Our Qualification and Quality Goals
Qualification goals in studies and teaching
The qualification and quality objectives (Q objectives) unanimously adopted by the Senate in 2016 describe the interdisciplinary educational objectives and skills that graduates should acquire through their studies at Osnabrück University as a university-specific mission statement for teaching. Based on the particular institutional and thematic focus areas, a suitable concept was developed jointly by students and teaching staff in a "Q objectives" focus group set up by the Senate.
All qualification goals, which form the prerequisite for the strategic positioning and profiling of the university, should in principle apply to all subjects and schools, but can be of varying relevance and supplemented by their own specific qualification and quality goals.
Only if you clearly define your goals will you know where you want to go. And only then can you measure how far you have already come. Prof. Joachim W. Härtling, former Vice President for Studies and Teaching
The flyer on the Q-goals for studying and teaching (PDF, 266 kB) at Osnabrück University is available here.
Permanent AG Teaching
This working group has been commissioned by the Senate, under the chairmanship of the Vice President for Studies and Teaching, to provide impetus for the further development of studies and teaching, to develop proposals for concrete measures to achieve the qualification and quality goals for studies and teaching at Osnabrück University (Q goals) and to advise and support the subjects in the implementation of the Q goals. Accordingly, the Standing Working Group on Teaching is made up of students, deans of studies, representatives of university didactics and quality management staff.
Qualification goals
Graduates are able to use subject-related scientific theories and methods to assess current developments. They have the ability to familiarize themselves independently with new theories and methods, to reflect on them critically and to apply them in different contexts.
Quality objectives of study and teaching include
- The teaching of (subject-specific) academic content, methods and theories should be comprehensive and should disclose the underlying assumptions.
- The course should be geared towards the acquisition of skills and, in particular, enable intellectual transfer and (self-)reflection as well as the independent development of questions and approaches to solutions.
- Teaching should be closely linked to academic research and equip students with the ability to conduct research.
Graduates recognize the added value that can be gained from an interdisciplinary perspective and are able to communicate and cooperate across (sub-)disciplines on a solid professional basis.
Quality objectives of studies and teaching include
- Subject-based teaching should enable (sub-)interdisciplinary exchange.
- (Partial) interdisciplinary cooperation in research and teaching should be promoted.
- A suitable range of interdisciplinary courses and a broad spectrum of possible combinations of different disciplines in the courses offered should be provided and supplemented by an elective area in the sense of a Studium Generale.
Graduates are characterized by an individual competence profile that enables them to reflect on lifelong learning, especially in the desired professional fields of activity.
Quality objectives of study and teaching include
- The study programs should be designed in such a way that they allow the greatest possible flexibility, polyvalence and choice through a wide range of combination and specialization options.
- Teachers should develop innovative, appropriate and competence-oriented forms of teaching, learning and examinations with the involvement of students wherever possible.
- For a heterogeneous student body, adequate and coordinated information, support and advisory services should be available in all phases of study.
Graduates have further developed their personalities. They are characterized by civic competence, also with regard to the topics of peace and understanding, and assume social responsibility.
Quality objectives of studies and teaching include
- The degree course should enable and motivate personal reflexivity and civic engagement.
- As part of the teaching of personal and social skills, particular emphasis should be placed on teaching intercultural and transcultural skills as well as skills in the areas of gender and diversity.
- The degree program aims to raise awareness of the social dimensions of the subject and the social function and responsibility of science and the importance of good research practice.
Cross-cutting issues
All four qualification objectives include the cross-cutting topics of internationalization and the professional handling of gender and diversity as well as the general goal that the acquisition of a broad spectrum of competencies should significantly shape the mission statement of teaching and learning at Osnabrück University.