Interdisciplinary committees for teacher training

Founded in 1974, Osnabrück University is one of the largest teacher training locations in Lower Saxony. With more than a quarter of the student body, teacher training is a mainstay of Osnabrück University. As the degree programs Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule), Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule), Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) and Vocational Teacher Education (Realschule) are offered across departments, it is also necessary to discuss interdisciplinary topics, develop strategies and make decisions, for which the following committees exist, among others:

Board of the Center for Teacher Education (ZLB)


The Executive Board

  • plans and coordinates the tasks of the ZLB and decides on all matters concerning the ZLB, unless the regulations stipulate otherwise or it delegates the tasks to other committees or to the Staff Unit for Teacher Education,
  • initiates measures to improve communication and cooperation between the teacher training subjects,
  • develops framework concepts for teacher training and its degree programs,
  • is responsible for the implementation of interdisciplinary areas including the organization of internships,
  • coordinates overarching issues relating to student advisory services,
  • is responsible for the conceptual development of further education and training courses for teachers and in particular the further education program of the Competence Center for Teacher Training (KOS),
  • maintains national and international contacts with other universities and teacher training institutions,
  • can develop and organize central events, lecture series, symposia, etc,
  • develops offers to promote networking among student teachers and to provide them with an interdisciplinary platform for exchange and organization,
  • participates in the coordination between the three training phases (universities, study seminars, further training),
  • prepares resolutions of the Senate on
    • Examination regulations for teacher training courses, including internship regulations and
    • admission and access regulations for interdisciplinary degree courses in the area of teacher training,
  • advises the university management and other responsible committees at central and departmental level and
  • reports to the Senate and the General Assembly on the activities of the ZLB at least at the end of an election period.

(in accordance with the resolution of the Senate on 22.1.2025)

Members qua office

  • Vice President for Studies and Teaching
  • Dean of Studies for the interdisciplinary aspects of teacher training (in an advisory capacity)

Elected members

  • Four persons from the group of university lecturers
  • one person from the group of academic staff
  • one person from the group of technical and administrative staff
  • one person from the group of students

Current members
(still in office on an interim basis)

Members of the group of university lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Marco Beeken, Prof. Dr. Eva Gläser, Prof. Dr. Christina Noack, Prof. Dr. Christian Reintjes

Deputy members of the group of university lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Michael Brinkmeier, Prof. Dr. Janika Grunau

Member of the group of academic staff:


Deputy member of the staff group:
Tobias Koch, Kathi V. Thönes

Member of the MTV group:


Deputy member of the MTV group:
Petra Schröder

Member of the student group:

Yannick Balke

Deputy member of the student group:
Katharina Kosubek

General Meeting of the ZLB


The General Assembly

  • proposes the members and deputy members of the Executive Board to the Senate for election,
  • proposes the members of the Central Study Commission for Teacher Education to the Senate for election,
  • discusses measures of the ZLB that affect the respective subjects,
  • advises the Executive Board in the performance of its duties in accordance with § 1, in particular
    • on fundamental questions of study and teaching in teacher training,
    • in setting priorities for the ZLB,
    • in the planning of central events, lecture series, symposia, etc.
  • accepts the report of the Executive Board.
  • proposes a person to the Senate for election as Dean of Studies for the interdisciplinary parts of the teaching-related degree programs.


The members of the ZLB are

  • the full-time teachers of Education Science, Educational Psychology and Didactics
  • the representatives for teacher training of the other subjects involved in teacher training (basic sciences, teaching subjects, vocational subjects)
  • other members involved in teacher training or members of Osnabrück University who are appointed by the schools or subjects to represent the school or subject in the General Assembly of Members
  • Members of the Central Study Commission for Teacher Education and the ZLB Board from the student group and the MTV group for the duration of their term of office

The holders of the didactics professorships and the heads of the cooperative study programs at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences are co-opted members of the ZLB without voting and election rights.

The members of the ZLB form the General Assembly.

Central Study Commission for Teacher Training (ZKL)



  • advises the Dean of Studies and the Board of the Center for Teacher Education (ZLB) on all interdisciplinary matters relating to teaching, studies and examinations in the "core curriculum for teacher education" (KCL) and in the practical components of teacher training courses,
  • advises the "Central Commission for Studies and Teaching" (ZSK) on resolutions regarding interdisciplinary regulations for teacher training degree programs and
  • is actively involved in improving the quality of teaching and the range of courses offered in the KCL.



  • Dean of Studies for the interdisciplinary aspects of teacher training

Further members:

  • two persons from the group of university lecturers
  • one person from the group of academic staff
  • three persons from the group of students

Current members

Members of the group of university lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Eva Gläser, Prof. Dr. Sonja Nonte

Deputy member of the group of university lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Sven Thiersch

Member of the group of academic staff:

Dr. Marianne Schneider

Members of the group of students:

Daniel Becker, Alexej Eisner, Julia Kroll

Deputy members of the student group:
Katherina Kosubek, Alice Mense, Linus Otten, Jennifer Vette