The Senate of Osnabrück University consists of 19 members with voting rights. Ten members of the Senate belong to the university teachers' group, three members each belong to the staff group, the MTV group and the student group. Senate members are elected directly by group, their term of office begins on April 1 of each year and lasts two years; that of the student members is one year. The members of the Executive Board, the deans and the Equal Opportunities Officer are members of the Senate in an advisory capacity.
The Senate adopts the regulations, in particular the university's constitution as well as the development plan and the equality plan in agreement with the Executive Board. It gives its opinion on all self-governance matters of fundamental importance, in particular on the establishment, amendment and abolition of schools or faculties as well as the introduction, significant amendment and closure of degree programs. The Senate has a comprehensive right to information from the Presidential Board.
The Senate can form committees and commissions to carry out its duties. Committees are advisory bodies made up exclusively of members of the Senate. Commissions are advisory bodies to which persons who are not members of the Senate may also belong. All status groups must be represented in commissions and committees.
Term of office until 31.3.2025/2026
Prof. Dr. Susanne Menzel-Riedl / President of Osnabrück University
Group of university lecturers Dr. Meike Rühl / School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics Dr. Birgit Babitsch / School of Human Sciences Dr. Martina Juhnke / School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics Dr. Eva Ruffing / School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Robin Steinigeweg / School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke / School of Law Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke / School of Law
Prof. Dr. Martin Steinhart / School of Biology/Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Peter Grundke / School of Business Administration and Economics
Prof. Dr. Andreas Pott / School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ernst Peter Schneck / School of Language and Literary Studies
Staff group
Roswitha Papenhausen / School of Language and Literary Studies
Dr. Peter große Prues / School of Educational and Cultural Studies
Rüdiger Rolf / virtUOS Center
Employees in Technology and Administration (MTV)
Jana Fischer-Klose / Staff Council
Katharina Kröger / Centralized Reporting
Stefan Fangmeier / University Library
Student group
Linus Otten
Nele Schoormann
Valery Koberg