilled with a completed Bachelor's degree in Spanish or an equivalent previous degree.
Master's degree program for Vocational Teacher Education
Knowledge of English in according to the relevant admissions regulations (PDF, 411 kB).