Schools und Institutes

At Osnabrück University, more than twenty institutes and their teaching units are grouped into eight schools. They offer more than 170 attractive and future-oriented degree courses. In total, around 1000 university lecturers and research assistants do research and teach in the schools.

Schools at a Glance

Research Centers

In research, Osnabrück University is characterized by the combination of scientific disciplines from different schools. Thinking outside the box is practiced in the Research Centers.

The CEDER research center continues the long-standing tradition of research into early childhood education and development at Osnabrück. Researchers from the School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics, School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences, School of Educational and Cultural Studies, School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics, School of Language and Literary Studies and School of Human Sciences are further expanding Osnabrück University's research strength in the field of early childhood education and development both nationally and internationally . CEDER works closely with the "nifbe e. V." association via a cooperation agreement in order to combine the transfer and networking activities at the location. The association is responsible for the five regional transfer offices.

a child playing a board game. In the background you can see other children
© Gasteiger, Hedwig

The interdisciplinary Center for Cellular Nanoanalytics aims to promote the development of interdisciplinary methods for use in cell biology research. Scientists from over 30 working groups from various fields of natural sciences, mathematics and cognitive sciences are involved in this Research Center. The research building of the same name offers the CellNanOs working groups a tailor-made laboratory and large-scale equipment infrastructure for interdisciplinary cooperation projects. The aim of such collaborations is to stimulate new methodological developments for research into cellular micro-compartments and to ensure targeted application to biological issues. The focus here is on state-of-the-art imaging methods of light and electron microscopy with the highest spatial and temporal resolution, as well as (nano-)bioanalytical techniques to elucidate the composition and interactions of biomolecules and their structure and dynamics .

Das Bild zeigt ein modernes, dreistöckiges Gebäude mit einer hellen, strukturierten Fassade. An der Gebäudeseite ist der Schriftzug "CellNanOs" angebracht. Die Fassade weist viele große Fenster auf, die mit vertikalen Lamellen versehen sind.
© Hermann Pentermann

The IKFN is dedicated to interdisciplinary research into the early modern period (ca. 1500-1800), making it one of the few German research institutions to explicitly focus on this period. Nine disciplines cooperate at the IKFN to provide the most multi-faceted picture possible from different perspectives: history, German literature, Romance studies, English/American studies, Latin studies, art history, musicology, Protestant theology and Catholic theology.

The picture shows two women studying old books in a white, modern room. Both are wearing white gloves and working at a table with special bookends to hold the books. The woman on the left is reading a small book, while the woman on the right is concentrating on a larger, open book
© Manfred Pollert

IMIS is an interdisciplinary and interfaculty Research Center at Osnabrück University. Since the early 1990s, IMIS has focused its academic interest on the diverse aspects of spatial mobility and intercultural encounters in the past and present. Through its basic research, its publications, its public events and the academic advisory activities of its members, IMIS aims to contribute to the consolidation and networking of interdisciplinary work and to the dialog between academia and practice. Thanks to its many years of research expertise and an interdisciplinary breadth that is unique in Germany, the IMIS is today a nationally and internationally renowned and recognized research institute.

The picture shows the façade of a modern building with large glass windows. Above the windows is the lettering “IMIS” in red letters. The building has an interesting architecture, with a curved part and visible stairs within the transparent structure.
© Manfred Pollert

Changes in environmental systems, the resulting problems and their solutions are the focus of the work of the Institute of Environmental Systems Research. It develops interdisciplinary concepts and methods at the interface between the natural and social sciences. Research focuses on the analysis and modeling of social-ecological systems, mathematical biology and ecology, environmental exposure and risk analyses, management of water resources and social transformation processes towards sustainability.

The picture shows several people walking towards a historic building. The building has a stone facade and large windows. There is a large green shrub in front of the building
© Manfred Pollert