University News

This is where we keep you up to date with current events at Osnabrück University! If you have any suggestions for topics, please contact the  Communication and Marketing Team.



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our young adults are gathered around a laptop. The group appears engaged and collaborative, discussing ideas and sharing notes.
© Simone Reukauf

Digital accessibility: survey for students

The Lower Saxony joint project "souver@n" is inviting people to take part in a survey until March 24. It is about digital accessibility. One of the aims is to raise awareness of barrier-free digital teaching.

Eiene Person sitzt in der Mensa, vor ihr steht ein Tablett mit Essen
© Lukas Gruenke

Canteen action week "Boundlessly delicious"

From March 17 to 21, Osnabrück Student Services invites you to the "Borderless delicious" campaign week. Guests can look forward to dishes from our neighboring countries of the Czech Republic, Austria, France and the Netherlands!

A person is standing in a laboratory. She is holding a plastic container with a small plant in it and looking at the plant.
© Vanessa von Kortzfleisch

Cutting-edge research with liverwort from UOS

An international team has decoded the genetic material of representatives from over one hundred ecotypes of the liverwort. Among them: Prof. Dr. Sabine Zachgo — and moss plants from the Botanical Garden of Osnabrück University.

Prof. Zander steht im Innenhof des Osnabrücker Schlosses. Er hält eine Mappe in der Hand un lächelt in die Kamera.
© Jens Raddatz

Appointed: Dr. Benjamin Zander

Osnabrück University congratulates Prof. Dr. Benjamin Zander! Since March 15, 2025, he has held the professorship "Sports Science with a focus on Sport and Society".



At least on of the selected rubrics needs to match: