Media and Information Services (Library)

Job description

Osnabrück University trains apprentices for the profession as media and information services specialist with a focus on library services.

The University Library is primarily used to provide academic information, but also for professional work and further education. In addition to students, teachers, researchers and guests of the university, users from other educational institutions as well as citizens of the city and region are also entitled to use the library.

What do media and information services specialists do?

Training content:

  • Procurement and provision of printed and digital media
  • Acquisition and indexing of media, information and data
  • Research in catalogs and databases
  • Service and advice for library users
  • Technical equipment, regulation and repair of the holdings
  • Use of information and communication systems

The training takes place mainly in the media processing and use departments at the Alte Münze Library Center. However, work in the decentralized departmental libraries at Heger-Tor-Wall (Law and Economics Library) and at Westerberg (Natural and Human Sciences, Mathematics / Computer Science) is also an important part of the training.

In media processing, trainees order printed and electronic media from booksellers or on web platforms with e-book offers from various publishers. When the media arrive at the library, they check the delivery and invoice. They create or edit title records for the media to be added to the collection, i.e. they record formal details such as author, title and publisher in the library software. The title record contains all the necessary information to enable users to identify the title in the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) and locate it in the collection.

A book is placed by hand on a filled bookshelf.
© WavebreakMediaMicro -

In the circulation department, the trainees carry out book-related tasks, such as labeling the media with stamps and stickers, which are necessary before the newly acquired media can be shelved in the reading room. At the circulation desk, they accept registrations from new users, check the required documents and enter the relevant personal data into the library system. When lending out media, they record the books issued and returned and re-shelve the returned media. They provide information on the library's user regulations, give information and provide guidance.

A man in the Alte Münze library pulls a book from a bookshelf.
© Simone Reukauf

Impression of vocational training in media and information services (in German)

How is the vocational training structured?

Media and information services specialist is a recognized training occupation under the Vocational Training Act (BBiG). This profession can be learned in the public sector and in the private sector in the fields of library, archive, medical documentation and information and documentation. During the training, both general knowledge required for the profession as well as subject-specific knowledge is taught. There are currently two trainees in different years of training.

The training lasts three years and takes place in the dual system, i.e. theoretical knowledge is taught at the vocational school alongside the practical training in the university library, which can be attended either in Bremen (Europaschule Schulzentrum Utbremen) or in Hanover (Multi-Media Berufsbildende Schulen), depending on how easy it is to reach from home. The course also includes two internships lasting several weeks in related areas (archive and public library). Internships abroad are also possible.

After approximately half of the training period, a written intermediate examination takes place to determine the level of knowledge. The training ends with the final examination, which comprises a written and a practical part.

What requirements do I need to fulfill?

A secondary school leaving certificate is required.

Good German and English language skills, a sense of regulation and systematics, an interest in the diversity of the media world (books, magazines, digital media) and in modern information and communication technology are also important, as is an enjoyment of dealing with people combined with a willingness to act in a service-oriented manner. An internship relevant to your profession is an advantage.

Where can I find more info?

 BERUFENET of the Federal Employment Agency

 MEIN JOB BIBLIOTHEK - A joint project of the library associations

Contact persons

Margret Richter


Alte Münze 16/Kamp
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 10/226

 +49 541 969-4574

Carolin Schwarte


Alte Münze 16/Kamp
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 96/217

 +49 541 969-2551