Become an Expert in Sustainability
Become an expert in sustainability! Environmental protection and sustainability issues are key areas of study at Osnabrück University. Get to know them!
Why study sustainability?
In degree programs that deal with sustainable topics, you will learn for a better future! You can use your knowledge to help companies develop sustainable alternatives or take the climate into account when making economic decisions. At university, you will learn to reflect on your scientific knowledge on a social and global level. The topics of sustainability, environmental protection, CO2 emissions and social responsibility are becoming increasingly important in politics and business. That's why a degree in sustainable subjects will equip you for the future and give you good prospects on the job market!
Master Programs
Economics - Master of Science (focus on Sustainability, Behavior and Environmental Policy)
Nanosciences - Materials, Molecules and Cells - Master of Science
Environmental Systems and Resource Management - Master of Science
Combine subjects
Do you like to think outside the box? For an interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree, you will find a selection of clever subject combinations in the dual-subject Bachelor's degree program here!